Anonymous ID: a9cd34 Jan. 5, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.7721853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3099



Nazis, the Vatican, the CIA. Ok. So even Q anon does not get the facts straight and does not understand the true power structure of the NWO. And Trump is a Mason. Q also pushes the Masonic lies. It is most likely Mossad behind the Q operation and certainly Masons playing the hegelian dialectic. Boy how easily you have been fooled.


Q is no insider. It is a bunch of retard followers of David Wilcock who sold out to Mossad and are running a disinfo operation. You have been duped. Q is fake. You will not listen as you are all part of this epistemic cult bubble. You have not seen the hundreds of Q fails?




Wrong, the CIA disinfo operation is the one running Q anon. You have been duped. It is nicely getting you fooled and trusting in all the SES Obama private army deep state bad actors. How easily you were tricked and fooled. It is no use to show you the evidence of this or give you links to prove what I am saying as you are too brainwashed by this retarded Q operation and the Patriot Soap Box Lies.

Anonymous ID: a9cd34 Jan. 5, 2020, 7:28 a.m. No.7721940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3099 >>1603









Here is who is at the top. The True Power Hierarchy of the NWO.


The Nazi Octogon Illuminati Pharaonic 13 blood line families of Satanists. Their home base is Switzerland.


► This is The Crown Banking cartel which rules over Britain, her commonwealth countries and the US. It runs the 3 City State. This holds a vast amount of wealth stolen during World War I and II. This wealth is in turn within the BIS, the World Bank, inside the Global Debt Facility. Per original treaties this wealth now belongs to humanity but this banking cartel seeks to steal it.


② Next, the Jesuits and the Black Pope which took over the position of The Pope and thus have taken over the Catholic church and the Papacy. Once they were agents of the Vatican and now they have taken over the entire Catholic church. These created the CIA. They are Satanists to the core and work with the secret societies.


③ Next, The Pope which took over Britain long ago, per articles noted. A vast amount of wealth stolen from the planet is held there. The position of the white Pope has now been taken over by The Black Pope, the Jesuit order who have subverted the church from within and turned it into a Satanic organization. You can argue that The Black Pope and the Pope are now item two, one and the same thing. Granted. But they serve the Pharaonic bloodline families of the Illuminati. The Beast Pope is given power by Satan and his Illuminati head in the Nazi Octogon. This Octogon rules over Britain, her Commonwealth countries and the U.S. They run the 3 city state.


④ Next comes Britain, the Queen which is the figure head of The Committee of 300 Black Nobility families. The Queen serves the above.


⑤ Next, all of the above forming the 3 city state.


⑥ Next, the Knights of Malta who run the banking cartel. Add to that the Rothschilds and main banking families. They own U.S. Inc and Congress. This is somewhat a part of the groups above and part also of the Vatican. It is listed separate here for understanding.


⑦ Next, the secret societies which rule together with all of the above. They are also present inside the above orders and are run by the above. They are here listed as some fall inside a lower category.


⑧ Next, the Khazarian mafia of the fake state of Israel. This also rules as created by Britain to extend her power. They also inter-married with the Black Nobility Venetian bankers and then took their power to Britain where they took over Britain via the Nazi Queen. So this group is part of the Crown Banking Cartel. It is used by the above groups to rule over the U.S.


⑨ Next, U.S. Inc. It is a private corporation owned by the Rothschild – Vatican banking cartel, by Britain which is under state capture by this Nazi Crown Banking Cartel. The U.S. also is under state capture, in a state of inter-regnum, martial law and military rule. The Emergency Banking Act suspended the Constitution and thus the current gov is illegit. The elections are a sham and cannot convene in this state under the Constitution.


⑩ Next, the SCOTUS sold-out to the banking cartel and Israel - Britain - the Crown Banking cartel. A specialist in patent theft and more. He implements The Shadow Justice System as noted in my blog.


⑪ Next, the fake President CEO of U.S. Inc. Sold-out to Israel. A puppet. Pushes NWO agenda of 5G, war with Iran. Fake MAGA promises.


⑫ Next, a fake Congress serving Israel and their own pockets. Guilty also of Ukraine crimes.


⑬ Next, governors and elections officials who help rig the elections. My blog describes in detail how the elections are rigged.


⑭ Next the compromised police who serve the banking cartel. This is the Nazi army of immoral agents to carry-out the orders. Included in this the U.S. military also controlled by the Nazi banking cartel.


⑮ Next, fake municipal governments which are private corporations and are governed by the secret societies. They serve the Nazi banking cartel as well.


⑯ Then you have Sheriffs, some sold-out others not. The Vicar generals also rule at the county level.


⑰ You have also the big tech companies which rule in the oligarchy. Social media etc banning conservatives. David Brock and others attacking patriots. You have Facebook and a host of technologies created by the gov and based upon the patent created by Leader Technologies which the government stole, as described in my blog.


At the bottom are the sheep.


They use The Patriot Act – Freedom Act, the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, The 1933 Emergency Banking Act and other such artifacts of Lawfare to wage a war upon Americans. The Civil War never ended. The U.S. is under martial law and military rule. We cannot have mass arrests nor military tribunals until we first restore the Republic.