Anonymous ID: 553267 The Great Pyramids of Egypt, Part I Jan. 4, 2020, 7:46 a.m. No.7712322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2341 >>2352 >>2616 >>5228

This is a post made years ago on a theory on how the pyramids were built and the Nephilin. I find it interesting:




Part I


In ancient times there was a war in the heavens. A very powerful being called called up all The Celestial Beings together and carried on great fight of rebellion against The Eternal Consciousness, the One who reigns supreme over all dimensions. These celestial beings were divided. Those fighting The Eternal Consciousness lost the war however and one third of them were cast away from the temple of the universe. Then came man. Man, an immortal being, dwelled in The Garden of Paradise. In this garden was peace, comfort, tranquility, knowledge of The Eternal Consciousness, safety and bliss. At the gate to this garden stood two heavenly creatures, each carrying a flame of fire in his hands, which he wielded, as it spun it´s flaming fire around 360 degrees in it´s hand, forming a fire gate at the entry to the garden. The fire and flames danced among the rocks and from it rose a Phoenix Bird. This bird was the messenger to the heavens, and it watched over the land as well. Thus the gate was sealed, no man could go in or go out. Also in the garden, the very great powerful being who had led the rebellion in heaven entered into the wisest of all creatures and the two made a pact. The wisest of all creatures then became known as The Wise Cunning Deceiving Creature. One day, this wisest of all creatures came and offered to man the key to life, knowledge, wisdom, life everlasting and power. But this key had been promised by The Eternal Consciousness only to the ones who would overcome The Great Battle. No man could taste of this power until he selected as a proven warrior, chosen for The Destiny and The Calling. Only upon passing this test and calling he would be approved to be given the key not only to earthly power, but the key to the Great Paradise in the Temple of the Universe, where the great Eternal Consciousness lived. But the wisest of all creatures made a promise, a pact. Join me and fight this Global Consciousness, and come take of the key of knowledge and Eternal Life. So man was given the key, not knowing that upon taking it, his very life would be taken from him, for he had not yet been chosen and selected as an approved warrior. So man was expelled from The Garden of Paradise by the two guardian heavenly creatures, at the command of The Eternal Consciousness.


As time went on, man began to roam the earth and had to hunt to survive. Many were the vicious foes, many creatures great and small began to join the wise deceiving creature and follow him. The large Leviathan was there, along with all the giant reptilian species. The wise deceiving creature then built a large army of supporters and used the reptilians on his side as a fighting army. They began to grow great strength. As man roamed the earth, and also grew in numbers, he and his nomads and tribes began to come in clash with the supporters of the cunning deceiving wise creature. But man always prevailed, for in him was the fire of The Eternal Consciousness.


Continued to part II….

Anonymous ID: 553267 Jan. 4, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.7712341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2352



Part II


Over the years, both opposing armies grew in size and number. In those days there were many a beautiful women among the sons of men. The Celestial Beings coveted them, but they had been ordered by The Eternal Consciousness not to touch them nor mingle with man. So The Wise Cunning Deceiving Creature, knowing the Celestial Being coveted them, made a pact with them. He promised them that he would give the Celestial Beings power over all the earth if they rebelled once more with The Eternal Consciousness, as their forces united would guarantee victory over the man who up until this time had crushed all the armies of The Wise Cunning Deceiving Creature. The Celestial Beings possessed great technology. They lived on another plane and dimension. They possessed great mother ships and advanced cities on another parallel dimension, another parallel earth. They had been commanded not to come here but disobeyed the orders and came down to earth with all their high technology, mother ships, and smaller scout ships, and descended upon the land. They came and greeted The Wise Cunning Deceiving Creature, who went on to give them the daughters of men who he had taken into captivity during his war campaigns. These daughters who had been taken captive were the most beautiful of all the men upon the land. So the Celestial Beings married and interbred with the human species, and their children became giants. They grew to great stature and size and became the gods over the land. They promised to all the men on the earth, that if the two opposing armies would join and serve the celestial beings, that they would bring peace and prosperity upon the land. With all their high technology, they began to build and construct great structures, where they could harness the energy of the earth and provide it to all freely. They also devised a way to have the great structures harmonize the frequencies on the earth, and connect in with these harmonizing frequencies and then send out these frequencies over the earth, so that all would be under a state of peace and tranquility. These mega structures we know today as THE PYRAMIDS. So all upon the world were deceived into joining forces with The Celestial Beings. In doing so, they became allies with the enemies of The Eternal Consciousness. There were, moreover, those and many among men who did not join this pact. But by not joining, they were left out of the priviledges of the high technology all the rest of humanity was able to get access to. They preferred to be outcasts of society, and maintain friendship with The Eternal Consciousness, then be great on the earth yet enemies of the same. With time, upon the earth, the giants began to abuse of men, ruling over them with a rod of iron. The Eternal Consciousness became very displeased with this and decided to take action. He came and decided to bring a great flood upon the earth, so as to destroy all the giants and evil men who were on the earth and in rebellion against his commands and who did not appreciate all the things he had done for them, by creating the earth as a garden for all to dwell upon. Man had began to destroy this garden, and violence became the norm over the land. However, those who had lived a simple life, away from all the high technology of The Great Civilization the giants had built, they were told by The Eternal Consciousness to build a large boat, in which they could hide and escape the great flood which was to be brought on by a very large passing body, which would cause all the earth to become flooded. So for many years the nomads worked on building this large boat. It took many years and The Eternal Consciousness waited patiently for them to finish. Once completed, all who were friends of The Eternal Consciousness were ordered to enter the boat. Once they entered, the great floods came upon the land, and all the giants, reptilians, great and small perished in the floods, which covered a great portion of the earth, except the lands where none dwelled. Upon those lands were only primitive Ape species and smaller reptilians, birds and animals. So all the great giants and large species on the earth died in the flood, and all the great technology was put down under the great waters. So The Great Civilization built by the Giants, the descendants of the immortal Celestial Beings, was all destroyed. Only a remnant of the children of the Giants remained, and they were protected from the flood as well. As time went on, a new civilization needed to be built. But man had to start all over again, as nothing remained, no knowledge, for the powerful ones were gone, and the knowledge of their secrets were buried away in deep hidden chambers. Thus, man migrated over the earth and begun to construct a new civilization.


Continued to Part III……

Anonymous ID: 553267 The Great Pyramids of Egypt, Part IIII Jan. 4, 2020, 7:50 a.m. No.7712352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0229




Part III


Continued from Parts I & II….


Yet, upon the land, as the waters receded The Great Pyramids were left standing upon the land for thousands of years. Twelve thousand years went by, Kingdoms were established and conquered, yet the origin of The Great Pyramids and their history had been forever lost. Only a few secret keepers of this knowledge had access to the secret chambers. These were the descendants of the Giants. They were know as the children of the Nephilin. These became over time the rulers upon the earth. They hoarded all the wealth and developed the systems of exchange. All paid tribute and homage to them. Although they were small in numbers, most of the wealth on the earth remained with them. They continued their kingdom of power over the ages but kept hidden the secrets of the origins of The Great Pyramids, for it spoke of their great rebellion in the past, and memory of their defeat was too much for them to bear. Over time, they grew more in more in power on the earth. They began to assume all power and control. Again, the earth was under the control of the enemies of The Eternal Consciousness. They continues on for thousands of years to maintain power, up to the modern ages. Yet the memory of their past remained a mystery for all. And the source and story of the construction of THE GREAT PYRAMIDS was kept locked away for none to know.


This, my friends, is the story of the construction of THE GREAT PYRAMIDS.


Now you know how they were built and came about to be!


The secret of the mystery of the ages has been unlocked for this modern age.


This story is told in such a way so the masses can understand.