"Mueller looks like a psycho drunk with power?"
Looks like??!! Looks like?? (Jim Mora voice)
We'll see. Based on the past 2 years, not much reason to be very optimistic about any serious D.C. swamp-draining.
Pills are much worse than alcohol, because most people dont drink daily, but they take pills several times per day. Cigarettes are terrible too, I'd put alcohol as the easiest of these 3 items to quite and the least harmful, unless the use is excessive.
Mueller seems to have no problem arresting people for next to nothing, but the Trump DOJ cant even produce emails. The Trump DOJ is truly a disgrace. Mueller is part of the Trump DOJ btw, and Trump is Mueller's CEO.
Weird how that one shot happened to destroy Comet's computer hard drive, huh?
Nice Beaner Chick. Now, deport.
If he doesnt build the wall, lock /them/ up, and purge the voting rolls, there can be no MAGA. He needs to focus on those 3 items until completed period
Known facts support your post.
Oh, NFL is rigged alright. Zero doubt about that.
They must be libtards, and this is what libtards do - kill kill kill. Death cult.
Yeah, let's not arrest /them/ here, just in Venenzuela. That's the ticket!
Soetero CAN'T prove his citizenship.
Yet, the Trump DOJ has done nothing to arrest this traitorous muzzie fraud.
You think our country is doing great? Read this:
Senator Booker
Senator Sanders
Senator Harris
Not kidding either.
The only way Russia can get NORAD to stand down is by flying a couple planes into some NYC skyscrapers. Works every time.