Let me do my best to show you the genius, patience and precision of the (((SHUTDOWN PLAN))).
Before I start, please understand that this 21 day "reopening" has a triple meaning. The first one is getting an actual Border Wall which forces the Dems to vote for their future destruction by blocking illegal voters. The second is the final 21 days for a Democrat to flip and get some type of reduced sentence before their "Prison Wall" goes up around them. The initial tribunals probably have incriminated thousands of them. And the third meaning is regarding the plan to radically reduce the size of government and give power back to the States. Trump mentioned a caravan of 8,000 heading to the border today. There are 8,000 SES employees. This post is only about this 3rd option of removing the SES. Open your mind. The evidence is everywhere. Remember we are trying to destroy evil institutions before arresting everyone. Arrests are easy. Change is hard.
Q has stated the real objective of this 4 year election cycle isn’t just to arrest the bad actors, but to ensure that the next few generations of politicians can’t easily undo all the hard work of Patriots.
Q has told us repeatedly about many sequential operations ranging from stopping child trafficking to ending Planned Parenthood to Voter ID to removing the Deep State SES (Senior Executive Branch).
I will contend that the primary purpose of the Shutdown was related to legally and permanently removing the Deep States SES. Obviously it involved other things and other non SES staff, but let’s keep this simple for now and target the SES Keystone.
So how do you remove Deep State SES employees that are impossible to remove? Easy, follow the law.
There are about 8,000 SES employees rated above GS-15 pay grade ($120K to $180K+) that are deeply embedded in all agencies. Some estimate 85% of these employees do nothing except obstruct Trump. They get 26 vacation days per year and 13 sick days.
Any shutdown that furloughs employees for over 30 days activates RIF Laws (Reduction in Force) such as 5 U.S.C 3595, Subpart B of 5 CFR 351, Subpart H of 5 CFR 359 and 5 CFR 359 Part F plus a few more.
HOWEVER, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has stated that a 30+ day shutdown caused by a temporary or emergency lack of funding appropriations by Congress DOES NOT allow for RIF’s because the true length of shutdown is unknown.
So why did we just go through this 30+ day furlough if we can’t remove SES staff based on RIF’s? The answer is genius. During the shutdown, agency directors were functioning fine with a fraction of staff, and they were building a case for downsizing later.
As a result, each agency will now legally submit to the OPM a plan to downsize or eliminate entire agencies by proving how much they accomplished during the shutdown with FAR less staff. I would be very afraid if I was the Department of Education or EPA.
Based on this evidence of excess workforce, the OPM is then required by law to build a RIF team including a Human Resource Officer (HRO) for each agency so they can stay within new OMB budgets. New Chief of Staff, Mike Mulvaney, used to run the OMB.
Additionally, in the recent shutdown, furloughed employees were NOT able to view or check government emails, so any staff under FBI investigation would have been monitored for misuse. And if a FISA was active, they would be monitored at home too.
When they return to work for the next 21 days, computer programs can monitor activity ranging from malfeasance, misconduct or neglect of duty as measured against prior levels of work effort to find data outliers & performance gaps. Thus pretext for removal.
During the 35 day shutdown, the agency directors and non-furloughed employees had complete unfettered access to all emails, communication, projects and workflow of furloughed staff. Now imagine if Q+ already knew which employees were “bad actors”.
What does all this mean? It’s simple. The 30+ day shutdown allowed agency heads to prove they have far too much staff, and now they can LEGALLY request RIF’s for downsizing or closing entire departments providing they follow the letter of the law.
Now imagine you returned to work and were presented with the “option” of early retirement, a $25,000 separation check and signing away all your rights to legal recourse in exchange for “certain files” to be shelved providing you honored your agreement.