Anonymous ID: cadc11 Jan. 26, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.4919081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9576


By Michelle Ye Hee Lee August 19, 2015

Chuck Todd, host: “Do you believe President Obama is a citizen who was born in the United States?”


Donald J. Trump: “Well, I don’t like talking about it anymore because, honestly, I have my own feelings. I think he should have taken the $5 million. I don’t know why he spent $4 million in legal fees to keep his records away. Nobody has seen his records. I don’t know.”


Todd: “We’re talking about the birth certificates.”


Trump: “… I mean his college records. He spent $4 million in legal fees to make sure that nobody ever saw” them.


— exchange during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Aug. 17, 2015


Versions of this rumor — that President Obama spent millions of dollars to conceal records that would indicate his true citizenship — have circulated in the birther blogosphere for years. And fact-checkers have debunked versions of this assertion year after year. Yet it keeps rising from the dead, and it was again uttered on national television.


Trump, one of the most high-profile birthers, made the same claim in 2011-12, which he repeated in the recent “Meet the Press” interview. Except this time, he placed an even higher price tag on legal fees — $4 million — than he previously claimed ($2 million, or vaguely, “millions”). A skeptical reader asked us to fact-check Trump’s answer.

Anonymous ID: cadc11 Jan. 26, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.4919108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9605


Obama's Perkins Coie is a client of Arpaio's expert, Reed Hayes, who says Obama's BC is forged

Expert Witness Directory ^ | June 4, 2013 | Seizethecarp

Posted on 6/4/2013, 4:09:33 PM by Seizethecarp


On June 1, 2013 Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse lead investigator, Mike Zullo, revealed for the first time that Reed Hayes of Hawaii is the Certified Document Examiner (CDE) who produced the 40 page opinion referenced in an Alabama court affidavit concluding that Obama's White House pdf birth certificate image was completely fabricated.


Obots (FogBlowers) have rushed to denounce Reed Hayes as a "quack" but might be surprised to find that one of Hayes' clients listed in the Expert Witness Directory at the thread link is an attorney with Perkins Coie. That is the law firm whose partners have provided Obama's personal defense against all birth certificate and natural born citizen litigation over the past five years.


Should Sheriff Arpaio succeed in getting congress to investigate the authenticity of Obama's BC, the Perkins Coie legal team defending Obama will be hard pressed to denounce Reed Hayes as a "quack" when members of their own firm have used him as an expert witness. Their own prior cases where Hayes was used as a witness would be compromised if they use Alinski-style mocking ad hominem attacks on Hayes.


Obots are already peppering Hayes with e-mails trying to discover the details in his 40-page forensic analysis of the pdf BC, but Hayes has properly refused to disclose any details and refers them to Arpaio and the CCP who own his report.


The Obot attempt to find "dirt" on Hayes was quickly derailed by their discovery that Hayes had a male "partner" (now deceased) who had been an ACLU lawyer in Hawaii making it likely that Hayes himself was a liberal progressive and likely Obama supporter and not some Tea Party "birther" prior to being engaged to examine Obama's BC image. This ruins their usual playbook of smearing truth-tellers on the right. Obots have even debated at length whether personal attacks should be suspended due to this discovery and only Hayes' work product be attacked. That's generous of some of them but other Obots chimed in that just because Hayes' partner was ACLU doesn't mean that Hayes wasn't some kind of Obama-hating right-wing "birther."


Very amusing!

Anonymous ID: cadc11 Jan. 26, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.4919294   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Friend and roommate Sohale Siddiqi, whom the Associated Press located and interviewed in May 2008.

Roommate Phil Boerner, who provided his recollections of sharing a New York City apartment with classmate Barack Obama to the Columbia College Today alumni publication and the New York Times in early 2009.

Michael L. Baron, who taught the year-long honors seminar in American Foreign Policy that Barack Obama took during his senior year at Columbia and recalled in an NBC interview Obama’s “easily acing” the class and receiving an A for his senior paper on the topic of nuclear negotiations with the Soviet Union.


Likewise, other external evidence documents Barack Obama’s presence at Columbia from 1981-83, including:


An article by Barack Obama published in the 10 March 1983 edition of Columbia’s Sundial school magazine.

A January 2005 Columbia College Today profile of Barack Obama as a Columbia alumnus.

A Columbia College press release from November 2008 identifying him as “the first College alumnus to be elected President of the United States.”


snopes i know but names and articles to dig

Anonymous ID: cadc11 Jan. 26, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.4919638   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Watch (below) as Root explains how Obama was taught the “Colward-Piven model” which is a devious plan to destroy America from within. The goal is to overwhelm the capitalist system with endless spending and debt. Essentially, the strategy is to take advantage of our free society, overburden it to the point of collapse, then replace it with heavy-handed socialism.


That means that instead of terrorists, dictators, or any hostile country — the biggest threat to America is… Barack Obama himself!


And that’s why Root describes Obama as a “suicide bomber in the White House.”


I’ve screamed from the highest mountains for almost seven long years now that we have a suicide bomber in the White House. Obama is divebombing our nation’s economy the same way that the Germanwings airline co-pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed his plane into the ground in France two months ago.

Except this isn’t one plane and a couple hundred souls. Obama is taking the entire American economy and all of us down with him.


I’ve told everyone and anyone who would listen for almost seven years that Obama is following the exact plan he learned as my college classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83. The plan is called “Cloward-Piven.”


The plan is simple: To destroy capitalism and “American exceptionalism,” you overwhelm the system with spending, entitlements, regulations and debt. The economy comes to a halt; full-time jobs are killed; businesses fail in record numbers; the middle class is murdered financially; the debt implodes; and the economy is overwhelmed.


Capitalism dies as a majority of Americans wind up hooked on welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and government checks like a drug addict is hooked by a drug dealer on heroin, or crack cocaine, or crystal meth. Obama is America’s drug dealer. But his drug of choice is government dependency.


To make this plan work, Obama needs you hopeless, helpless, clueless and losing all faith in God, yourself, individualism, personal responsibility and capitalism. He needs you scared out of your wits and desperate. He needs you believing that only government can save you.

