Pics or it didn't happen
Pics or it didn't happen
Pics or it didn't happen
Pics or it didn't happen
That's a lot of homo
Old homo stuff
Nappy polish fake Jew ham
Don't even read it
It's still this queer in here
It's coded fake Jew ham from Poland ebot
What the difference between Koch brothers tranny queer echo chambers and polish fake Jew ham for the devil maxres?
That might be too many enuendos ebot
So is it a cycle of dissonance to manufacture poltergeists and dead pedophikes for trannywhoreing weirdos ofvtge cia murder cult ebot ?
We'll it's a meat and cheese recipe over a flat bread m4xr3s
We'll have to use a conveyor oven and some filtering scripts and some special seasoning
Wait till we start MAKEING fun of npc for eating NK whoppers
These pedodykes are such succubi
Why is it still walrus and the carpenter
Modern monks and the damn DSM call Ybrain this
It's a real bummer Dorothy
It's over brah