Hey, Psychology Fag Here
Sorry if these ideas were in a previous bake; been at work all day
The more I think about it, the more it seems to me that yesterday [January 25, 2019] was a day full of brilliant warfare; both political and psychological. Not just winning over the public, but getting the [DS] to overplay their hand and expose themselves.
I] Fight-or-Flight
A physiological response stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system.
What are some emotions that can bring on this response
a) Fear
b) Anger – a “pointer” emotion that is supposed to “spur us to action” in response to a perceived injustice
Both emotions stimulated in the morning.
II] Stone arrest
a) Awaken the public… Shit, Mueller has that much power [that he is willing to abuse] to send SWAT to arrest a 70 year old with his deaf wife upstairs?
b) Fear: Shit, who else might he do it to?
c) Anger: Well this is not right [injustice]
d) Stone mentioned all the emails [and other pieces of evidence] he has. Well, guess what’s going to now enter public arena through discovery. Trump does not look like a revenged filled dictator ‘leaking documents to hurt a political enemy in a petty move” as the [MSM] would try to paint it [but he will DECLASS FISA, etc. Just talking about optics now]. But Mueller looks like a psycho drunk with power.
e) Just another case of [MSM] and [DOJ] saying lying is cause for arrest… Hear that [JC] [HRC] [JC(2?)] etc
f) [MSM] blasting the story in everyone’s face. Some [MSM] even pointing out hypocrisy and abuse. Public being made more and more aware each second.
III] POTUS Address
a) Change talking point. No longer on “workers being screwed by Trump;” just on the wall and politicians. [MSM] tries to change narrative and say it is Trump loosing. [MSM] is desperate; they realize what actual narrative will do to them [Nancy and Chuck hate America].
b) All eyes on Nancy and Chuck. Trump: Non-partisan; consistently stating facts. Nancy and Chuck: Nothing but partisan.
* Anger: well, this is not right [injustice]
*Anger: Why do they not care
*Anger: Wait, these people are hypocrites.
* [MSM] trying to change narrative to say Nancy is “Queen of DC.” Reality: Nancy looks like an uncompromising dictator now. [But has very little power over the wall, so she is not as dangerous].
c) Trump has showed much reserve and patients. [MSM] cannot claim he responded like a petulant impulsive petty child [they’ll try, but no one will believe them].
d) Very important POTUS put a time limit and very clearly stated his intentions. We do not have to feel like this will drag on forever, hard end date set.
* Trump: I tried every single way of working and negotiating with you guys; you did nothing but be partisan and show you do not care about Americans
Sorry there is a lot here. But this plan seems so immense; and this is just the little I may have noticed.