Tapper humiliated the sheriff scotty this morning. maybe something is changing.
http:// www.tigerbayclub.org
Note the president of this organization is the director for loop capital and is hosting a speech by DBS. They had it last week, feb 20th.
The resource office would be the person who most likely had real time access to the cameras. If he was in on some kind of an op, and a white hat did this(remember USSS was in the building 3 weeks ago) rolling the cameras back would prevent him from doing whatever is job was to do. I have a hard time believing that /ourguys/ would let anyone get killed in this bullshit though.
This theory does not address the fact Young Hogg was doing a gun interview at 9:30am. That early fire alarm had to have been the original go signal and confused the kid.
Solid Dungeons and Dragons Party there.