and supposedly carrying an AR-15 or backpack containing one (having been specifically banned from having a backpack in that school.) Well if he wasn't carrying a rifle, he could have maybe walked in. Our local HS used to be open-access like that until Sandy Hook.
Powerful, plausible.
I don't understand most of 4).
4.1 Why would this video delay cause the patsy to leave early to go to Walmart? Or did he leave with the rest of students running out?
4.3 Why would media start reporting 1/2 hour early, because the tape is running 43 minutes late? Or does it mean the media is reporting on time, or 13 minutes late, but the outside world doesn't know what's happening inside?? No, there were cell phone calls from inside weren't there?
On the "Rangefinder" ad, did they really misspell functions as funcitons?