Hermmmmmm. Turns out Loop also likes to delete emails.
This is not any different than posting an email screengrab and then deleting it to each us something. And its no different than having JA post a specific chess game board on his twitter.
<everything has meaning.
Does liddle get changed on any other board on 8chan?
No one from the dem side seems to be back him up and he is such a liddle shit. What is his end game? This is not going to go well and he should know that.
><everything has meaning
It means pay attn.to subtle changes and figure out what they mean.
The last BO that screwed with Q didn't have a happy ending and CM has proven to be big help when we need it so I am not ready to blame them.
Kim and JA are going to be the key to saving our country. Who knew?!
That's what I am wondering. If his posts tonight will not include a l i t t l e or even liddle.
Q-q-q? Is that you? Do you have the antidote the our liddle problem??
not just the jew, /ourjew/
Its from this series of articles Assange posted.
Its 6 articles but it is a WEALTH of information! Cannot overstate the quality of what you will find in these articles.
https:// twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/965974173553217537
I get it now.
I like this much better! Dozing them hahahahaha
Um, so, 60 minutes is trying really hard to convince me that Assad is indeed gassing his own people. I tend to not buy their shit but I don't get the Syria conflict.
Is Assad actually gassing his own people?
Why are his parents allowing all this to go on?