Anonymous ID: 35f9ff Feb. 25, 2018, 6:41 p.m. No.497468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7511 >>7522 >>7526 >>7530 >>7558 >>7566 >>7628 >>7657 >>7687 >>7787

Q, I'm an anon, been here the whole ride. I buried my teenage son a few years ago. He was my only child. If the Parkland FL school shooting was an intentional manipulation and kids died because of this, let me implore you and your team to put the damn hammer down now. Every CIA f*** and every corrupt Democrat on the planet together are not worth a single innocent teenage student. It's not even close. And what it does to families is indescribable. It is grief beyond measure and a lifetime of suffering. If you simply need to disappear these monsters one by one, then just get it done. If you need help come knock on my door. It is no longer acceptable to sit back and let these bad actors set up a trap and pull the string - not one single teenager's life is worth all the prison sentences that could possible be handed out to these pukes. If they have conspired to kill innocent kids, raze them down, Q. RAZE them! Scorched earth. No deals. No mercy. Take them ALL OUT with extreme prejudice. Trial or no trial. These people are KILLING our kids. Trust me if my son was one of those killed in Parkland, there would already have been a response. Does POTUS and your team want to just sit back and wait until one of the Parkland fathers justifiably takes matters into his own hands? Because that is going to be ugly. If you had any clue where such a father goes when this happens, and you understood that such a father has NOTHING to lose, you would be making public announcements, public arrests or public statements of dead perps. Because I guarantee the minds of those broken-hearted fathers in Parkland are churning. And churning. And churning.


Churning + Nothing to lose = what?


I know.