People are fed up with Hogg starting to appear.
He is seen as a scripted petulant teen.
in all honesty who wants to take advice from a BOY that is still wet behind his ears.
On twatter the Hogg factual memes get the most traffic, even though @jack is trying to ban people.
Quit using tags just say it plain, Parkland Drama Club is still at it. etc.
Do not be derogatory ask questions,
Why is CNN pushing these kids so hard?
Then did you know Hoggs father was FBI?
Remember those convinced against their will are of the same opinion still.
people have to come to their own collusions, like a court, just need to instill a shawow of doubt.
That shadow will make people turn themselves off.
Nothing people hate more than being LIED to and obvious bias, and he fits both.
Carry on.