I heard it. I truly believe this is satan showing his face in the actions of these people …I cannot wrap my mind around it. The woman on b3fore him, looking and listening to her made me physically ill..it was like an evil entity was speaking. I’m not overly religious but this is truly becoming a battle not between R and D but good vs. evil. I feel it in my very soul. Anons, we have to fight.
My kid showed me the description , a screenshot and said ‘anonparent’, is this true? Is this what they do? When I said yes, kid recoiled in horror. All of kid’s friends are against abortion and kid has a wide circle of friends. It’s sad to have to see/read the gory details but it has enough shock value that it makes them not want anything to do with that. I have faith in their generation, I do.
The wisdom of children…..yes. That’s good anon.
Gives me hope. There’s a movie coming out I’d like to see, called Unplanned, about how a woman used to work at PP and had a change of heart, then left. People can change. I used to be vehemently pro-choice.
I hope you will see other hearts changed where you work too.
Ileft the room. The only, and I mean only good thing is that this will cause those on the abortion fence, to choose a side now and I’m guessing they will choose life.
That gave me chills :)
You anon, win the board tonite. Kek!
Globie. Ahahahahaha!
Wheeling and dealing on the status of a life? Sorry, no can do.
I’m anti-abortion, period. Not budging.