see pics related for the answer to your question
not fake anon but they did use a fish eye lens to film that. He was nowhere near high enough to see the curve.
did Chris Christie try and light a fart after a Krispy Kreme binge?
ACRES U.S.A.: And at the same time, there are alternate therapies that hold out greater promise and seem to allow more patients to walk away, such as EDTA chelation.
SOPCAK: Yes. by the way, Cancell also chelates. In fact, it does it quite gently. It digests the plaque within the vascular system. this is then eliminated as a slimy liquid that looks like egg whites. that material will be picked up and purified as the blood goes through the liver and the kidneys, then it comes out via the urine or in the feces. It looks like foamy or slimy stuff when it is excreted with the normal body waste materials.
ACRES U.S.A.: It has a short residence time?
SOPCAK: Yes. It's another of the things that happens with this product. the medical profession, of course, is probably the most controlled profession in the world. Practitioners have state medical boards and the FDA to deal with, therefore they can't do anything unless the powers above approve.
ACRES U.S.A.: Well, we've had everything in the world come along, and it seems to get shot down regardless of whether it's good, bad or indifferent. When it comes to cancer, it's out. Whatever happened to Krebiozen?
SOPCAK: Well, of course it probably worked. At that time I wasn't doing any research on cancer, but I was aware of what was going on. Andrew Ivy, the doctor who promoted Krebiozen, was head of a university chemistry department and had credentials. It probably worked well enough to raise the ire of the medical profession. They decided they had to get rid of not only Krebiozen but Andy Ivy as well. They did everything they could to discredit him as a human being. there is definitely a politics of cancer. And this politics can't be satisfied by having anyone upset the well-entrenched cancer research bureaucracy. If anybody comes up with anything that cures cancer, and I'm sure many people have, the authorities simply knock it down purely on the basis that it would tend to upset the status quo. I'm sure there are many things out there that would be effective against cancer and many other diseases. These simply will not be allowed on the basis that the status quo is to be preferred. When Clinton got to Washington, coming out of a good old town of 160,000 people, Little rock, Arkansas, he found that there were 80,000 registered lobbyists in Washington. Between 10,000 or 15,000 to influence 550 people, they have a lot of influence.
ACRES U.S.A.: Okay, now that we have this background, why don't we start again. You were telling us about Sheridan and his research in the 1930s.
SOPCAK: Jim Sheridan was working for Dow Chemical at that time, and he decided he could cure cancer or at lease affect cancer by changing the energy levels that were interfering with the cell structure. He started out with his theories of what he was doing and what he was looking for. He was looking for blockers and shunters, chemicals that would block the transmission of energy. Once you block it, in order to complete the respiratory cycle, you have to be able to shunt the energy around and dump it into a terminal receptor, which is oxygen. Jim finally found a material that actually would block outside cytochrome A and B. He put a block in between cytochrome B and C in the respiratory cycle, and then he put a shunt in from cytochrome C to bypass A and B for a trip right to the terminal receptor. That was sufficient to change the production of energy in the body to the point where, by 1947, he could allow that material to cure about 38% of the cases. Then, Jim kept changing formulations and improving his approach. After he left Dow, he worked at the Michigan Cancer Foundation. He got to the point where everybody at Michigan Cancer Foundation agreed that is was ready for clinical testing. They had agreed to fund the final clinical test. Michigan Cancer Foundation had its own budget. If funds were deficient, the American Cancer Society made up the deficiency at the end of every year. Because of this, Michigan Cancer Foundation felt obligated to inform the American Cancer Society that this research was going into clinical testing. They were a little excited about it, at least they said they were, and they asked Jim Sheridan to be put on their payroll. This was at the end of a year, and there was a little bit of a rush-rush to get the finding assigned to the Michigan Cancer Foundation. The minute Jim Sheridan got into the American Cancer Society's payroll, they fired him and everything stopped.
ACRES U.S.A.: So they got him transferred over to American Cancer Society for the purpose of firing him?
SOPCAK: Precisely. Jim kept up with his research. He as a patent attorney in addition to being a chemist. He went to work for Batelle in Columbus, Ohio. Dick Davidson was number three in charge of Batelle at the time. It took them two segments, ten weeks each, to even start to understand what Jim was talking about. After they went through two of these ten week periods, they published a letter saying that this was the single most promising treatment for cancer that existed in the world at the time, and they needed one more ten week funding to the tune of about $240,000 to complete the study. At that particular point, all funding was cut off, and Jim was let go. That was in 1962.
ACRES U.S.A.: So, what did he do after that?
SOPCAK: He started working on his own. He still worked as a patent attorney and made a living that way. He put his three kids through college and on the side kept changing formulations, and giving this to a few people at a time. Between 1947 and 1984, Jim gave away - to his best calculation - about 2,000 bottles of the material in various formulations. He came under a lot of pressure in 1984 and just quit. At that time I got into it because a friend of mine was given the prognosis of six weeks to live. Instead of dying on schedule, he took a bottle of Entelev and in six weeks he was declared cancer-free by St. Joseph's Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jim had quit making it by that time, and this gentlemen came to me. He'd written six technical books, and was competent to understand science, and asked me if I would make it for him because he felt he needed a security blanket. He wanted to have his hands wrapped around a bottle of that for the rest of his life. So, I said, Sure, get me a formulation, I'll make it. Well he got the formulation for me and I took one look and said, Gee, this happens to be a vibrational compound. So I changed the formulation slightly, and then I also changed the delivery system so that it would be given on a cyclical basis rather than on a non-cyclical basis. Then, as I worked with it, every time I noticed that there was a change that needed to be made, or a change in the frequency of the planet - because this universe is changing, as you could tell from the change in weather patterns, in volcanos and also earthquakes - I recognized that it changed the human race. If you think back after August 1988, when we had a major galactic change in this frequency, people under dictatorial governments throughout the entire world almost uniformly rose up and threw off the dictators. "that had to do with the vibrational frequency primarily coming into this planet from the Sun. At that time, the weather patterns started to change, and of course, they're going to continue to change quite dramatically.