95% of the population cannot be persuaded by dialectic, which is facts, evidence, testimony logic and reason. Their mind is already made up and they respond to the narrative.
What they do respond to is rhetoric, which is purely emotional. That's why memes are so effective. That's why the words "Crisis Actor" are so powerful that the MSM is going nuts trying to make those words go away.
What is the most powerful emotional attack?
What prevents a child from revealing the truth? The fear of offending the narrative and being shamed. Outgrouped. Ostracized.
This goes hand in hand with projection. What do SJW's call their enemies? Racists, homophobes, transphobes. Why? Because those are the worst things you could call an SJW.
The fear of being labeled a liar because one has transgressed the narrative is powerful. Kids come to know at an early age in this PC environment that there are certain truth that cannot be stated.