Anonymous ID: c98933 Feb. 2, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.5003557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3579 >>3586 >>3595 >>3602 >>3731

French Anon Reporting - Update


Misc :


The author of the online crowdfunding for the police forces, Renaud Muselier, was booed this afternoon when the protesters localized his vehicle in Marseille during the protest.


Leetchi, the crowdfunding platform, was spotted doing automatic contributions at a constant rate during the night and the amount of money is nearly 1.500.000€.


Users online spotted automatic transactions at a constant rate and made a graphic :


Leetchi explained that due to the "huge success" of the platform, payment where delayed during the night and automatically processed. This is BS as the yellow vest movement is supported at least by 70% of the population. We know they used bots during the night between 3 and 6 AM. Also, nobody have left a message on the platform, so these transactions are hardly explainable.


Paris :


Jerome Rodrigues was exfiltred today during the protest, the man who may have lost an eye was in the first line of the procession when antifas (the 'black blocks") tried to attack him.


One again, our government used antifas to disrupt the protest. They directly targeted Jerome who was exfiltrated by other yellow vests.