Anonymous ID: db995b Feb. 2, 2019, 9:57 a.m. No.5003050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3161 >>3444

Can some HighIQ Anon foolow me?


Follow the money: everyone is focused at current time, but what if Q want us to go to beginning? To first money, banks?


Watch the water.


Both water and money have one same thing.. VENICE.



Bank of Venice


The history of the Bank of Venice reveals something of the forces that led to the evolution of central banks.


In 1171 the government of the Republic of Venice extracted forced loans of specie from wealthy citizens. The government kept a record book that showed the amounts it owed individual citizens but otherwise issued no bonds, promissory notes (IOUs), certificates of indebtedness, or other proof of indebtedness. The government’s creditors received 4 percent interest per year, but the government did not pay down the principal on the loans. The citizens of Venice began exchanging ownership of these government obligations to transact business, turning these government obligations into a circulating medium of exchange like any other form of money. Money transactions settled by entries in books were much more convenient than coined money transactions, particularly when large amounts were involved. The citizens of Venice soon voluntarily deposited specie with the “bank” in return for book entry deposits that could be transferred to other depositors in any amount.


In 1587 the Venetian government established the Bank of Venice as the Banco del Piazza del Rialto. As early as 1374 a committee of scholars had proposedthe formal organization of a public bank, but no action was taken for over two centuries. By the late 1500s other Italian cities had already established public banks, costing Venice claims of priority in the history of banking. The credit for the first beginnings of modern banking practices, however, belongs to Venice.


The Venetian practice of banking on the security of government loans survived into the modern period. Today in the United States the Federal Reserve System issues Federal Reserve Notes and deposits at Federal Reserve Banks, holding government bonds as securities against these notes and deposit liabilities.

Anonymous ID: db995b Feb. 2, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.5003236   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watch the water

Follow the money


Venice’s superb communications and the almost legendary stability of her government had made her Europe’s principal centre of espionage, an international clearing-house for secrets of state.


By now all the principal nations of the world were represented there, by embassies, agencies, banks, trading centres or other more clandestine associations, and for many of them the gathering of intelligence was a primary function. For such purposes extra pairs of eyes and ears were always useful; nor did a skilful hand with a knife or a none-too-sensitive conscience invariable come amiss.

It would have been odd if Venice, with an intelligence system of her own far more highly

developed than that of any foreign power, had not maintained a close eye on all these covert

activities and, where possible, used them for her own ends. Every embassy, every foreign

household even, was thoroughly penetrated by Venetian agents, reporting directly back to the Ten details of comings and goings, of letters received and conversations overheard.


A special watch was kept on leading courtesans, several of whom were paid by the state to pass on any information that might prove useful, for blackmail or otherwise. There was also an active network of double agents whose task was to feed false or misleading information into foreign systems,%20Magical%20Physics,%20and%20Banking%20in%20the%20Middle%20Ages%20and%20Renaissance.pdf

Anonymous ID: db995b Feb. 2, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.5003463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3475 >>3507

-Who funded the Crusades? The Venetians

-Who invented international banking? The Venetians

-Who usurped the Byzantine Empire on the 4th Crusade? Venetians

-Fractional reserve banking? Yep…


-Who funds both sides of war? Venetians

-Who instigated the Catholic schism and supported Martin Luther?

-Who created the Jesuit Order? Venetians.

-Who nurtured the Age of Enlightenment in French Salons? Yep…


-Who had spies in every major European House? Yep…

-Who whispered in King Henry VIII's ear that he COULD get a divorce?

-Who was the ONLY power that could (and did) bankrupt other financial TITANS of the time, like Bardi, Peruzzi, etc.


How come we were never taught about the League of Cambrai in school?


I wasn't. Were you?


Did you know that all of Europe was onto the Venetian Cabal? Like today, a group of Princes from all over Europe conspired to destroy Venice.


They almost succeeded! But Venice won.