>>5003729 (lb)
>>5003484 (lb)
So Comey Tweets - Northam (OUT) Fairfax (IN)
>>5003464 (lb)
Rubin Tweets - Northam (OUT) Fairfax (IN)
(Washington Post Reporter)
Is it really coincidence:
This (Uproar) kicked off at beginning of Black History Month?
Lt. Gov. of Virginia is an [Active] Participant of [PP]?
That he was [Groomed] by Big-Name [Swamp Creatures]?
He was a briefing coordinator for Tipper Gore during the 2000 presidential campaign of Al Gore, in the campaign's Nashville, Tennessee office. Fairfax was also a staffer for Senator John Edwards of North Carolina, in the senator's Washington office.
I'd say keep digging.
What's "The Set-Up"?
By Patriots or [Cabal]?