>>5015448 - reposting previously nominated notable.
>>5014963 (lb)
Summary of 1957 interview with Margaret Sanger for anons. Interview is about birth control and not abortion.
Birth control was a dirty word back in the early 1900s.
Sanger's crusade broke up her first marriage.
She came from large family. 11 children.
Trained nurse.
Women wanted birth control.
Father was a village atheist.
Sanger and siblings were called "children of the devil."
Sanger says she is a humanitarian and doesn't like to see people suffering.
"Where is the man to give me what the movement gives in joy and interest and freedom."
Says population control was a motivation.
Birth control to keep population static.
Same Malthusian Argument that Humans are the problem. We see this today via climate change.
Wallace says that Church's position is that birth control violates a natural law.
Sanger brings up Church is celibate and does not know marriage.
Sanger blames Christianity for the smudge on sex.
Sanger defends homosexuals for being born that way. Not all are perverts.
Wallace brings up federal funding of birth control. An issue back then.
* "I think the greatest sin is bringing children into the world that have disease from their parents. That have no chance in the world to be a human being, practically. Delinquents. Prisoners. All sorts of things. Just marked when they're born.
Sanger's clinics offer marriage counseling.
Wallace asks if women are neglecting marriage by wanting to have a career.
Looks like the whole marriage counseling thing was being pushed way back in 1957 as an alternative to children keeping the family united.