lillith is a jin demon of old talmud shit
a succubus originally
prol what all these Y brain battered wife syndrome babie eaters are all whatever about
remember when mavet was shooting tsars cause it was a judas fehgel
i hate stevia too but it a glycemic index
it;s a flushed tampoon joke over and over with geriatric diaper bullshit
all that because Texas didn;t understand calculus and tax washes with tax codes
is ra el
ras well
ufo crash
commie shitpost
jesus did some amazeing shit in the balkans before mueller hunted him down and ate him
even after the whole islam thing from the cia rome snafu
they sacrificed a video game which put atari under btw
to talk to aliens
wtf huh
minerva was the owl
(eye) c stoopid peeple