Anonymous ID: a02e18 Feb. 5, 2019, 6:57 a.m. No.5036550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6632


During last years STFU Potus freed the slaves of the cabal by announcing things that were code for 'they can'tuse their blackmail against you any longer'.

And during the adress the cutnress-woemn cucks of the old-abomination (the Democrats) were texting hateful things on their cell phones and Q posted this pic, as well as others, from frame stills of a camera and suggested that anon try and locate the 'original film' which eveyrone was like 'film, it's a digital camera'.

But then there was a big train wreck and anon got hot on that . . . and something in Atlanta, near a place where another train might be going, and pedo symbolism in a playground near by that. . .


film: what used to be used to capture an image in a camera. It's a piece of clear velum with chemical on it that change color when 'exposed' to light. A 'roll' was a small piece of film, rated for it's length and width with various codes. The 'number' of standard format pictures would also be printed on the outside of the roll. A 'roll' needed to be 'developed' by providing it to a 'developing service'.

Anonymous ID: a02e18 Feb. 5, 2019, 7:50 a.m. No.5036989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7025

Congress needs an office of anonymous inquiry so we anon can ask the congresswoman 'what is this bracelet that you wear? Please come and explain because people are besmirching you in a kind of slander of the bracelet slide . . .'

I mean there are a lot of real issues that congress faces, and those are better things to judge a sitting member on. Her choice in bad jewelry?

come on. Unless someone has a real thing to say, we ought to be able to put this to bed by anonymously asking her. And she could come and name fag here and post links to the jeweler and where we anon can go and buy the same piece of jewelry . . .


but no, we have to endure a pointless slide and closeups from a meaningless part of a still and innuendo.


there is much to dislike about a congressperson. Their choice is jewelry is far down the list.

Anonymous ID: a02e18 Feb. 5, 2019, 8:04 a.m. No.5037100   🗄️.is 🔗kun


thank you. This is a well crafted graphic with very clear visuals and a succinct explanation. The photos of that bracelet, which someone is posting today, don't really show much at all. When there was a dig about Mr. Coopers Mom, Vander . . . it was like yours, details and no questions that this is something that we ought to ponder 'why is she wearing


Someone should ask the one who wore the bracelet about that bracelet.