Crystal criticized for blackface at Oscars
Crystal criticized for blackface at Oscars
Belly of the beast
This room needs a day of silence to gather and recollect.
Not saying Trump is bad, but he's starting to look like a wolf in sheeps clothing. Very saddened and surprised at anons last night after the speech. Feel good speeches hyped us up all summer. I'm over words. I'm done with stringing along emotions and hope.
Maybe the plan takes time. I'm fine with that. But don't expect anyone in their right mind, aware of WW fuckery, to not be hesitant as Trump keeps breaking promising and ignoring MAGA for KIGAA (Keep Israel Great As Always).
"Israel for last" Why, so they can blow us off the map or us them? We don't know. Everyone comfy with your drops and autism, great. Unless you are God, Trump or Q, you don't know the real plan, mere opinion being distributed as fact.
Every other board, even within 8chan, rips this place. They call us uneducated, unrealistic, dumb, ignorant, etc. I keep ignoring it and wanting to believe in good. But there comes a point when you have to ask yourself, is my hope the only thing making me see things a certain way?
If I put the shoe on the other foot. As a normie, not really interested in politicsโฆTrump comes off like a dumb bully. I know it's not the case, but that's how he appears. I don't get that part of the plan. If you want unity, maybe have less ego and pride in yourself?
No one is saving the earth without God.
I apologized for any jew remarks last night. That doesn't mean I still don't have hesitations.
I prefer MadThinkingAnon
Whats the star behind him?
says a pussy sitting on his ass.
Winning? Smh.
Wrong color for that tome of month
You realize if this is all real we will find out who Q is?