<gee boss what do we do now?
>a 3 way kayfabe battle with 3 ips: ip #1 will post the hitler crap and say that q and trump are comped
<on it chief!
>ip #2 will call ip #1 out as a kayfabe tactic. make sure you say that it discredits the "genuine jq discusion"
<brilliant boss! but wait… when was anything jew related ever "discussed"? We always shill it to death with the propaganda spam and the fake and gay talmud quotes.
>don't worry gaylord, they are morons. Trust your boss, it'll work for sure
<ok chief. What else?
>use ip #3 to support ip #1 so it will look like an organic discussion and won't glow as kayfabe
<10 4 chief! you're the best!