Anonymous ID: fb8344 Feb. 7, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.5068847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8935 >>9061 >>9159



MKULTRA , Q and Fentanyl

I’ve been thinking hard about what Q and Q+ along with the team has been trying to tell us since they emerged in 2017. Q is always referring to (((they)))

This is some scary shit, but it is true! All of the [shooters] have been to therapy, they have all had some kind of mental INSTABILITY. They have been referred for treatment prior to the event they eventually pull off. ANTIFA arrest photos look like “people from the dregs of society, the mental institution and wayward kids. They are all [PAWNS]

School Shooters are all [PAWNS] Terrorists are [PAWNS] It’s all about [GUN CONTROL]

Remember what Q said #1862 “They prey on emotionally unstable (helpless) individuals and use them as [PAWNS] ANTIFA protestors freaking out over the new unmasking laws.


What does Wray know and when will he release it to the public [Trust Wray]


Talib who was just recently arrested for the plot to storm the White House and kill everyone inside, along with his team that has not been disclosed to us are [PAWNS]n He wanted AT-4 to blow a big ass hole in front door of White House and cause as much carnage as possible. Thank God the Good Guys in the FBI are still there.

Everyone the Batman Colorado theater shooter [PAWN] His parent said he was a good student, normal kid who went off to college (wanted to be a doctor) and BOOM he virtually changed over 1 semester into someone they did not recognize, someone who was mentally unstable. After treatment he moved from CA to CO. Then a couple of months later he decides to shoot up a theater with [Assault Weapons]

The Guy who shot up the Community College in Oregon was being treated. The kid who shot up Sandy Hook was being treated. Parkland shooter was being treated. Guy who shot up the church in Texas was being treated. The kid who planted the bombs in Texas was being treated. HELLO that’s the connection.

(((they))) have been using [TREATMENTS] to erase the memories from patient’s brains and then implant their new life into them. I mean some freaky stuff, like instructions to do whatever they want.

MKULTRA is real. It is being administered through institutions and Psychiatrist throughout the world. This is big deal guys, this shit is REAL.

This needs to be sauced.


It’s the drug of choice for those who have been MKULTRA’ed There is a big underground black market for this drug and it is dangerous. Kids are abandoning their parents after treatment. Parents send them to a psychiatrist and bam they never really get that kid back. They can be programmed to HATE TRUMP Orange Man Bad. They can be programmed to not only vote for a certain candidate that does not espouse their previous views, but push their friends to do so, along with participate in campaigns, and of course join ANTIFA to do destruction and protesting.

We have a HUGE problem on our hands and Q has revealed that there is dark underworld of basically ZOMBIES running around ready to ACT as soon as the signal is given. FENTANYL is the drug they need, Q Team is doing everything they can to stop the flow of that drug into this country. It is the DEVIL’S drug!


Sauce this please


Anonymous ID: fb8344 Feb. 7, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.5068935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9056 >>9087 >>9091 >>9247





MKULTRA , Q and Fentanyl (cont'd)


Does the Deep State Politicians make $$$$ of the importing of FENTANYL?

Most likely and they are complicit, because they want to change the make up of the American Populace and so what if there is mass collateral damage. I would love to hear what these people discuss in closed quarters, where they think (((they))) are not being recorded or spied upon.


Fentanyl and how is it being administered?

Q has told us many times “watch the water.”

We always thought they meant, watch the Ocean for Rogue Subs running around shooting missiles at Hawaii and Air Force One trying to start World War 3.

What is Q meant “Watch the FIJI Water!” How can Fentanyl that is deadly if ingested, shot up or smoked be taken into the body without killing the individual it is supposed to affect, so (((they))) can use them to do their bidding?


POTUS gave us a clue when Melania, VP and He put their water bottles on the floor at a meeting they had been invited to. They do not trust the water. Why did Melania have to have Kidney surgery? We still do not know. We do know that their were reports that POTUS was sluggish, slurring his words and moving slow. Makes one wonder if the Deep State Actors put the drug in their water bottles and poisoned them. WATCH THE WATER

At the Golden Globes. It was a good advertising piece for FIJI, but why there? Is the Deep State controlling the actors through the ingestion of the “luxury water” called FIJI water owned by a Deep State Billionaire named Resnick? Probably and I would not put it past them. It always seems everytime one of them goes off the reservation, they are deemed unstable, crazy etc and put into rehab or psychological evaluation. Think Kayne, Brittney Spears etc… Lyndsey Lohan and Spears both had to go to complete detox and no cell phone communication rehab centers in the Rockies to get off whatever they were on. If the [DS] is activating them through Cell Phone signals, it would make sense why they are pushing 5G throughout the country and why POPTUS is happy for the 5G rollout.

How else will he be able to make them reveal themselves. Like Q said “FISA GOES BOTH WAYS!”

Well I am sure they are thinking the same thing about 5G Cell Phone activation signaling. I expect it to get really crazy for the rest of the year, until (((they))) are exposed and eradicated, so God-Loving Patriots can help keep America First, Free and Economically viable. As POTUS said “ Socialism will never happen in America.”


FENTANYL is the drug and the best way to keep people who you need to control is to put it in a diluted beverage such as FIJI water. Where was the cucumber truck that was busted on the border with 250LBS (enough to kill 120Million AMERICANS) going?

ZOMBIES FOLKS “Lock and Load!”


People in Hollywood has been trying to warn us lately with popular shows like Walking Dead and Zombie movies like Z.

They are indoctrinating us to the unbelievable reality that is…