Anonymous ID: 797b1e Feb. 9, 2019, 9:09 a.m. No.5092314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2388

I had a weird dream last night. But that dream turned into a thought process this morning as I ate my breakfast. I am sure much of what I am about to say anons already knew, but it was kind of an aha moment for me. Some of my exact facts may be off, but I am on a roll here and don't want to get my thought process off track by searching for sauce.


Bare with me….


Who is generally enemy number 1 in Hollywood produced movies? As a country?




Why is this? The cold war? They aren't even in the top ten economies in this world. They are only ranked #9 in world population.


What made them special was that they were the only other country to have a nuclear weapon after the US. But they are now two of many.


Maybe having Russia as enemy #1 was warranted at one time. But it isn't anymore in my opinion. The problem is, they are an easy target, so Hollywood (and our news) still points the finger at them.


Let not kid ourselves, Hollywood is one of the biggest propaganda machines this world has ever seen. A close competitor is MSM.


Who is never the bad these days?




Example? Hollywood movies that paint China in a bad light cannot be shown in China, thus the big money in Hollywood will not invest in a movie that doesn't have the potential to make tons of money. By not showing your movie in the highest population country, profits are instantly lost out. No investor would invest in a product that limits itself to potential profits.


So China owns Hollywood in this sense. They just have to control propaganda machine number 2. MSM. How much Chinese money is in the MSM?


One not talked about propaganda arm: politics. Who as it comes out, thanks to Q, has a strong grasp on many US politicians? China.


Who else does this sound like? The only other comparable that I can think of: Israel.


They too have their hand in the trifecta of US propaganda.


One other note: It is a trend to paint the US as the bad guy. China/Israel is using our own propaganda machine to paint the US in a bad light. Hence the push for socialism, saying the US was never great, etc. ((They)) are using our own well greased machine against ourselves.


And the sheep just play along and get left out in green pastures.


I understand it is much deeper than this, but I feel it is much easier to see on the surface.

Anonymous ID: 797b1e Feb. 9, 2019, 9:17 a.m. No.5092388   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They see the internet as the enemy now.


The internet can now provide unbiased news and true investigative journalism. The findings can spread like wildfire thanks to social media.


Hollywood is under attack by way of apps like YouTube/Netflix. Anyone can make a feature film these days and deliver it straight to the people.


And as I, like many other anons believe, Trump is taking out propaganda arm three: politics.


We need an internet bill of rights now more than ever. Especially before the censorship gets so bad that the internet no longer poses a threat to the traditional propaganda arms.