Anonymous ID: b4fa82 Feb. 9, 2019, 9:15 a.m. No.5092370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2465

Muh C_A


(snip) Undermining national security?


When and if the Intelligence Community did, in fact, come to a point where it believed that it could not in good conscience, and consistent with professional ethics, change an assessment to avoid a head on collision with the President, then that assessment would most certainly be delivered behind closed doors to Congress in a classified setting. Everyone involved would be fully cognizant that a public display of division and disagreement at the highest levels of the federal government could be extremely damaging to ongoing negotiations and might hand North Korea a decisive advantage.


An assessment that the President of the United States is wrong, he is wasting time on negotiations and that North Korea is simply playing a game to extract concessions from the United States would never, under any normal circumstances be delivered in an open session before Congress nor included in an unclassified document released to the entire world.


Yet, that is exactly what happened. In fact, to all appearances, given the reaction of the President after the report was made public, this threat assessment was never coordinated in any fashion with the President or with his National Security Advisor, John Bolton. Instead, the heads of the Intelligence Community apparently bypassed the White House entirely and delivered of their own accord to Congress a report that makes the President out to be a fool and may, in fact torpedo ongoing, sensitive talks that appear to be our best chance ever for real progress with Pyongyang.


This did not happen by accident. This was not an oversight. This can only have been a deliberate effort to undercut a sitting President, to sabotage his foreign policy and to impact domestic politics. We have seen many examples over the past several years of senior members of federal agencies acting in a partisan fashion. That has been particularly true of senior executives with connections to the Clinton machine and the Democratic Party. The ongoing Mueller witch hunt is the outgrowth of just such efforts on the part of civil servants who should be acting in an impartial manner on behalf of the American people – not taking sides and attempting to dictate or overturn electoral results.


The actions of the Intelligence Community chiefs in regard to the North Korea assessment are, if anything, even more disturbing. This report was not delivered to Congress by John Brennan, mouthpiece for “Clinton, Inc.” and a known Democratic shill. This report was delivered to Congress by men and women serving this President. The essence of the North Korea assessment, in fact, could only have come from the Central Intelligence Agency, headed by Gina Haspel, who was appointed to her post by President Trump only eight months ago.


This was not an attack from outside. This was a brazen attack on this President from inside what should be his inner circle. Perhaps not since Caesar’s assassination on the floor of the Roman Senate has there been such betrayal.


Et tu Gina?