Anonymous ID: d8ab45 Feb. 9, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.5093469   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>5092694 Mississippi's Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves took part in Old South-themed parties in college 'wore blackface

>>5092721 Arizona considers declaring porn a public health crisis


>>5092891 Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: ‘Ultimately, I Don’t Think We Can Be This Neutral, Passive Platform Anymore’

>>5092921, >>5092955 Protester has hand RIPPED OFF during Yellow Vest march in Paris

>>5092936 Man Accused of Murdering Pregnant Girlfriend Has Charges Related to Killing the Fetus Dropped

>>5092970 Venezuela’s self-proclaimed ‘president’ Guaido isn’t ruling out ‘authorizing’ US intervention

>>5093033 Trump Campaign Responds To Sen. Warren’s Presidential Announcement

>>5093045 Porn star and Husband arrested for child sex abuse, friends with Cernovich and PJW


Hide the news; protect pedos and Israel/cabal welcome to weekend qresearch

Anonymous ID: d8ab45 Feb. 9, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.5093487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3686 >>4037 >>4130 >>4173 >>4189

Saudi Arabia accused of helping citizens charged with rape & child porn to flee 8 US states


Saudi Arabia appears to have been systematically helping its US-based citizens to evade American justice for serious crimes, possibly by providing fake passports and private planes.


Late last year, the Oregonian reported five cases of suspects successfully fleeing charges in the state of Oregon, which was temporarily home to about 1,000 students from Saudi Arabia. But the same news outlet has now discovered a total of 17 cases across eight states and even Canada, suggesting the ploy is an established practice.


Most of the cases involve a similar scenario: after an arrest, the Saudi consulate hires a legal team and eventually posts bail, which in two cases constituted $1 million and $500,000. Once the suspect is released, even if they had surrendered their international travel passport, they somehow manage to leave the country, before then appearing back in Saudi Arabia.–child-porn-to-flee-8-us.html

Anonymous ID: d8ab45 Feb. 9, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.5093503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4037 >>4130 >>4173 >>4189

Russia says won’t move Israel embassy to al-Quds


Russia is not planning to move its diplomatic mission in Israel to Jerusalem al-Quds despite US President Donald Trump’s recognition of the city as the new Israeli "capital".


Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov told the TASS news agency on Thursday that Moscow would not breach international law and United Nations resolutions on Jerusalem al-Quds.


"The issue of transferring the Russian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is outside the agenda. Russia is committed to the international legal framework concerning Jerusalem, including corresponding United Nations Security Council resolutions," Viktorov said.


Since December 2017, when Trump recognized Jerusalem al-Quds as the “capital” of Israel, only the US and the South American country of Guatemala have relocated their embassies to the holy city.


Paraguay became the third to move its embassy only to move it back to Tel Aviv after facing backlash.

Anonymous ID: d8ab45 Feb. 9, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.5093525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3539 >>4037 >>4130 >>4173 >>4189

What kind of occupation do Israelis want?


Israel's rule over the Palestinians will never end, so the only question left to ask is whether the country should opt for the elegant Gantz Gaza whitewash or inelegant brutality of Elor Azaria and the Netzah Yehuda soldiers.


Somewhere on the margins between the conscious and subconscious, Israel recently watched – and did not watch – two short video clips.


The first clip – the one we watched – was the election campaign spot produced by Benny Gantz, leader of the newly formed Hosen LeYisrael party (Israel Resilience Party), with its much-mocked slogan: “No more right-wing or left-wing; it is just Israel first.”



The second clip – the one we didn’t watch – was recorded on the phone of a soldier in the Netzah Yehuda Battalion of the Kfir Brigade. In it, Israeli soldiers filmed themselves abusing two Palestinian detainees, a father and son. The son was forced to watch as the soldiers broke his father’s ribs.



Well, that’s certainly one clip we’d rather not watch: images of soldiers mocking and beating a father and son. Who would want to see something so horrific? Or to hear it, for that matter: did the soldier’s smartphone also record the son’s voice crying out his father’s name? Did it capture the sound of the father’s ribs breaking, one by one?,7340,L-5459671,00.html

Anonymous ID: d8ab45 Feb. 9, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.5093537   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Details Of Preliminary Agreement Between ISIS And US-led Coalition Revealed


The US-led coalition and ISIS leaders in the middle Euphrates River Valley have reached an initial agreement after days of negotiations, the Deir Ezzor 24 outlet reported on February 9 citing special sources.


Under the agreement, the coalition will allow the terrorist group’s leaders and fighters to withdraw to an unspecified area. The sources believe that the area will be the al-Anbar desert in western Iraq or the al-Tanaf desert in southeastern Syria, where a U.S. base is located.


The remaining women and injured ISIS fighters will be allowed to enter the areas controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). In exchange for that, the terrorist group will reportedly release several captives.


“The upcoming two days will witness the group [ISIS] final withdrawal from eastern Euphrates under the agreement … The agreement will be sponsored and directly protected by the US-led coalition,” Deir Ezzor 24 quoted one of its sources as saying.


Earlier, the SDF announced that it had launched its final attack on ISIS-held pocket in the Euphrates Valley. However, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that the coalition and the terrorist group are still negotiating.


The SDF has a history of faking battles in order to cover its deals with ISIS. In October of 2017, the Kurdish group was claiming that its fighters are storming the last strongholds of ISIS inside the city of Raqqa, while in reality the terrorists were being transferred with their weapons to Deir Ezzor. This could be the case in the Euphrates Valley now.


"We will not negotiate with terrorists! Oh wait???? endless BS

Anonymous ID: d8ab45 Feb. 9, 2019, 11:33 a.m. No.5093570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3645

Israel kills two children in Gaza protests


Israeli occupation forces killed two protesters in Gaza on Friday, both of them children, according to Al Mezan, a human rights group in the territory.


The deaths bring to three the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces during the week. Abdallah Faisal Tawalbeh, 21, was shot dead by soldiers in the northern West Bank on Monday.


Also on Friday, Yasir Hamid Ishtayeh, from the West Bank city of Nablus, was reported to have died in Israeli prison, two days after the death of Faris Baroud in his 28th year of imprisonment.


On Friday, Hasan Iyad Abd al-Fattah Shalabi, 14, died after he was shot in the chest while 60 meters from the boundary fence with Israel in Khan Younis, southern Gaza.


Hamza Muhammad Rushdi Ishtaiwi, 17, was fatally shot in the neck when he was 50 meters from the fence east of Gaza City. A photo of the slain teen circulated on social media after his death:


Genocide is ok when Israel does it

Anonymous ID: d8ab45 Feb. 9, 2019, 11:35 a.m. No.5093596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Worrisome nonstick chemicals are common in U.S. drinking water, federal study suggests


In recent weeks, the leadership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, D.C., has been dithering on whether to protect drinking water from unregulated industrial chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Meanwhile, the agency’s scientists have found that the compounds are more widespread in drinking water than they previously knew.


PFAS chemicals are widely used to make nonstick and water-proof products, including foams used to fight fires. Two of the most common forms—perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)—are no longer made in the United States, but in some cases have been replaced by related chemicals. The compounds can persist in the environment for decades and have been found in many drinking water supplies. That has raised health concerns because studies have linked PFAS to cancer and developmental defects.


EPA is facing pressure to set a national limit on PFAS concentrations in drinking water. (Some states have already set their own limits.) But the agency has not yet acted, and has disputed reports that it will not issue a standard. In the meantime, many communities have been pushing officials to test water supplies in order to document the extent of any contamination.


A study quietly released earlier this month by scientists at EPA and the United States Geological Survey suggests the chemicals are widespread. They found some combination of 14 PFAS compounds in all 50 drinking water samples they tested, a dramatic jump from a similar 2016 study that used less sensitive testing methods and found the chemicals in less than 3% of samples.


The researchers took two samples at 25 water treatment plants; one of water before it had been treated, and the other after treatment. Just one sample contained PFOA concentrations above 70 nanograms per liter (ng/l), the level EPA currently considers an “advisory” threshold, they report inScience of the Total Environment. (That EPA level is far too high, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta concluded in a study.) The researchers also measured concentrations of three other PFAS compounds that exceeded 70 ng/l, but the government has set no advisory standards for these compounds.


The study helps highlight “how widespread PFAS are in the environment,” says Jamie DeWitt, an environmental toxicologist at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, who was not involved in the work. And it suggests that “PFOA and PFOS are not the only PFAS that we should be concerned about.”


The study does not indicate how many people might be drinking the tested water, because the sampling locations are confidential. But using 2016 data collected by federal scientists, the Environmental Working Group (EWG), an advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., estimates that up to 110 million people are served by water supplies with PFAS.


Olga Naidenko, EWG’s senior science adviser, notes that it is unusual for researchers to detect PFAS chemicals in drinking water above the EPA advisory level. And she believes the agency’s existing advisory levels for PFOS and PFOA “are not sufficiently protective.” Communities with high concentrations, she says, should be informed.


The stakes surrounding studies of PFAS prevalence, concentrations, and human health impacts are immense. Stricter standards could force U.S. drinking water suppliers to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to remove the chemicals. And they could require those who used the chemicals—including industrial facilities, fire fighters, and the U.S. military—to pay for cleanups and potentially even damages for people who can show their health was harmed by the substances.