Underground Explosions "Dig" Leads to Moar Weirdness
Weird Connections. Coincidental or Symbolic Signaling?
(Underground Explosions + UK Jersey Island Pedophile Scandals + Notorious Actress in Creepy Movie)
(Where my dig started) #6503 >>5092502 (pb), >>5092523 (pb) Underground Caves/Tunnels dig
One of the underground explosions was (Jan 17, 2019) - (Jersey Island, UK) = (Channel Islands)
(But then I remembered this)
(Jersey Island UK) is the site of a notorious UK pedophile & child murder scandals. (This is one - Pedophilia & Child Murder):
(Daily Mail UK - 02 March 2008)
'I have known about Jersey paedophiles for 15 years,' says award-winning journalist
The award-winning journalist who exposed terrible abuse in Islington children's homes now reveals horrifying links to sinister discoveries at Jersey's Haut de la Garenne.
(Then I remembered this - The Weird Part)
Nicole Kidman (Her father an accused pedophile. Her participation with her father is suspect/undetermined.) She starred in the 2001 movie "The Others".
"The Others" was set on one of The UK Channel Islands - WWII era.
Nicole played a mother who [murdered her two children], then committed suicide.
→ Was the movie "The Others" another Nicole Kidman movie similar to "Eyes Wide Shut", in which there is "Art Imitating Life"?
What are the odds of these ("Seemingly" = Disparate - dissimilar / unconnected) details coming together in such a serendipitous fashion?