Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 10:44 a.m. No.5171824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2284 >>2379 >>2456

US Military Aircraft Head to Caribbean Countries - Cuban Foreign Ministry


Havana blasted what it presumes is the US government’s move to perform a military op in Venezuela under the disguise of a “humanitarian intervention”. President Maduro’s government, which is still in power in the country, has said it doesn’t need any help from the US, and that Venezuela has enough resources to cope with the crisis on its own.


Cuba’s foreign ministry has reported on flights made by US military non-combat aircraft from American military bases, where special ops units and marines are based, in the direction of Caribbean states, which Venezuela notably belongs to. The military units that the said bases house are known to be conducting “covert operations against other countries’ leaders”, the statement reads.


“Between 6 February and 10 February 2019, military non-combat aircraft conducted flights in the direction of Rafael Miranda airport in Puerto Rico, San Isidro Air Base in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean islands that have strategic locations, while the countries’ governments were presumably unaware of the move,” the foreign ministry’s statement reads.


In light of this, the Cuban government has condemned the US government’s move to prepare “a military adventure under the cover of a “humanitarian intervention” in the Republic of Venezuela, the statements went on to say.


The Cuban foreign ministry called on the international community to prevent a military intervention in Venezuela’s domestic affairs.


“Cuba is urging other countries to act jointly, irrespective of political or ideological standoffs, in order to stop another imperialistic military intervention in Our America (Latin),” Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez wrote on Twitter.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.5171848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1919

Pence Berates EU At Warsaw Over "SWIFT Alternative" - Demands Allies "Confront Iran"


Speaking at the US-sponsored Warsaw summit on the Middle East, Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday railed against European efforts to circumvent American sanctions on Iran, and crucially as Bloomberg concludes, his speech confirms the "US and its oldest allies across the Atlantic are becoming estranged."


He slammed European efforts to "break American sanctions against Iran’s murderous revolutionary regime" — a theme also repeated by Pompeo and Israeli PM Netanyahu on the same day.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.5171875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China cancels trade talks with Britain after warship threat by UK defense secretary


UK Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson has reportedly instigated a huge row at the heart of government after threatening to send a warship to the Pacific, prompting China to withdraw from trade talks with Chancellor Philip Hammond.


China’s Deputy PM Hu Chunhua, who was expected to hold talks with Hammond this weekend, has now dramatically pulled out of the engagement after Williamson’s menacing remarks on Monday, according to the Sun. The defense secretary said that the UK must “show [China] the high price of aggressive behavior.”


The fervent speech delivered by Williamson warned China and Russia of Britain’s “hard power,” and revealed that HMS ‘Queen Elizabeth,’ the country’s largest warship, would be deployed to the Pacific with two squadrons of UK and US F-35 fighter jets.


He argued that talking without acting “risks our nation being seen as little more than a paper tiger,” while China develops “its modern capability and commercial power.”


The diplomatic row, reportedly instigated by Williamson, is said to have enraged Tory government ministers, who see his British Empire 2.0 rhetoric as putting at risk access to Chinese markets that are worth billions of pounds.


“There is huge anger across cabinet. Gavin was partially inciting a war – the team knew China wouldn’t be happy,” a source told the Sun.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.5171902   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Martin Armstrong Slams Al Gore's Deliberate Global Warming Fraud To Increase Governmental Power


There is a serious question that no one wants to address. How did Al Gore create the global warming scare and earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the process?


Before Al Gore, science was worried deeply about what we are experiencing today - global cooling.


On April 28, 1975, Newsweek magazine published an article in which they sounded the alarm bell and proposed solutions to deliberately melt the ice caps:


“Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change, or even to allay its effects. They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting thearcticc ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve. But the scientists see few signs that government leaders anywhere are even prepared to take the simple measures of stockpiling food or of introducing variables of climate uncertainty into economic projections of future food supplies.”


This sounds very similar to today’s proposed solution of putting particles in the atmosphere to deflect the sunlight to reduce global warming.


Indeed, TIME magazine’s January 31, 1977, cover featured the cover story, “The Big Freeze.” They reported that scientists were predicting that Earth’s average temperature could drop by 20 degrees fahrenheit. Their cited cause was, of course, that humans created global cooling. Then suddenly the climate cycles shifted and it began to warm up.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.5171952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Proposed Federal Law Will ‘Garnish Wages’ from Paychecks of Student Loan Holders


Consumer advocacy groups are calling the student loan paycheck deductions "mandatory wage garnishment" and are throwing up red flags.


As government subsides continue to flow into colleges across the country, the price of tuition continues to skyrocket, with some rates shooting up nearly 400% since 2000. Over the same period, as the price of college went up, median income in the US went down. This created the perfect storm for what we are currently witnessing right now—a black hole of student loan debt.


Basic economics teaches us that when the government subsidizes an industry, you get more of it. In fact, a study by the New York Federal Reserve found a direct correlation with an increase in government subsidies and and an increase in college tuition.


As more kids are told they need college for jobs—instead of going to trade school—they take advantage of these subsidized programs, which aren’t enough. So, they have to take out more loans to pay for school.


Because of this trend, Americans now owe over $1.56 trillion in student loan debt, spread out among roughly 45 million borrowers. That’s about $521 billion more than the total U.S. credit card debt.


Debt is not necessarily a bad thing as borrowing money to further your chances of making more money in the future can be a good plan—sometimes.


However, because of the subsidies, more kids going to college means more kids graduate which in turn floods the workforce with similar college degrees which makes it harder to use that business or general studies degree to find work. Many of these young adults entering the work force have a difficult time finding a job and end up in low-paying positions.


These low-paying jobs make it extremely difficult to pay back the mountain of debt many of them have accrued while seeking higher education. This, in turn, leads to default on a massive scale and a lifetime of debt.


According to the government statistics, 11.5% of student loans are 90 days or more delinquent or are in default. That is nearly 200 billion dollars.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.5171975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2016 >>2028

WATCH Ilhan Omar grill US Venezuela envoy on war crimes of previous US-backed coups


Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar was the subject of cheers and jeers as she raked special envoy to Venezuela Elliott Abrams over the coals with questions about his role in Central American war crimes during the 80s.


Abrams, who was infamously charged with multiple felonies concerning his part in the Iran-Contra scandal that nearly tanked Ronald Reagan's presidency, came close to losing his temper at the Democratic representative, who seemed to be enjoying her chance to hold him to account for his past actions during Wednesday's House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Venezuela.


Omar described the El Mozote massacre, in which over 800 civilians were murdered by US-trained troops in El Salvador, and noted that Abrams had once called US policy in the country "a fabulous achievement."


"Yes or no – do you still think so?" she pressed.


Abrams stood fast in his defense, crediting that same policy with turning El Salvador into a democracy, which was "a fabulous achievement," he said. When she subsequently pinned him down with a direct question whether he believed the El Mozote massacre itself to be similarly "fabulous," he dismissed the question as ridiculous before finally shouting "no!" in response.


"Would you support an armed faction within Venezuela that engages in war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide, if you believe they serve the US interests as you did in Guatemala, El Salvador or Nicaragua?" Omar asked.


"I am not going to respond to that question," Abrams replied, calling her line of questioning a personal attack.


Omar's performance was soon trending on social media, with the congresswoman polarizing the country for the second time in a week. While critics of the US' never-ending regime-change operations cheered her on, conservatives looked askance at the Somalian immigrant's accent and her mispronunciations of several key words central to her questioning – including "Communist" and "contra." Her addressing of Abrams as "Mr. Adams" – whether intentional or not – also rubbed some people the wrong way.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.5172001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Geneva to ban religious symbols on public employees


Geneva residents voted for a controversial new “secularism law”, which will among other things ban elected officials and public employees from wearing visible religious symbols.

More than 55 percent of voters in the Swiss canton backed the law, final results showed, despite warnings that it could lead to discrimination, particularly against Muslim women.

Some critics think it might violate the constitution.

Supporters say it will help clarify existing principles in the Geneva Constitution to protect the religious freedom of believers and non-believers alike.

The right-leaning cantonal parliament adopted the text last April. It also has the backing of Geneva’s three main religious communities, the Protestant Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the Old Catholic Church.

But the far left, the Greens, feminist organisations, unions and Muslim groups all opposed it, and collected enough signatures to force the issue to a public vote.

Critics claim the law will have an oppressive and discriminatory effect, with some condemning it as Islamophobic and warning that Muslim women who wear a headscarf are being targeted.

Teachers in Geneva are already banned from wearing visible religious symbols, including the hijab. The new text would extend this ban to elected officials and any local or cantonal public employees who comes in contact with the public.

Two legal appeals have been filed against the new text which could block it from being adopted, despite thes vote.

“I am hopeful that the courts will side with us, since this law goes against the Swiss Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights”, Sabine Tighemounine, a local elected official for the Green Party who wears a Muslim headscarf, told the ATS news agency.

The vote did not spell final defeat, she said. “The process is just getting started.”

The Geneva vote was among a range of local, regional and national issues voted on across Switzerland as part of the country’s famous direct democratic system.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 11 a.m. No.5172027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2052

Kremlin brands US sanctions bill against Russian energy projects as ‘racketeering’


SOCHI, February 14. /TASS/. Efforts by US lawmakers to impose sanctions on Russian energy projects and banks border on racketeering, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said commenting on the new bill in the US Congress on sanctions against Russia.


According to him, behind such proposals "there is an absolutely concrete, pragmatic and aggressive trading approach, having nothing to do with international trade rules."


"This policy sometimes borders on racketeering. I mean various provisions of the draft law aimed at disrupting various energy projects of Russian companies, undermining the activities of Russian banks with state participation," Peskov stressed.


The Russian government has already taken measures to protect the country against various "racketeering attacks" of the United States, the Kremlin spokesman assured.


"The government has already developed and adopted a number of effective measures to hedge against such possible racketeering attacks," he said responding to the question about the impact of possible new US sanctions for the Russian economy.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.5172075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2086 >>2130

We Will Not be Leaving the EU, Brexit Will Never be Delivered


I am even more convinced that Brexit will never be delivered.


Do you remember that wonderful feeling of euphoria that we all woke up to on the morning of the 24 June 2016? That we defied all the odds, we defied Project Fear, we defied those who knew better than us and we had voted for something really meaningful, that our voted really counted this time?


As I drove over Westminster Bridge at 5am for an TV interview, the sun was shining and I saw the Union flag flying majestically over Parliament and thought, we've taken back control of our sovereignty and our flag, the symbol of Great Britain, has real meaning again. I had a tear in my eye, excitement in my stomach and a spring in my step. And now those feelings are crushed.


I do not think Brexit will be delivered, ever.


We have a Remain prime minister, leading a Remain government, with a Remain Opposition, sending a Remain civil servant to Remain Brussels to discuss Brexit. What could possibly go wrong?


The cat was really out of the bag this week. Olly Robbins, top Brexit civil servant and closest ally of Mrs May and directly answerable to her only, was overheard in an EU bar on Tuesday night saying that MPs have a choice, back May's deal or extended Article 50 for a very long time.


The hapless Secretary of State for DexU, floundered on the airwaves yesterday, admitting that talks have taken place in Brussels and London about extending our leaving date. He stated, "We are committed to leaving on the 29th March… any extension is not a unilateral decision". The key word here is 'committed'. That can be reneged upon and that is exactly what is happening. Language is important, it's the carefully crafted get out clause, briefed by the spin doctors.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.5172100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trillion-dollar-valued Amazon pays $0 in income taxes for 2018, gets multi-million refund


Trillion-dollar-company Amazon skated through 2018's tax filings without paying a cent for the second year in a row. The e-commerce behemoth, which made $11 billion last year, will pay no taxes at all, thanks to 2017's tax reform.


Rather than pay the standard 21 percent corporate income tax rate, Amazon is actually claiming a tax rebate of $129 million, which works out to a logic-defying rate of -1 percent. Aside from the nebulous “tax credits,” which the company does not have to spell out in its public filings, Amazon is also claiming a tax break for executive stock options, according to the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy – a longstanding loophole that permits profitable corporations to dodge federal and state income taxes on almost half their profits.


While President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax reform legislation lowered corporate tax rates from 35 percent to 21 percent, it was sold as an incentive for companies to keep their money in the US, instead of stashing it overseas where the IRS couldn’t touch it. Now that Amazon and Netflix have both made headlines for using the new regulations to avoid paying anything at all, it remains to be seen whether the legislation’s failure to close corporate loopholes will leave the US holding the bag for fiscal year 2018 as the country’s national debt inches past $22 trillion – a record high.


Amazon’s tax windfall doesn’t even take into account the billions in tax breaks the state governments of Virginia and New York offered the company to open a second (and third) headquarters in their states, though there are rumors that New York is getting cold feet about the unprecedented corporate giveaway. Amazon didn’t pay any taxes in 2017 either, though it raked in a comparatively paltry $5.6 billion in profits and extracted a slightly larger $137 million refund.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.5172135   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Company that Smuggled Weapons Into Venezuela Linked to CIA Renditions


GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA – Two executives at the company that chartered the U.S. plane that was caught smuggling weapons into Venezuela last week have been tied to an air cargo company that aided the CIA in the rendition of alleged terrorists to “black site” centers for interrogation. The troubling revelation comes as Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has rejected a U.S. “humanitarian aid” convoy over concerns that it could contain weapons meant to arm the country’s U.S.-backed opposition.


Last Tuesday, Venezuelan authorities announced that 19 rifles, 118 ammo magazines, 90 radios and six iPhones had been smuggled into the country via a U.S. plane that had originated in Miami. The authorities blamed the United States government for the illicit cargo, accusing it of seeking to arm U.S.-funded opposition groups in the country in order to topple the current Maduro-led government.


A subsequent investigation into the plane responsible for the weapons caché conducted by McClatchyDC received very little media attention despite the fact that it uncovered information clearly showing that the plane responsible for the shipment had been making an unusually high number of trips to Venezuela and neighboring Colombia over the past few weeks.


Steffan Watkins, an Ottawa-based analyst, told McClatchy in a telephone interview that the plane, which is operated by U.S. air cargo company 21 Air, had been “flying between Philadelphia and Miami and all over the place, but all continental U.S.” during all of last year. However, Watkins noted that “all of a sudden in January, things changed” when the plane began making trips to Colombia and Venezuela on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times a day.


According to Watkins’ analysis, this single plane had conducted 40 round-trip flights from Miami International Airport to Caracas and Valencia — where the smuggled weapons had been discovered — in Venezuela, as well as to Bogota and Medellin in Colombia in just the past month.


Publicly available flight radar information shows that the plane, although it has not returned to Venezuela since the discovery of its illicit cargo, has continued to travel to Medellin, Colombia, as recently as this past Monday.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.5172169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2284 >>2294 >>2379 >>2456



Dianne Feinstein's husband wins near-billion dollar California 'high speed rail' contract


Update: questions have been raised as to whether or not Richard Blum still owns a substantial or any interest in Tutor Perini. A number of published accounts, in addition to those cited, claim he does. This report indicates he sold 3 million shares in 2005. It is unclear what portion of his holding, if any, remains. - TL


Further update: Sen. Feinstein's financial disclosure form contains no reference to Tutor-Perini, htough it does indicate holdings in a number of Blum Capital Partners funds.


To the surprise of absolutely no one familiar with the ways of Corruptifornia, the one-party state completely in the hands of the Democrats, a consortium whose lead firm is controlled by Richard Blum, husband of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, was awarded a nearly billion-dollar contract for the construction of the first phase of the so-called high-speed rail line to link San Francisco and Los Angeles. Those paying attention to the project call it the “half-fast” rail line because it will share trackage with conventional commuter rail trains in the sprawling Los Angeles and San Francisco areas, lowering its average speed to levels achieved by American railways a century ago. writes:


The Perini-Zachary-Parsons bid was the lowest received from the five consortia participating in the bidding process, but “low” is a relative term. The firms bid $985,142,530 to build the wildly anticipated first section of high speed rail track that will tie the megopolis of Madera to the global finance center of Fresno. Do the division, and you find that the low bid came in at a mere $35 million per mile.


And that doesn’t include the cost of rolling stock (that’s engines and cars to the normal among us). Nor does it include the cost of electrifying the route. Does it at least include the cost of land acquisition? No, it does not.


As this fiasco progress, remember that this $35 million per mile represents the best California can do on the section of track the High on Crack Speed Rail Authority selected to go first because it will be the cheapest.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:15 a.m. No.5172212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2247 >>2250 >>2268

'I've paid $10bn in tax but it should have been more!': Microsoft founder Bill Gates, 63, says he and the rest of the world's richest 'don't deserve' their fortunes


Bill Gates yesterday claimed he had paid too little tax and did not deserve to be so rich.

The 63-year-old, who is worth around £73billion, said he and other business barons should have to contribute more.

In an interview with the Mail, he said: ‘I have paid more than $10billion (£7.75billion) in taxes but I should have paid more. I more than followed the law but I think things should be more progressive.’

The father-of-three made his fortune after founding Microsoft in 1975. It is now one of the world’s most valuable companies.


Mr Gates, who stepped back from his day-to-day role in 2008, is one of a handful of billionaires who have promised to leave most of their fortunes to good causes rather than to their children.

With his 54-year-old wife he runs the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is dedicated to tackling poverty and disease in poorer countries.

‘I don’t deserve my fortune,’ Mr Gates added. ‘Nobody does. It has come through timing, luck, and through people I worked with. I certainly worked hard and I think software has been a beneficial thing, but I benefited from a structure too.

‘I don’t think giving the money to my children would be good for them or good for society.

‘So after whatever consumption I have, and after some left aside for the kids and for taxes, the rest of the money goes to the foundation.

‘Melinda and I work hard all the time to make sure that money goes to help those most in need.’

He said he was in favour of raising inheritance tax. In the US, parents can leave almost £9million to their heirs without being subject to tax.

Mr Gates also supported calls for more clarity about the taxes paid by technology giants so it is easier to see whether the amounts handed over are fair.

‘I’m a big fan of transparency,’ he said. ‘In terms of corporate tax, if people want to collect more from different types of companies then we need to change the law.’

His comments came as he and his wife published their annual letter setting out their main concerns about the world. They highlighted how nationalism was endangering global co-operation on important health issues.

The couple were first spurred into philanthropy after reading in a newspaper about hundreds of thousands of children dying of diarrhoea in poor parts of the world.

Since then global health schemes – with help from governments and charities such as their foundation – have helped save millions of lives that would otherwise have been lost to diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

Mr Gates claimed these schemes were under threat.

In his letter, he said: ‘I worry that wealthy countries are turning inward and will take such a limited view of their own self-interest that they’ll decide these efforts aren’t worth the cost.

‘Or that even if everyone agrees in principle that aid is important, they’ll be so polarized that their political allegiances will keep them from taking action.’

Mrs Gates added: ‘Strengthening health systems overseas decreases the chance of a deadly pathogen like ebola becoming a global epidemic.

‘And ensuring every parent everywhere has the opportunity to raise safe, educated, healthy kids makes it less likely they will embark on desperate journeys to seek better lives elsewhere.

‘There is nothing about putting your country first that requires turning your back on the rest of the world. If anything, the opposite is true.’

The UK Government teamed up with the Gates Foundation in 2016 to commit £3billion to fighting malaria.

Mr Gates said other organisations that would need further funding this year and next include the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and Gavi, which improves access to vaccines among children in poor countries. In their letter, the couple also called for the collection of better data on women’s lives in developing countries.

They also said action was needed to cut carbon emissions.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.5172274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women



Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says, “As a nation, we can no longer pretend our trusted agencies are protecting our children. It is time to hold federal agencies accountable.”


WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 11, 2019—In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the FDA has admitted, for the first time, that government agencies, including the CDC, are recommending vaccines for pregnant women that have neither been licensed for pregnant mothers by FDA nor tested for safety in clinical trials. The lawsuit, filed by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) attorney, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on behalf of Informed Consent Action Network(ICAN), a vaccine safety advocacy group, sought all clinical trial data used by FDA to approve influenza vaccines for pregnant women. The FDA’s terse reply: “We have no records responsive to your requests.”


The manufacturers of flu and Tdap vaccines warn against their use for pregnant mothers since their safety has never been established. Package inserts state that it is “not known” whether the vaccines “will harm an unborn baby” and there are “insufficient data” on use in pregnant women to inform vaccine-associated risks. FDA regulations strictly prohibit pharmaceutical companies from marketing products for “off-license” uses. Noncompliant companies are routinely prosecuted criminally and civilly, paying billions in lawsuits and settlements.


The CDC nevertheless has actively recommended influenza vaccination during any trimester of pregnancy since 2004 and has told pregnant women to get Tdap shots (for tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) since 2011. The FDA is responsible for vaccine safety and licensing, but, in the just-released court documents, it admits that it has no safety data to back up the pregnancy recommendations. FDA’s website states that it has never formally approved any vaccines “specifically for use during pregnancy to protect the infant.”


Blanket recommendations for vaccination during pregnancy are a dangerous proposition due to vaccination’s ability to activate a maternal immune response that can damage the developing fetal brain—just as infections during pregnancy sometimes do. In 2008, neuroscientist Paul Patterson warned, “Even if it happens less than 1% of the time, vaccinating an entire population of pregnant women could affect thousands of children.”

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.5172343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2379 >>2456 >>2481

Election Fraud: States with more registered voters than people


Mockingbird Media claims there’s no election fraud. So why are there so many states with more registered voters than adult citizens?


Source uses numbers from Judicial Watch compared with US Census population.

Anonymous ID: 334674 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:28 a.m. No.5172393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Border Security Bill Provides Aid, Buses, Legal Shields to Migrants


Democrat legislators added numerous aid and welfare programs in the 2019 spending bill to support the growing wave of economic migrants, even as they agreed to provide $1,375 billion for construction of a border wall.


The border spending bill for the Department of Homeland Security offers “$192,700,000 for improved medical care, transportation, and consumables to better ensure the health and safety of migrants who are temporarily in U.S. Customs and Protection] custody,” according to a congressional Explanatory Statement of the provisions.


The spending includes funds to aid and feeds economic migrants as they journey across the border towards jobs in U.S. cities, as well as funds to bus the migrants from the border to pro-migration non-profits:


To facilitate these additional requirements, the conferees provide $192,700,000 above the request to include $128,000,000 for contract medical professionals, $40,200,000 for increased consumable commodities such as food, infant formula and diapers.


Border officials are also directed to bus migrants from reception centers directly to the welcome centers run by pro-migration aid groups:


Within the $114,147,000 increase above the fiscal year 2018 funding level for the Transportation and Removal Program, ICE is directed to provide for the transportation of migrants to such shelters based on where collaborating organizations have open sheltering capacity, including during surge periods. ICE shall immediately notify the Committees in advance of any decision to deny such transportation.


The flow of cheap workers to U.S. cities is a boon to business groups because it lowers their payroll costs and spikes their sales of food, autos, and housing to migrants. Government agencies also benefit from the inflow of more poor people — while ordinary Americans pay the price of reduced wages and raised housing costs.


The bill was drafted by a panel of 17 GOP and Democrat legislators who sit on the House and Senate appropriations committees. However, none of the GOP members on the panel are immigration experts, while the Democrat side included several legislators who are determined to raise the inflow of migrants. This imbalance allowed the Democrats to compromise on some major funding issues — such as funding for a border wall — while snatching important political wins by quietly imposing pro-migration policies.


President Donald Trump warned Monday that the spending plan likely would include “landmines.”


The bill includes many large programs to help illegal migrants, as well as people who walk up to the border to ask for asylum so they may get work permits. The language also includes backdoor curbs on enforcement agencies.