Anonymous ID: 7f0b97 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.5172065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2121




>Pretending that Mossad "contols both sides" is a lame Zionist shill attempt to make false claim that :

no American anons would comment their disgust and negative opinions on the JQ.


**Shill Tactic to DIMINISH all Anons' Negative comments about the JQ.


Bad variant of the "bot" bullshit.


Spurious claim with 0 evidence. Don't fall for it.


***Notice this Israeli shill's habit of using the word "REMINDER". This is the Signature Bad Word Usage by this Paid JIDF/MOS shill.

Anonymous ID: 7f0b97 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.5172185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2262


Go ahead, prove that I'm mossad. Sauce or GTFO.


Can you say:

Israel Did 9/11?

didn't think so.




>Pretending that Mossad "contols both sides" is a lame Zionist shill attempt to Trick you into the False claim that :


no American anons would comment their disgust and negative opinions on the JQ.


**Jewish Shill Tactic to DIMINISH all Anons' Negative comments about the JQ. A trick to Gaslight you into thinking that anons have "no bad feelings" about Zionist Organized Jewish Subversion of our Country.


*Bad variant of the "bot" bullshit - falsely claiming that JQ Truther anons are all "bots", or the oxymoronic "human operator of a bot".


Spurious claim with 0 evidence. Don't fall for their Subversion Playbook.


***Notice this Israeli shill's habit of using the word "REMINDER". This is the Signature Bad Word Usage by this Paid JIDF/MOS shill.