If your nice maybe Q will put in a good word for you next time .. till then don't hold a grudge … jealously is so unbecoming
All the time in the world - Climax Blues Band - HQ
Just think all of them programed to carry out the UN agenda 2020/30.. and the New Green Deal..
Robots may run future farms, researchers say
Agriculture, one of the world's oldest vocations, is also one that continues to reinvent itself with new technology. From the introduction of the steel plow to automated tractors to modern fertilizer applications, technology has improved effectiveness and increased efficiency.
Now, two University of Florida professors say robots and information technology will rule the roost on farms in the coming years.
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences professors Senthold Asseng and Frank Asche co-wrote an article published in the journal Science Robotics in which they say: "the farmers of the future are likely to be data scientists, programmers and robot wranglers."
"I think we will see the first farm trying to put all this technology together in the next few years," Asseng said.
The first walking robot that moves without GPS
Desert ants are extraordinary solitary navigators. Researchers at CNRS and Aix-Marseille University, in the Institut des Sciences du Mouvement—Étienne Jules Marey (ISM), were inspired by ants as they designed AntBot, the first walking robot that can explore its environment randomly and navigate home automatically without GPS or mapping. This work, published in Science Robotics, opens up new strategies for navigation in autonomous vehicles and robotics.
Human eyes are insensitive to polarized light and ultraviolet radiation, but that is not the case for ants, who use it to locate themselves in space. Cataglyphis desert ants in particular can cover several hundreds of meters in direct sunlight in the desert to find food, then return in a straight line to the nest without getting lost. And they are most active during times of day when heat would make pheromone trails evaporate. Their extraordinary navigation talent relies on orienting themselves using the sky's polarized light, and measuring the distance covered by counting steps and incorporating the rate of movement relative to the sun measured optically by their eyes. Distance and heading are the two combined pieces of information that allow them to return directly to the nest.
Tech Employees Worry About Layoffs at Tesla, eBay, Snapchat
Meanwhile, those at Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn feel quite secure, according to a survey by social network Blind
Who’s afraid of a looming layoff? Blind, a social network that anonymously connects employees with others in their workplaces, asked its users that question last week, and nearly 9,000 responded.
Overall, the news was good—64 percent are feeling their positions are quite secure right now, answering “No” to the question, “Are you worried about layoffs at your current company?” But that sense of security isn’t spread equally across the tech industry.
Among the most worried are tech professionals at Tesla, with 77 percent answering yes, followed by eBay (72 percent are worried) and Snapchat (71 percent are worried), SAP and VMware (some 66 percent are worried at both). Over at Cisco, PayPal, and Intel, about half of the respondents are concerned about possible layoffs. Meanwhile, such thoughts aren’t keeping too many tech workers up at night at Uber (20 percent), LinkedIn (15 percent), Facebook (12 percent) or Google (11 percent).
The full list is below.
the war is almost finally over and now they want to let the UN destroy their country
Khamis: Syria determined to achieve sustainable development goals for 2030
Damascus, SANA-Prime Minister Imad Khamis said on Thursday that the Syrian government is committed to realize the sustainable development and its universal goals for 2030 in light of the national priorities and the developmental initiatives.
“In spite of all challenges and the coercive economic measures imposed on Syria, the government has continued working, according to priorities, to carry out the service and pivotal projects, rehabilitating and maintaining infrastructure and launching the production process in the public and private facilities in addition to securing the basic needs for citizens,” Khamis added in a speech in a meeting at Dar al-Assad for Culture and Arts.
The International Cooperation and Planning Institution in Syria launched today the First National Report for the Sustainable Development.
The report includes 17 goals, most importantly is providing food security, boosting agriculture, overcoming poverty, ensuring good education, clean water and realizing equality between the two genders