Anonymous ID: a3c68e Q Research General #638: Back Up ...AND.... Running Edition Feb. 28, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.518667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9167

What do we do? We Dig, Think, Learn


We're back up and running after being unable to post from 09:25 - 12.25ET

Reported DDOS attack, although we haven't seen a message from BO, BV or CodeMonkey yet. There was this alert: >>518204

Let's Stay Frosty Lads




Q's Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Q's Latest Posts

Friday, 2.23.18

>>480458 Stanislav Lunev

>>480327 Comms Good

>>480311 Sec Test

>>476837 COMMS OFF 2


>>476516 Run Log

>>476461 Sec Test

>>476339 rt >>476325 Sec Test

>>476325 rt >>476229 No Coincidences

>>476245 rt >>476196 Libel Laws

>>476196 rt >>476136 Leaking Info

>>475441 Coincidences

>>475991 Its always about the $$$$$

>>472426 rt >>472314 Confirms BHO-Hezbollah link


Thursday, 2.22.18

>>466606 People Kill People

>>466308 DIVIDED

>>466142 This should scare you (deep state/others)

>>466048 rt >>465930 Breaking up something this big?

>>465919 Clowns in China/other

>>465797 rt >>465779 Did you count spaces?

>>465696 rt >>465258 Learning Comms

>>458475 Scroll through both docs

>>458430 Highly protected documents


Wednesday, 2.21.18

>>>/greatawakening/454 [OP]ERATIONAL

>>>/greatawakening/453 !!!

>>>/greatawakening/452 Which are you?

>>448584 US Cyber Task Force

>>448510 rt >>448451 Coincidence? :Protect 6/14-46

>>448465 rt >>448410 @Jack thought he was protected [PROJECT DEEPDREAM]

>>448399 USSS gun intercept, Protect code

>>448338 Stay tuned. Phase [2].


Sunday, 2.18.18

>>423894 , >>423957, >>423948, >>423953, >>436255

>>422626 rt >>422606 Gannett, McLean, VA, Just the Tip…


Find QPosts from /greatawakening/ and past at: (updated)

QANONMAP.GITHUB.IO (updated) - If it ever goes down, the backup is: QNTMPKTS.KEYBASE.PUB

Anonymous ID: a3c68e Feb. 28, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.518671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9316

Current Q Tasks & Task Updates


Build the Map

Anons have started to create maps >>396430 , >>396394 , >>393620

New Map Thread Mindmapfags Share Central >>396133

Mapnerds help expand the filter ability on >>9200 , >>386535


Dig Liddle



Twitter Storm : Kekistani Airforce Method

All tweets should have #QAnon, #GreatAwakening, and @POTUS/@realDonaldTrump

Add with any of the listed targets!


Current Hashtags / Targets























War Room #7



Dedicated Research Threads List & Building the Map

WEDNESDAY 2018.28.02

We have more than we know. We are missing connections. We must build the map. We must leave no stone unturned. We must dig until we exhaust every possibility. We must focus. When light is focused, it can burn through anything. We are here to RESEARCH not to shitpost, when the Great Awakening happens, we must already have an encyclopedia of knowledge ready to redpill. The masses won't believe it unless we have massive evidence. That is why Q chose us, let's be the autists he knows we are.


Group ideas are to create dedicated research threads which will help us then build maps. Research threads will be listed in their own section of the dough. If you have information about a subject, please create a thread and request that it be added to this section of the dough. Here are some posts from the discussion. Please review and lets discuss more. WE WILL BUILD THE MAP!

>>501108 , >>501114 , >>501081



>>512117 , >>515709 , >>517466 , >>517477 , >>517577 , >>518451


Dedicated Research & Map Building Threads



FALSE FLAGS >>502011

FAKE NEWS >>502142

BIG HEALTH >>502069

THE PYRAMID +++ Roths/Soros/Saud >>501952



Going deeper into history from the Lunev crumb >>509317


If we missed an important topic relevant to Q Research post your idea and we can add.

Continue posting your thoughts in the general bread, but please repost in dedicated breads if you want your thoughts preserved and categorized.

Anonymous ID: a3c68e Feb. 28, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.518680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Board Rules





Quick Access Tools

>>426009 UPDATED: Latest Q Map Set (5of5)

>>387724 Latest Q Map Set (4of5)

>>387719 Latest Q Map Set (3of5)

>>387707 Latest Q Map Set (2of5)

>>387700 Latest Q Map Set (1of5)


Recent map updates

>>480889 Qmap_2018-02-23_2018-02-24) The BRIDGE edition

>>468931 Qmap_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION edition

>>468949 Qmap_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE edition

Selected Focused Map Subsets

>>469863 - CONTROLLERS/CONTROLLED/COMFYCORNER Graphics ->>470191 anonfile links for ultra high res

>>330858 - ComfyQ

>>330855 - +++_Soros_P Keystone

>>330839 - RED_Red Cross

>>333538 - Darnkess/Darkness (Ten Days)

>>337044 - Symbolism: Identify and list


  • Qcode guide to abbreviations

  • QMap zip :

  • Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations :

  • Q archives : |

  • POTUS-tweet archive :

  • QMap PDF (updated 02.21.18) : | |!prBizSzL!r_WlzYTTFmsrEeDpuN6dwnDfzKMwHNbtRukmkUUKqDU

  • Spreadsheet :

  • Raw Q Text Dump :

  • Expanded Q Text Drops :

  • Calendar of notable events : TICK TOCK >>222880

  • Memo & OIG Report Links : >>427188


Resources Library

>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4274 General Archives

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free Research Resources

>>4362 Planefag Tools

>>4369 Research Threads

>>3152 Redpill Scripts

>>16785 Prayer

>>257792 Letters of Gratitude

>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread

>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics

>>333130 Legend of Chan Terms

>>328278, >>377614 DoE Supercomputers + Cyber-Espionage Deep Dig thread

>>388571 MK Ultra Deep Dive

>>410413 Q Communications re:deltas

>>426413 Check Unsealed indictments and/or convictions

>>398808 How to Catch Up


Other Digging Sources



The Meme Repository


Over 11,800 images from 11/25/17 /cbts thru /thestorm, thru qresearch Memes#1-#10!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg

There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.



The same 11,800 categorized images scaled for Twitter 1024 x 512!Kxt2QSyC!0AK44ZpbsF5ASzTyhg6huw


Memes13 >>366408

Memes12 >>247769


New Bakers Please Read This

Anonymous ID: a3c68e Feb. 28, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.518683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Recent Notable Posts


Wednesday 2018.28.02

>>517632 LEARN what is important

>>517346 , >>517847 Future events?

>>517422 Quads break math

>>517136 Clock arithmetic

>>517278 Wolfmoon tweet

>>517466 , >>517477 Looking glass >>517531 Mirror

>>517528 Public or private?

>>517577 More math

>>517717 , >>517749 , >>517774 Bridge research

>>517742 , >>517806 Trump tweets

>>517678 SAT / [3] scientists research


Tuesday 2018.27.02

>>517110 Could 3/2 be glorious day?

>>517121 MIRROR dates

>>516644 +1 +1 -1

>>516426 , >>5165466 , >>516487 Sonitrol Alarm CO

>>516427 Bypass Twitter Phone Verification

>>516590 How's that security clearance granted again?

>>516525 The News Memeia

>>516388 111, nice get

>>516347 What happened to the NK dedicated thread

>>515871 The riddle

>>515502 , >>515507 SAT relays of signal on mobile phone frequencies.

>>517133 says 515507 is bullshit, links >>517202 so you can decide

>>515817 We have the best maps, don't we folks?!

>>515407 Shipp's CIA graphics

>>511808 bridgewater

>>511787 Merlin DIGS

>>511773 Joe Yun out

>>511706 Divided Unite

>>511689 Lynda Resnick

>>511744 Resnick water con't

>>511651 Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer's MAP

>>511567 FIGI water, Clinton connection

>>511535 Jonathan M. Winer, Steele to Uranium1 connection

>>511516 VA Port Authority Cop arrested

>>511454 Trumps EO targets ISIS

>>511465 Con't

>>511483 End

>>511390 Getting shilly in here

>>511312 Many ANONS like this

>>511308 Grey State

>>511271 ES Daughter into rigging campaigns

>>511257 Did Q predict Trump 2020

>>511243 Ed Jagels

>>511220 @jack Brennan


>>510599 Wind the clock

>>509980 Mel Gibson Hollywood studios are drenched in the blood of innocent children

>>509894 Notable posts from #626


MONDAY 2018.26.02

>>506990 Shooter/Therapy Big Pharma Connection

>>506194 Padded cells at Camp Delta

>>502036 , >>502096 Dig on James VanderVeer LIDDLE and Patricia Shea LIDDLE

>>501044 Broward County 9/11 connection

>>501064 Nikolas Cruz detailed history

>>501070 RR attorney wife client list include BO, RM, JC, BC & HRC

>>501558 Shooting timeline

>>501371 3 Dead Scientists detailed info

>>501338 Broward police didn't let medical personnel the school to help wounded

>>501121 The Unification Church

>>501064 Nikolas Cruz: Information summary

>>491773 , >>501047 The Steele Dossier: A Map

>>501045 has been taken down. Archive of here

>>501660 Names of Murdered Victims in Stoneman Douglas Shooting


>>500084 2018.25.02

>>499738 2018.24.02

>>499732 2018.23.02

>>485571 2018.22.02

>>470492 2018.21.02

>>461256 2018.20.02

>>450438 2018.19.02

>>437764 PREVIOUS

>>437197 2018.18.02

>>499725 2018.17.02

>>398383 2018.16.02

>>499722 2018.15.02

>>499720 2018.11.02

>>321147 2018.10.02

>>247024 2018.02.02

>>9019 2018.09.01

Anonymous ID: a3c68e Feb. 28, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.518686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Definitions and Focus

This is only verified information or direct statements from Q. Do NOT add theories to this list. Need to add links to all Q hints for solving map, markers, etc. There are many of them. Fill in as we confirm new information that paints the picture.


What do we know about the comms?

Safe comms vital. No private comms past/present/future. No comms made outside of this platform. Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately. Twitter retweets, twitter keywords, timestamps, pics, spaces, stringers.


What do we know about the map?

Provides key and is the key. News in all forms unlocks. Future proves past. Review after relevant news drops. Find the keystone, what holds everything together. Find the spider(s), build the web (map). Essential with clock. Critical to understand. Order is critical.


What do we know about the clock?

Activated. Ticking. Essentia with graphic (map). Wind it with markers.


What do we know about markers?

Used to wind the clock. Timestamps important. Possibly what is within [] brackets. Need to be connected.


What do know about the key?

Military Intelligence/NSA. Unlocks the door of all doors (info). The map is the key. Made up of "key" members of NSA, protected by SS. Secured.


What do we know about the keystone?

Holds everything together.

Applied to paint the picture.

Military Intelligence, No Such Agency = key - Unlocks the door of all doors (info)

POTUS and Patriots = stone - Force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info


What do we know about stringers?



What is essential, critical, and vital?

Big Pharma - Essential

Clock and Graphic - Essential

Understanding the map - Critical

Order of the map - Critical

No Such Agency - Vital

Raw Intel - Vital

US Military - Vital

Safe Comms - Vital

We, the People - Vital

Message - Vital

Control of Message - Vital

Delivery / Receipt of Message - Vital

Select news members / journalists are vital to delivering the message (as are WE, the People) - Vital

Public - Vital

Release of Info - Vital


What is important?

AG Sessions - US Cyber Task Force

This board being discussed in coming months across ALL PLATFORMS - Be prepared

Proofs - Bring new eyes ability to question

Snowden being in Russia - Still a Clown? Why is it important?

Making sure list of resignations remains updated

SOTU activation code - most important line of the entire speech

Executive order blocking property of person involved in serious human rights abuse and corruption - Read slowly and carefully

POTUS' statement and focus [Tweet] on the UK - VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT, SCARE PEOPLE

LEARN, STAY STRONG, STAY TOGETHER, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT - More important than you can imagine

No private comms, no comms outside platform - fake news otherwise

Understanding P_pers - Feel privileged, we serve at the pleasure of the President

Timestamps - Countdown?

Stringers - Relates to news unlocking map, future proves past (see hint Q drop)

Expand your thinking - Understand the drops

Gun control - So very important to D's agenda

Archive Everything