I'm 100% with you in every aspect.
I'm reminded of "You can't always get what you want….but you get what you need", his campaign song when POTUS does something that makes my skin crawl. (Holocaust memorial) That helps me grin and bear the lesser skin crawlies.
That being said, 14/88 has never been more possible than it was today. We have Child tax credit increase, marriage penalty has been removed, economy is on the up and up and it's looking good for the future. It's up to us to take advantage of these opportunities to thrive for what we want. With all this growth we have the perfect opportunity to secure a future for ourselves and our children. America for Americans first absolutely includes us, I don't give a fuck what anybody else is doing, you'd be retarded to look at how things are going and say "14/88 is worse off today than it was when Bareback Obama was in office".
Just wanted to say you're not alone. Wish more of 8/pol/ showed up but whatever. Maybe they're lurking two years. We won't be making peace with the commies or BLM (who apparently don't represent the black population) but we might have to offer a token of peace to Israel and meh…meh…meh…
You can't always get what you want.