Why does Ilhan Omar bother me so much? Many, many reasons, but this is what I will say. If this is the type of person the left wants to present to get me to be critical of Israel and the News they FAILED. I can easily imagine that with the highest per capita doctors and scientists in the world Israel is capable of some actions that less developed countries are not. If MOSSAD is only half as wicked as the CIA then it belongs out of my plane of existence in the "Lake of Fire" as described in Revelation. However, Jesus, my Savior was a Jew. I will not allow an immoral (if she did truly marry her brother) Sharia promoting (Sharia is unconstitutional) Jew bashing hypocrite to "preach" to me about Israel and the Jews. To make a very "carnal" ( in the flesh) remark: At least the Jews are successful! They don't import themselves from "s#$%hole" countries to bear 8 children on welfare while telling Americans how stupid we are for supporting Israel!