Trump and JFK Jr have been planning this their whole lives. No way in a million years did JFK Jr not see Hillary putting a bomb on his plane from a million miles out.
If he's dead it means he and/or his people had no suspicion at all that Hillary would try to kill him. Not possible with what JFK Jr and/or the people around him knew about how Hillary operated.
Going over the war with France at Waterloo I think that's when the non satanic/evil part of the British Empire died. Rothschild put them all out of business, therefore our ruling class in OZ have been comped since then.
Anzac's spending the entire ww1 on the beach been shot at by Turk's wasn't British incompetence it was on purpose to thin our ranks and make hijacking Oz much easier.
Psyoping us for years?
Looks like Admiral Byrd's journey to Antarctica was part of a flat earth psyop, setting up decades in advance. NASA too I think they were meant to be found out as frauds to promote the flat earth psyop.
He was sold out before the first season of Chappele show. The turning down 50mill, going to Africa then on Oprah all fake.
No coincidence that Bush sr is rolled through the NASA command centre with an astronaut in the background faking space in front of a green screen. This is done to promote the flat earth psyop because the CIA runs flat earth.
He's playing a character and always has been, this is still part of it.
Then all the CIA flat earth shills say "omgomg look NASA is faking space therefore let me tell you the truth about flat earth".
Eric Dubay lives in Indonesia surrounded by pedos..yeah he's not a shill.
It will be worth living if you could hold on a bit longer, you could do something else to take your mind off while you're waiting.
Public knowledge and understanding of science is probably fake, doesn't mean the earth is flat
That's what it looks like.
Operation Highjump = jumping the ice ring around the flat earth. Or that's what they want you to think they're doing.
Nah they won't, they need protection in high places for that. People like this can't breed unless the government can take from someone else to raise the kids.
I'm only missing out on some hell by missing out on the fake lesbians.
All the msm propaganda is just to keep people in some unrealistic, mental state, without being deceived non stop by msm their mental state should improve a lot.
>When does HRC feel the pain ?
She has been feeling it for years, barely even alive anymore
They use false hope yes, real hope is dangerous to them.
Real or fake Hillary?