>>5220104 (lb)
>but it could be high ranking members and they got it wrong
Must be cabinet for application of Article 25.
>>5220104 (lb)
>but it could be high ranking members and they got it wrong
Must be cabinet for application of Article 25.
Every time I see pics like that one I feel homicidal rage. I wish POTUS would pick volunteer anons for the firing squads.
Gort have been sent to Earth.
Video unavailable.
>Why would a swamp creature former DOJ prosecuter be estatic that Whitaker is now not AAG and happier than a pig
Because the creature is not in the know. Why you even ask? Are you from WaPo?
Holy crap! Did not notice that, as said the pics of what they took away affect me.
>a black sun in the solar system
A white supremacist sun would be the ultimate SJW trigger. It's not hidden its banned.
He is a comedian. What is the problem?
HRC made the same proposal inspired by Russia Today before turning on Russia.
Smollett refused access to his phone to investigators. I wonder who he has been sexting with.
I think we can safely say that the storm has already started.
>Why was the research deemed CLASSIFIED?
We have been warned for decades but no one was paying attention.
It's amazing how they ensnare themselves.
Russia is the best enemy ever.
Trying to frame QResearch? CNN screen capping this 30mins before the event?
Any planefag here now can check that air space?