This is your duty to end the beginning Q. We are on the precipice of a wide world change, take us to the heart of this world and show us why you have so much faith in humanity.
This world Q is controlled by a narrative that we fight against. It has been established that you are being everything a human is supposed to be. You Q are us and we are you… I stand with you. Make a difference…
It's kinda funny that we do all this research… Find out what is what.. Why in the fuck are we still talking… The human rabbit holes I have followed by your tips and the rabbit holes that are beyond that we can not explain. I am grateful for you… I will follow you into battle.
I am grateful for you and all the research you have done and will continue to do. I am grateful for Q and all the intelligence they have passed unto us. I am the awakening of my awareness in my heart for all of humanity. Q you are our ears, voice, heart and soul of why we fight for the humanity that does not want to hear us.
Our fight is for humanity.
I fight for you and I fight with you… I fight for us all to fight us all in our nescience… I fight to see us all be brothers and sisters under no flag or religious beliefs.
I am you.. You are us.. We are all each other.
Ignorance and nescience may be considered the same, but when looking at the core etymology of each word, we discover that they mean two different things.
Ignore: To refuse to pay attention to; disregard
Synonyms: snub, brush aside, brush off, discount, dismiss, neglect, pay no attention to, overlook, pass over, shut your eyes to, turn a blind eye to
Ignorant: Lacking education or knowledge.
Synonyms: unaware, unlearned, uneducated, unknowing, unknowledgeable, unread
Nescience: 1. Absence of knowledge or awareness; ignorance. 2. Agnosticism.
agnostic (n.)- from Greek agnostos “unknown, unknowable,” from a- “not” + gnostos “(to be) known”
Ignore is related to ignorant with respect to not paying attention to something you know is there, you lack knowledge of it due to having ignored it while others did not ignore it and therefore are not ignorant of a particular aspect of knowledge. It is based on lack of existing knowledge available, or not (un-) something such as unlearned, uneducated, unknowledgeable, etc. Nescience is a not knowing something that differs from ignorance because it is an absence of it in your available surroundings or experience. The knowledge has not yet been uncovered for it to be available for others to assimilate and propagate. Agnosticism is referenced as to mean to not being able to know or not know something because it is not in your reach or availability to know it, you just don’t know about it at all. It is ‘not’ + ‘to be known’, no one knows about it. Ignorance is based on a refusal to look at, a willful disregard, turning a blind eye, etc., while nescience is an absence of it accessible to even be capable to see and integrate it as something known. The knowledge we currently have access to is available if we reach out and take it. Yet, some choose not to know, we don’t want to know, we don’t want to see the ugliness of what the truth has become from our descent in consciousness. We have a choice in what we pay attention to.
The difference between nescience and ignorance can be demonstrated through the concept of evil existing or not. In a reality where there would be an innocence of no evil it would be an experience of nescience of evil because there would be no evil action done by anyone and therefore no evil around for them to know that evil exists and therefore evil would not exist because evil would not be manifested through actions and behaviors to recognize that evil exists. In our reality we are currently manifesting our consciousness in forms of wrongdoings and evil that permeates all around us, yet people choose to be willfully ignorant of this evil. There is a difference between nescience of evil and ignorance of evil.
There is a responsibility associated with understanding principles of truth: courage and willingness to express the truth fearlessly to others by speaking it into existence for others to understand. Presenting information that a friend, family member or other person may not be willing to look at (ignorance) can create oppositional relationships or circumstances, controversy and make things uncomfortable, but that is what happens when the light of truth shines on those trapped in dark modalities of consciousness. Ignoring truth, is ignoring reality, what ‘is’ and therefore existence. Ignoring truth is ignoring ourselves. People who don’t want to look at, acknowledge or talk about truth are ignoring themselves and their own experience.