They've been warning us for years
Based on Q's info about who's been running this world for at least 50 years. Would this be too far fetched?
If you really look into it, Jesus was born in September. But we celebrate it in December, Why?
Nimrod's Birthday is December 25th.
Think it this way:
The planet Jupiter was in virgo's "womb" for approx 9 months.
Virgo gave "birth" to Jupiter on September 23 2017. (jupiter came out of virgo constellation).
Jesus was born of the virgin Mary
Jesus was born in september (we celebrate Nimrod's birthday on December 25, under the guise of Jesus's b day).
This means that SHIT IS GONNA HIT THE FAN for 7 years starting September 23 2017
I think I have a pretty good idea. But i'll check it out anyway.
I usu feel more energy when it goes white/higher frequency.
Yesterday/today I've lost energy. Something's def up