Anonymous ID: 1233b6 Feb. 23, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.5349734   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Set in 1971, The Post depicts the true story of attempts by journalists at The Washington Post to publish the Pentagon Papers, classified documents regarding the 30-year involvement of the United States government in the Vietnam War.


And who were these journalists, like WaPo used to be so good and somehow ended up employing numerous Podestas. The Pentagon Papers was a psyop and Ellsberg is the same flavor as Woodward, Mr. former ONI, reported to Haig in the WH, gave daily intelligence briefings, uh huh.


Speaking of WaPo, there's a whole backstory, some threads of which can be found in just the first three hits of this search:


Google search owner of Washington Post suicide:


[Phil Graham] was married to Katharine Graham, a daughter of Eugene Meyer, the previous owner of The Washington Post. Phil Graham, who had bipolar disorder, died by suicide in 1963, after which Katharine took over as de facto publisher….


…son of legendary Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham shot himself to death just days ahead of the national release of a movie about her role in the “Pentagon Papers” exposé — and in a manner eerily reminiscent of his dad’s suicide more than 50 years ago….


…[Phil Graham] appeared at a newspaper publishing convention inebriated and/or manic. At the microphone he made a number of provocative comments, including the revelation that Kennedy was sleeping with Mary Pinchot Meyer. His assistant, James Truitt, called for his doctor, Leslie Farber, who flew in by private jet, as did (subsequently) Graham's wife. Graham was sedated, bound in a straitjacket, and flown back to Washington. He was committed for five days to Chestnut Lodge, a psychiatric hospital in Rockville, Maryland….


Maybe in my perambulations I'll happen on some of the other "provocative comments," sounds really juicy.


I'm thinking the Pentagon Papers were used to pump the image of WaPo to national the way the Lusitania was used to same end for NYT.