For the most part I think of POTUS battling the Deep State as a silent war playing out behind the scenes against evil people. While all of that is true, POTUS and We The People are also fighting a spiritual battle against Satan himself. I do not see how this war will remain silent for long. Something much larger than arrests are on the horizon if this is true. If this is truly a fight for humanity then to this point we have only been playfully sparring with humanities adversary Satan. I imagine that we haven’t seen anything yet. “The end won’t be for everyone” - “That choice, to know, will be yours” as posted by Q in drop 749 made me wonder if the choice to know is accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and know the light or to choose Satan and know the dark. With that choice it will be determined if the end is for you. The end will definitely not be for everyone but it will be for many.