If you going to post memes, spend an extra moment to check spelling is correct/contained message is clear - We dont really need to give any casual visitor cause to think we are a bunch of uneducated rednecks or right wingers.
If you going to post memes, spend an extra moment to check spelling is correct/contained message is clear - We dont really need to give any casual visitor cause to think we are a bunch of uneducated rednecks or right wingers.
China's communist party has so much power in New Zealand that western countries might stop sharing intelligence
Sourced from QRes#7314
A former CIA China expert proposed cutting New Zealand out of the Five Eyes intelligence sharing arrangement with the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.
The ex-analyst said the action should be taken in response to New Zealand's prime ministers' denials of any influence attempts by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Both Australia and Zealand have been hosting intense discussions over CCP influence.
Australian media recently confirmed a secret government report that uncovered CCP influence within all levels of politics.
A former CIA analyst has raised the prospect of kicking New Zealand out of an international intelligence-sharing alliance, which includes the US.
Five Eyes is the name of the intelligence alliance between the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand that has routinely shared sensitive intelligence since 1955. But failure to respond to interference attempts by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) should endanger New Zealand's membership, Peter Mattis, a former CIA China expert testified to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission last month.
"In New Zealand, both the last prime minister, Bill English, and Jacinda Ardern, have denied that there's a problem at all," Mattis, now a fellow at The Jamestown Foundation, said.
"To quickly move to a recommendation, I think that at some level the Five Eyes, or the Four Eyes, need to have a discussion about whether or not New Zealand can remain given this problem with the political core, and it needs to be put in those terms so that New Zealand's government understands that the consequences are substantial for not…cont.
Sen Fraser Anning gets egged during speech
Sourced from QRes#7314
Senator Fraser Anning in Australia gets egged by some tossbag grandstanding kid following the Muslim attack in NZ and then turns around and smacks him across the face. Kek.
Shooter went to Pakistan and North Korea - neither are easy places to visit.
Sourced from QRes#7315
NK -
WARNING: Some governments advise against all travel to North Korea due to the uncertain security situation caused by North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program and related tension. There are no resident Canadian or American diplomatic offices in the DPRK. The ability of officials to provide consular assistance is extremely limited. Sweden, through its Embassy in Pyongyang, is the "Protecting Power" for Canadian, American and Australian nationals if any emergency consular assistance is required, but such assistance will likely be very limited, due to the unpredictability of the actions of the government of the DPRK. Those planning to engage in activities that the North Korean government forbids must be prepared to face imprisonment, torture, and death (22 Jan 2015).
Government travel advisories: Australia • Canada • Ireland • New Zealand • United Kingdom • United States
(From wiki)
More about background of Shooter
Sourced from QRes#7316
This guy is really starting to look like a total CIA clown.
Never knew a white supremacists favorite thing is to go to Pakistan and talk/write about all the wonderful people there.
How very lucky of him to be one of the very few westerners who get to visit North Korea.
WTF??? People can not just go visit NK, it is nearly impossible to get access in to that country.
Revealed: Turkey releases CCTV of Christchurch terror suspect at Istanbul airport as officials probe his 'extended period in country' - as photo emerges of his visit to North Korea
Brenton Tarrant, 28, left home to travel across Asia, Europe and the Middle East
Turkish authorities say they are investigating his stay in the country in 2016
Facebook posts show he subsequently visited North Korea and Pakistan in 2018
Bulgarian authorities also want to know what he was doing there last year
Turkish authorities have released a CCTV picture of the New Zealand mosque killer after he had an extended stay in the country in 2016.
Australian-born Brenton Tarrant, 28, allegedly livestreamed his sickening attack on two Christchurch mosques on Friday, leaving 49 dead.
Ankara on Friday said it was investigating Tarrant's multiple visits to Turkey, and who he might have met while he was there during an 'extended period of time in the country.'
The Bulgarian government has also said it was looking into Tarrant, who apparently visited the country late last year, as well as Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Tarrant is said to have set off on a journey around the world in 2011, following the death of his father Rodney, taking in Turkey in 2016, as well as the Balkans and Pakistan in late last year
Along his weapons Tarrant had scrawled names in English and Cyrillic of numerous military figures - many of them Europeans involved in fighting the Ottomans in the 15th and 16th centuries. A few took part in the Crusades, centuries earlier.
In a previous Facebook message about his sojourn in Pakistan on Facebook, Tarrant wrote: 'an incredible place filled with the most earnest, kindhearted and hospitable people in the world,' The Sydney Morning Herald reported.
'The beauty of hunza and nagar valley in autumn cannot be beat,' he stated.
Tarrant claimed in a so-called 'manifesto' to have made money trading Bitcoin, enabling him to travel the world. He is said to have visited a wide range of countries including North Korea, Japan and India.
He visited Bulgaria from November 9 to 15 last year claiming he wanted 'to visit historical sites and study the history of the Balkan country', according to Bulgaria's public prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov.
Tsatsarov said he hoped the inquiry would establish if this was 'correct or if he had other objectives'.
Turkish border authorities are also examining two trips by Tarrant to the country in 2016, CCTV footage capturing him walking through the airport in March, 2016.
A senior Turkish official says Tarrant spent an 'extended period of time in the country' across multiple trips.
He says the suspect may have also travelled to countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
The official says an investigation is underway of 'the suspect's movements and contacts within the country'.
A picture posted on social media by a Pakistani hotel manager in 2018 appears to show him in the country during his time abroad.
But at some point he seems to have become obsessed with terrorist attacks that happened in Europe between 2016 and 2017. His ranting manifesto is filled with Neo-Nazi ideology and hatred for Muslim people.
The alleged terrorist was brought up in rural New South Wales town of Grafton which he left shortly after his father Rodney died of cancer when Tarrant was in his early 20s.
One woman who knew him before he left Grafton speculated to Daily Mail Australia that 'something happened to him' during his time abroad. She also recognised him as being the man in the massacre video.
The alleged Christchurch mosque killer was pictured in Pakistan, as he wrote about the wonderful people who lived there
Australian Senator Slaps Teen For Cracking An Egg On The Back Of His Head During Live Interview
Sourced from QRes#7316
Australian Senator Fraser Anning responded to having an egg cracked against the back of his head by turning around and slapping the perpetrator during a live television interview.
The Queensland senator, who previously called for a ban on Muslim immigration and is currently under fire for blaming New Zealand’s lax immigration policies for recent mosque shootings, was in Melbourne giving an interview to reporters on Friday when a young man started recording, then smashed an egg into the back of his head.
Anning quickly turned around and slapped the individual, who reportedly turned out to be a 17-year-old. Then he did it again before being separated from the altercation by a staffer.
The unnamed teen was arrested by Victoria police, according to the New York Post.
Conservative? Hardly. New Zealand mass shooter is a far-Left “eco-fascist” who praised communist China
Sourced from QRes#7316
As usual, the lying mainstream media is busy plastering up fake headlines all over the place about the latest mass shooting incident that took place in New Zealand, describing the alleged shooter as a “Trump-supporting white supremacist” who hates Muslims for being brown. But the guy’s own 1,500-page manifesto, which Big Tech is actively trying to scrub from the web, by the way, tells a much different story. Far from being a rally-attending apologist for President Donald Trump like the fake media is now claiming, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, the man whom Australian media outlets have named as the shooter, is a self-described “eco-fascist by nature” – meaning he’s a Leftist that’s more aligned with Democrats than Republicans. Tarrant clearly wrote in his rambling manifesto, in response to a question he apparently posed to himself, that he certainly does not support President Trump. “As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no,” were Tarrant’s exact words, unequivocally indicating that, contrary to fake news claims, he likely wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat.
Tarrant’s diary goes on to reveal that he’s anything but a conservative, and is actually more aligned with radical domestic terrorist groups like Antifa. In response to another question he posed to himself about where he aligns both politically and socially, Tarrant had this to say, in no uncertain terms: “The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.”
In other words, Tarrant is a full-fledged communist, just like Democrat Darling and failed 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who actually grew up in communist China and has had nothing but positive things to say for the country ever since.
As Sanders once admitted in infamy, he’s even proud of communist China’s breadlines, which he described to the media as “good.”
Brenton Tarrant says his intent was to spark civil war in America, claims Candace Owens “influenced me above all”
As to why Tarrant decided to carry out this particular attack, his manifesto reveals that one of his primary aims was to “create conflict” between opposing ideologies in the United States as it concerns legal gun ownership. His apparent hope was that this ongoing battle over the Second Amendment would result in another civil war, which he believes “will eventually balkanize the U.S. along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.”
Tarrant also bizarrely credited conservative pundit Candace Owens for being the person that “radicalized” him and “influenced me above all,” further describing Owens as someone whose insights and views “helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over meekness.”
How come the fake news never clearly identifies Muslims whenever they carry out terror attacks? Keep in mind that Candace Owens is a black woman, which suggests that Tarrant isn’t doing a very good job at being the “white supremacist” that the fake news media is claiming he is. Further, he describes himself as transitioning from communism, to anarchism, to libertarianism, to eco-fascist, which further suggests that he’s not quite stable in the noggin. But almost none of this is being reported in the mainstream news, as fake headline after fake headline pushes the narrative that Tarrant is no different than you’re average Trump supporter. Even worse are the escalating Leftist dog whistles against white people, conservatism, patriotism, and gun rights – as if some deranged New Zealander has anything to do with these things here in the United States. Had this incident been inverted, with a deranged Muslim storming into a Christian church and murdering several dozen innocent people, you can be sure that the mainstream media would be working overtime to conceal the shooter’s ethnic and religious identity. And anyone who actually told the truth in this hypothetical scenario would have been immediately labeled "Islamophobic.” But because the shooter in this case has lighter skin and doesn’t claim that Allah is God, fake news outlets are having a heyday branding him with all sorts of anti-white, anti-Trump stereotypes in an attempt to foment more Leftist rage against Caucasians, while simultaneously fueling anti-Second Amendment sentiments.
contd https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-03-15-new-zealand-mass-shooter-is-a-far-left-eco-fascist-who-praised-communist-china.html
Hillary Rodham Clinton coming to New Zealand
Sourced from QRes#7316
Failed US presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is to visit New Zealand in May. The former secretary of state will be travelling to Auckland on May 7, then on to Australia, to give "a series of three exclusive and intimate events". Ticket prices ranged from $195 for an upper-level seat to $495 for a floor seat. Clinton's visit was organised by Australian business event provider The Growth Faculty, and is part of the organisations "Women World Changers" speaker series.
Ugh .. sure it wont be a sellout.
We might get lucky and she be arrested by then.
"Australia has revoked a visa it issued to a far-right British speaker after he blamed the Christchurch terror attack on "extremist leftism and barbaric, alien religious cultures".
Milo Yiannopoulos was granted a visa last week, personally approved by Australian Immigration Minister David Coleman, the Guardian reports.
But it's now been stripped away, after Yiannopoulos wrote on Facebook that extreme right-wing killers "get pushed to the far-right by the left".
"The violence directly inspired by grassroots right-wing media figures comes from Antifa, not our supporters," he said. Antifa is a loose collection of left-wing activists who oppose fascism and far-right views.
"Attacks like this happen because the establishment panders to and mollycoddles extremist leftism and barbaric, alien religious cultures. Not when someone dares to point it out."
Last time Yiannopoulos was in Australia, he was slapped with a $50,000 bill for riots that took place outside venues he spoke at."
More on NZ Shooting - Where are the blood spatters?
Sourced from QRes#7322
Retired surgical trauma nurse fag here-
I've seen a lot in my day and what immediately occurred to me when looking at the photos and then the vid is where are all the blood spatters ?!!
Bodies bleed when pierced.
I expected to see spatters on the walls, running out onto the rugs,
and splashed on the clothing even when piled up like some of the photos. It would be all over the place.
I saw nothing that would be expected.
is this another Sandy Hook?
or are the pics photo-shopped?
Wounds From Military-Style Rifles? ‘A Ghastly Thing to See’
Trauma surgeons tell what it is really like to try to repair such devastating injuries. “Bones are exploded, soft tissue is absolutely destroyed,” one said.
I get it that this dude is not a normie- either a Clown or a Manchurian candidate- programmed like all the rest of the FF actors.
I also 'get it' that this is war and that 8 chan/Q/Qanons are being set up, since the Smollett drama didn't quite work out like they wanted.
The timing is interesting too as the Cesar Seyoc trial is next week.
NZ Threatens 10 Years In Prison For 'Possessing' Mosque Shooting Video; Web Hosts Warned, 'Dissenter' Banned
Sourced from QRes#7325
New Zealand authorities have reminded citizens that they face up to 10 years in prison for "knowingly" possessing a copy of the New Zealand mosque shooting video - and up to 14 years in prison for sharing it. Corporations (such as web hosts) face an additional $200,000 ($137,000 US) fine under the same law. Terrorist Brenton Tarrant used Facebook Live to broadcast the first 17 minutes of his attack on the Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand at approximately 1:40 p.m. on Friday - the first of two mosque attacks which left 50 dead and 50 injured.
Copies of Tarrant's livestream, along with his lengthy manifesto, began to rapidly circulate on various file hosting sites following the attack, which as we noted Friday - were quickly scrubbed from mainstream platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Scribd. YouTube has gone so far as to intentionally disable search filters so that people cannot find Christchurch shooting materials - including footage of suspected multiple shooters as well as the arrest of Tarrant and other suspects.
On Saturday, journalist Nick Monroe reported that New Zealand police have warned citizens that they face imprisonment for distributing the video, while popular New Zealand Facebook group Wellington Live notes that "NZ police would like to remind the public that it is an offence to share an objectional publication which includes the horrific video from yesterday's attack. If you see this video, report it immediately. Do not download it. Do not share it. If you are found to have a copy of the video or to have shared it, you face fines & potential imprisonment."
Dissenter blocked in New Zealand Along with the censorship of online materials and investigation of content sharing platforms such as BitChute and 8chan - where the shooter posted a link to the livestream of his attack, social discussion service Dissenter has been blocked in New Zealand. Created by the people behind Twitter competitor Gab.ai - Dissenter is a browser extension which pops up a third-party comments section for any website where people can discuss content outside of the control of the website owner. On Saturday, Gab's official accounts (@gab and @getongab) reported that "New Zealand ISPs have banned dissenter.com until it is "censorship compliant.
Milo banned
Meanwhile, far-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos was banned from Australia in the wake of the New Zealand shootings after he said on Facebook that attacks like Christchurch happen because "the establishment panders to and mollycoddles extremist leftism and barbaric, alien religious cultures." Australia's immigration minister, David Coleman, said in a Saturday statement that Yiannopoulos's comments were "appalling and forment hatred and division," adding "Milo Yiannopoulos will not be allowed to enter Australia for his proposed tour this year."
UK man arrested
While the Christchurch attacks were utterly reprehensible, supporting them is now punishable in the United Kingdom. On Saturday afternoon, a 24-year-old man from Oldham was arrested on suspicion of sending malicious communications in support of the mosque attacks. It is unclear what he is alleged to have written. The Greater Manchester Police said in a statement that they "became aware of a post on social media making reference and support for the terrible events in New Zealand," adding "Police have made urgent enquiries and a man aged 24 from the Oldham area is now under arrest on suspicion of sending malicious communications." "It is clear that people are worried and we really understand that… It is truly terrible what happened yesterday. It is hard to put into any form of words," said Assistant Chief Constable Russ Jackson, who added "We have nothing to suggest any threat locally, but none of this can diminish how people feel and that is why we want to be there to offer more support at this difficult time."
CHRISTCHURCH (NYTIMES) - When the prime minister announced plans to ban semi-automatic rifles following Friday's mass shootings, it seemed to be the bold response that many New Zealanders wanted - until the country's attorney general backpedaled almost immediately and said that might not be the government's final decision.
Even after a massacre that left 50 people dead, the fight over guns and safety will be a fraught one for politicians in peaceful New Zealand, just as it is in the United States.
But there is a crucial difference between the two countries that is already apparent: While Washington struggles to take action even as such shootings become more routine, New Zealand's government is immediately diving into a detailed discussion of further legislative checks on guns.
The outright prohibition of semi-automatic weapons proposed by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern may no longer be on the near-term table. But a Cabinet meeting called for Monday will look at a range of options, from gun buybacks to restrictions on magazines for semi-automatic rifles.
Anons theory that Trump is forcing FVEYES to earn "some" redemption.
Sourced from QRes#7328
Hey Trudeau, out yourself for XYZ fraud by this date or else. Something not too troubling for the masses, but big enough to force you out of office forever. 737 justice later.
New Zealand.
Hey Jacinda, help us wake the entire world up to media false flags by this date or else. Completely film and fake a hate crime hoax on a global scale. Then get busted censoring and faking it all.
Great Britain.
Hey May, go ahead and intentionally stall and botch the will of the people with BREXIT. Do it to the point those blinded Brits actually start waking up. Be gone by this date or else.
Hey Scott, let's actually arrest and out the good Cardinal for the kiddie diddling. Oh yeah, hand over all the Vatican financials as well since he was their CFO. Do it by this date or else.
You know I am right.
Muh censorship
Sourced from QRes#7330
Facebook erased 1.5mn instances of NZ mosque attack video in 24 hours after massacrePublished time: 17 Mar, 2019 05:28This image grab from a self-shot video that was streamed on Facebook Live on March 15, 2019 by the alleged shooter, 28-year-old Australian man Brenton Tarrant, as he went on a shooting rampage inside the Masjid al Noor mosque © HANDOUT / AFP
Facebook has been working "around the clock" to wipe out copies of the first-person shooter-style video filmed by the gunman as he went on a shooting spree inside a Christchurch mosque in New Zealand, killing 50.
In an update on Saturday, Facebook's New Zealand spokesperson, Mia Garlick, said that the social media giant was "using a combination of technology and people" to make sure the footage originally livestreamed by 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant as he gunned down the congregation in the Al Noor Mosque could not be reposted on the site. The majority of the videos were removed while in the process of being uploaded to Facebook, she said.
"In the first 24 hours we removed 1.5 million videos of the attack globally, of which over 1.2 million were blocked at upload," Facebook tweeted, citing Garlick.
While the stomach-churning footage of the attack is extremely graphic and expressly violates Facebook Community Standards against violence and criminal behavior, Facebook has decided to go one step further and ban all clips from the video even if they don't feature any graphic imagery, Garlick said.
"Out of respect for the people affected by this tragedy and the concerns of local authorities, we're also removing all edited versions of the video that do not show graphic content," she said.
ALSO ON RT.COMVictims screamed for help as gunman live-streamed attack on NZ mosque, gruesome video shows
The gruesome 17-minute video was promptly taken down by Facebook after a police alert. Facebook also yanked Tarrant's Facebook and Instagram pages and cracked down on messages praising the attacker or his rampage.
The attacker, who was charged with murder in a brief court appearance on Friday and is expected to face more charges, tried hard to publicize his atrocity even before he went on the shooting spree, releasing a long, hatred-filled manifesto and sending it to the New Zealand prime minister's office, as well as to several local and international media outlets.
Read more
‘We would all probably be gone’: Heroes who stood up to Christchurch shooter
The office of NZ PM Jacinda Ardern confirmed on Saturday that it had received the manifesto"less than 10 minutes" before the attack. It came to the "generic" mail account administered by the PM's staff, and not in her personal mail, the spokesman said as cited by the NZ Herald. Upon receiving the alarming text, the staffer alerted the parliamentary security, which, in turn, tipped off the police.
The PM herself did not see the manifesto, which was also emailed to around 70 other addresses, including politicians and media organizations.
The manifesto cites Tarrant's inspirations for carrying out the attack. The shooter idealized historical figures and crusaders who waged wars against Muslims and vowed "revenge" to"invaders." He also mentioned visiting several European and Asian countries before his attack, including the UK, Turkey, Pakistan, and Bulgaria, which are now investigating the purpose of those visits. Tarrant is also alleged to have visited North Korea. A photo circulating online allegedly shows him in front of one of the reclusive state's famous landmarks.
Victoria Police monitoring dozens with alt-right beliefs
Dozens of Victorians with alt-right views monitored by police, Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton says
Dozens of Victorians with alt-right beliefs are being monitored by counter-terrorism authorities in the wake of Friday’s attack in Christchurch but police confirm there is no current threat they are aware of.
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton said “dozens” of Victorians were currently being monitored.
“We have a range of people within Victoria that we monitor in relation to politically motivated extremism and potential for violence and we will continue to do that,” he said.
“Certainly after Friday night we have intensified monitoring of the alt-right within Victoria, because of events from Friday.
“We have no current threat active in relation to any response from Friday that we are working on, it is simply our normal work.”
Mr Ashton said Victoria Police is working alongside the AFP and ASIO on their counter-terror efforts.
Premier Daniel Andrews revealed he had not watched the harrowing footage that was live streamed by Christchurch shooter Brenton Tarrant and widely shared on social media.
“The person who has perpetrated this act of evil in New Zealand has filmed it for a reason, he wanted people to watch it,” he said.
“The last thing we should be doing is giving him what he wanted.
“I’ve not seen the footage and I would encourage people not to bother looking for the footage online, out of respect for the families.”
Premier Andrews, Minister for Multicultural Affairs Richard Wynne and Mr Ashton attended an open day at Omar Bin El-Khattab Mosque in Preston on Sunday afternoon.
They were greeted by President of the Islamic Society of Victoria Tarek Khodr.
Premier Andrews said Victoria had “heavily regulated” gun laws.
“The types of weapons used in these evil attacks in New Zealand are already very heavily regulated,” he said.
“We have tightened gun laws in regards to illegal firearms.
“I do not know that Victoria Police have any further requests for any law changes.
Resignations in the News
Sourced from QRes#7331
Laundy resigned two months ago, but PM kept it secret
Top Auckland Council executive Dean Kimpton resigns
More shooter speculation and 5Eye ties…
Sourced from QRes#7335
Police speculated during the attacks that there were up to three suspects. But footage and photos that have emerged along with early reports of other suspected locations where incidents occurred indicates that the number of attackers was likely larger. One image shows a man with shaven head in military-style camouflage fatigues being detained by New Zealand police as the attack was contained and halted. Another video shows police standing around a suspect lying on the pavement. As the individual videoing the scene passes, officers roll the apparently lifeless man over onto his back, showing his arm flop as he moved. If the suspect had been alive then police would have restrained him with handcuffs before moving him. Authorities have made no announcement about casualties among the attackers.
There were also rumors of other incidents which suggest that the attack might have been larger than is being disclosed. Maori News noted reports that an additional shooting was ongoing at Christchurch Hospital. This went largely unacknowledged by the international media. In the aftermath of the attacks, police in Auckland, New Zealand also responded to a bomb scare at Auckland train station.
These facts all indicate that the Christchurch terror attacks were perpetrated by a larger group that would be similar in size to the one involved with the break-in at the North Korean embassy.
It is also worth noting that the location of police stations in and around Christchurch shows that there were several just a few blocks away from the Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Islamic Centre. This is about a seven to eight minute drive with normal traffic. But witness statements say that police took over 20 minutes to arrive at the scene. Ambulance services took over half an hour to arrive at the scene despite the fact that hospitals were in even closer proximity to the attack locations than police stations.
The failure of police to deploy with greater haste or intercept the attackers while they moved from their first target to the second raises serious questions about the reasons for inadequate law enforcement reactions. Normally an incident on such a scale would trigger an immediate lockdown of the affected city and a total isolation of the affected area.
If any attackers were not filming themselves, resupplying from their vehicles or firing on innocent civilians while driving in transit as Tarrant did it is likely that they would have been able to effect an escape.
IV. Potential Connection To Organizations Affiliated With FVEY
Many of the countries visited by Tarrant play host to the operations of agencies with connections to FVEY. FVEY members include the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. FVEY also have a number of Tier B nations who participate in "focused cooperation" on computer network exploitation, including Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungry, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.
Outside of the UKUSA Agreement, FVEY members are known to cooperate with Tier B nations on their own. Great Britain has had a deep relationship with Spain since World War II, when Britain bought off the Spanish to remain neutral and then used the country as an escape route for downed Allied airmen. British agency GCHQ also collaborates independently with counterparts in Germany, France, Spain and Sweden. British-Russian double agent Sergei Skripal was also revealed to have been collaborating with Spanish intelligence officers in the years leading up to his poisoning in 2018.
Brenton Tarrant's travels to Turkey, France, Spain and Portugal raise questions about potential connections to intelligence services who collaborate loosely under the FVEY intelligence sharing agreement. Additionally, his time spent in Pakistan, a country with a long history of deep CIA involvement creates an even stronger possibility that Tarrant might have had ties to military or intelligence organizations.
Since Tarrant had at least one New Zealander acting as an accomplice, it is possible that there may have been other New Zealand nationals associated with his group. Outside of their collaboration through the FVEY framework, New Zealand's Special Air Service has been deployed to Afghanistan where they worked directly under the CIA at a base in Bamiyan province according to claims published in 2011.
Al Noor Mosque previously in the news…
A Christchurch mosque has been linked to the drone killing of New Zealand al-Qaida suspect Daryl Jones.
The parents of an Australian killed alongside Jones say their son was taught radical Islam in Christchurch, where he also met Mr Jones.
Christopher Havard was killed alongside Mr Jones by a US drone in Yemen last year.
His parents, Neill and Bronwyn Dowrick, say their son told them he was first taught radical Islam at the Al Noor mosque in Addington.
Mr Havard moved from Australia to New Zealand in 2010. He's remembered at the mosque by the name of Saleem Khattab.
"[He was] no different than other people," says mosque president Mohamed Jama. "He was a normal man."
Mr Havard's parents say it's at the mosque he met fellow convert Mr Jones, who was known at Muslim Bin John.
But the mosque can't remember Mr Jones, and denies teaching radical Islam.
It seems Kiwi spies may have had the mosque under surveillance.
"I'm not going to go into the individual entities or the operations that the SIS or the GCSB conducted," says Prime Minister John Key.
Australian Federal Police (AFP) began an investigation into Mr Havard's possible involvement in an alleged al-Qaida kidnapping of three westerners in Yemen.
The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel
Every single time…
Sourced from QRes#7338
A suspect confronted the court, two other under investigation; reports about another suspect who left for Israel faces the silence of authorities.
The attack to two mosques in Christchurch, a city in eastern New Zealand, has led to the death of 49 people leaving dozens seriously injured. The terrorist, holding a camera on head live-streaming the attack on Facebook, rushed the Al-Noor mosque with a gun and then fled to streets continuing to shoot the passers-by.
The live-stream stopped a few streets away while minutes later another mosque, Linwood mosques, was targeted by another attack. Most casualties, nevertheless, were reported in the first attack.
The local authorities announced that less than an hour after the attack, the main suspect, a 28-year-old Australian, was arrested while three others were also put under investigation. One suspect was released from custody after the end of primary investigations.
It remains unclear if the attackers of the two mosques were the same or there were five attackers involved. One of the terrorists managed to escape the country hours after Friday noon. The fifth attacker has defected to Israel with the help of unknown aides. No official reaction has been made by Tel Aviv or local authorities on the issue yet.
While the main suspect has confronted the court a day after the terrorist attack, the local authorities has made no remark about his partner(s) in the brutal act.
The distance between the two mosques seems to show that the terrorist would have no chance to get to the second mosque if he were alone. Besides, considering the fact that the attack was terroristic in nature, as the New Zealand Prime Minister asserted, the involvement of other individuals, or other countries, seems probable.
The massacre of Brenton Tarrant, who killed 50 Muslims in Christchurch, visited Israel two and a half years ago. A senior Israeli official told News 13 that Trent entered Israel on October 25, 2016 with an Australian passport.
Aussie Pm is officially a Puss.
Sourced from QRes#7341
The Australian Prime Minister is siding with “Egg Boy.”
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says that the conservative politician who was egged by a 17-year-old boy should be charged for retaliating by hitting the teen.
“The full force of the law should be applied to Sen. Anning,” Morrison said.
NSW police have raided two homes on the NSW mid-north coast in connection to Friday’s massacre at Christchurch.
Sourced from QRes#7342
The NSW Joint Counter Terrorism Team executed search warrants at the property at Sandy Beach near Coffs Harbour about 8.30am today.
A short time later, the same team executed a second search warrant at a property in Lawrence near Maclean.
The two properties are believed to belong to family members of Australian man Brenton Tarrant, who was arrested and charged with murder after allegedly storming two New Zealand mosques and shooting dead 50 people.
The properties are 95km apart. Tarrant’s mother and sister had earlier been taken to a safe place for their protection.
In a statement, NSW Police said the raids were “in support of the New Zealand Police investigation into Friday’s terrorist attack”.
The primary aim of the activity is to formally obtain material that may assist New Zealand Police in their ongoing investigation,” a spokesman said.
“The family of the Australian man arrested in Christchurch continues to assist police with their inquiries.
“The community can be assured that there is no information to suggest a current or impending threat related to this search warrants.
A 22-year-old New Zealand man has reportedly been arrested for distributing video of an attack Friday at two mosques in the country that left 50 people dead.
ABC News reported Sunday that the man, who has not been identified by authorities, will be charged under the Films Videos and Publications Classification Act and is scheduled to appear Monday in court.
A 28-year-old man has been charged in connection to the shootings at Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Masjid in Christchurch. In addition to the 50 people who died, dozens more were injured.
Mia Garlick, a spokesperson for Facebook New Zealand, told ABC News that the social media company removed 1.5 million videos of the attack within the first 24 hours of the shooting occurring.
Police said in a statement that is illegal "to distribute or possess an objectionable publication."
"We would like to remind people that it is an offence to distribute or possess an objectionable publication (under the Films Videos and Publications Classifications Act 1993), which carries a penalty of imprisonment," New Zealand police said in the statement, according to ABC News.
"The live stream video of the shootings in Christchurch has been classified by the Chief Censor’s Office as objectionable," they added added.
More Resignation(s) in the News
Sourced from QRES#7352
2 Tasmanian MP’s Resign From Parliament
Funny how they blocking 8ch 4ch zerohedge and voat, but not facebook or twitter.
Hmm can you say hypocrisy?
I have no interest in viewing the video .. but its annoying that the specific sites targetted also happen to be those with Q forums.
Didnt even realise the blocks were in place as changed dns ages ago.
You think someone would have twigged that if you wanted to shut down public access to these sites, heres a textbook example of how one might do it.
But its all just convenient coincidence, right? Nothing to see here.
DNS .. Do Not Suscitate ? Kek
Apparently ALL White Australians ARE Responsible For NZ Massacre, so sayeth this source
Sourced from QRes#7390
Looks like they are playing the victim card for all its worth, after this event … I seem to recall that playbook from somewhere.
Personally I am saddened that shit like this happens to anyone in the world, but I dont recall ever supporting people like the shooters, either financially or morally, so heaping the blame on all of us Aussies for this attack is a fucking joke.
On the flipside, I wonder how many muslims in our country or NZ feel ashamed and apologetic for the 753 people killed in Islamic terror attacks in Europe alone, 2000-2018.
And thats just the tip of the iceberg according to the pages and pages of other victims listed in Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks).
Evidence Indicates Link Between North Korean Embassy Break-In And Christchurch Attacks
Sourced from QRes#7391
As the world reels from the tragic terrorist attack against two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, much attention has been given to sensational information about the single named suspect, Brenton Tarrant. However, the hyperfocus on Tarrant distracts from the fact that the Australian national was arrested along with other suspects.
An investigation and analysis by Disobedient Media indicates that Tarrant and the group he worked with likely have professional military connections, are part of the same cell that perpetrated a February 22nd break-in of the North Korean embassy in Spain and potentially have intelligence ties to various agencies that cooperate under the UKUSA Agreement popularly known as Five Eyes (FVEY).
I. Signs Of Professional Military Connections
Despite the characterization of Tarrant in the media, he was no run-of-the-mill white supremacist. Images posted by Tarrant online just before the attack to a Twitter account which had been dormant until March 12 showed that he was in possession of high-capacity magazines and a semi-automatic assault rifle. The weapon and magazines would have been classified as either a “restricted weapon” or a “military-style-semi-automatic” (MSSA) under New Zealand law. A person who possesses or uses a firearm in New Zealand needs to hold a firearms license issued by police. Licenses normally last for ten years unless revoked. Foreign nationals may apply from overseas for a one year license based on their possession of an existing license in their home country.
Suspicions are inevitably raised over how exactly Tarrant and his alleged co-conspirators managed to stockpile the military-grade weapons and ammunition used in the attack in a country with comparatively strict gun laws. Tarrant, who supposedly began to radicalize starting in 2016 and was allegedly unemployed would have had his radical tendencies discovered with a proper background investigation. Police say that another suspect in the shooting was an individual who acquired the necessary Category A license and began to legally stockpile weapons used in the attack.
Additional reports have also established that Tarrant trained at the Bruce Rifle Club in Dunedin. Although the club’s website and YouTube channel have been scrubbed from the internet, an archive shows that it explicitly catered to users and collectors of military rifles.
The Australian also engaged in extensive travel abroad to a number of areas that should have raised red flags with intelligence services. Countries visited by Tarrant included Pakistan, North Korea, Turkey, parts of Africa, Portugal, Spain, France, Afghanistan and Xinjiang, China. The extensive travel and access to military grade firearms should have made detection by law enforcement and intelligence services nearly impossible to avoid.
First Australian solar farm in Antarctica opens at Casey research station
Sourced from QRes#7400
19th March 2019
The first Australian solar farm in Antarctica will be switched on at Casey research station today.
Australian Antarctic Division Director, Mr Kim Ellis, said the system of 105 solar panels, mounted on the northern wall of the ‘green store’, will provide 30 kilowatts of renewable energy into the power grid – about 10 per cent of the station’s total demand over a year.
“This is the first solar power array at an Australian Antarctic research station and amongst the largest in Antarctica,” Mr Ellis said.
“It will reduce Casey station’s reliance on diesel generators for electricity, cutting fuel costs and emissions, as well as boosting the station’s capacity in peak periods.”
The project is a collaboration between the Australian Antarctic Division and Masdar, the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, to investigate a range of energy efficiency and energy management options at Australia’s Antarctic stations.
Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar, said the project was an opportunity to pool energy-efficiency expertise from the hot deserts of the Middle East and the cold desert of Antarctica.
“This project will help to build expertise in, and the performance of, solar systems in cold and remote environments,” Mr Al Ramahi said.
“It will test the durability and suitability of the solar panels to the strong wind and snow load in Antarctica and help us to determine if it is an efficient way of powering a station.”
Masdar sourced the solar panels from Aleo Solar in Germany, while Australian Antarctic Division engineers undertook wind modelling, produced technical drawings, and devised a special mounting system of brackets and rails to fit the corrugated shape of the green store cladding.
Engineering Services Supervisor at Casey, Doreen McCurdy, said her six-person team first installed the brackets and rails to hold the panels flush against the wall.
Then they installed external cable ducting, internal cable trays, a switchboard, and three inverters to convert the variable direct current (DC) into 240V alternating current (AC).
The team faced some challenging conditions with temperatures as low as -7°C and a number of blizzards.
“The cold was a challenge, as the brackets and bolts are small and fiddly and can’t be installed while wearing gloves, so we had to use hand warmers to keep our fingers nimble,” Ms McCurdy said.
“On windy days we had to focus on the internal installation, as the elevated work platform we use outside can’t operate in winds above 15 knots.
“Once all the rails and brackets were in place though, we were able to install about 15 panels a day.”
While the panel installation is unusual in its flush mounting against a wall, it has been designed to strike a balance between maximum solar gain and stability in the wind, as well as ensuring the panels are easy to install, access and maintain.
There are now plans to look at connecting the panels up to a battery storage system and whether solar farms might be suitable for use at Australia’s other stations.
“Once the solar system is running we’ll see an immediate energy contribution and we’ll be able to see how it performs as part of the station’s power grid,” Mr Ellis said.
“From there we can then look at how to get more out of the technology in the future.”
Changes to Aus Migration Policy, albeit tiny ones
Sourced from QRes#7401
The policy change comes at a time of national reflection over Australia's attitude towards migrants after the shooting of at least 50 people at two mosques in New Zealand's city of Christchurch.
Australian Brenton Tarrant, 28, a suspected white supremacist, was charged with murder on Saturday after a lone gunman opened fire at the two mosques during Friday prayers.
"My great frustration is that, in addressing these issues of population and immigration programs, these debates often get hijacked by those of competing views who seek to exploit them for other causes," Morrison added.
"I reject all of that absolutely."
A ReachTel poll published in September showed that 63 percent of Sydney residents supported curbs on the number of migrants moving to Australia's biggest city.
Morrison said the cap would include places for up to 23,000 people who could migrate to Australia under a new skilled visa.
Such arrivals could gain permanent residency after living outside of Australia's largest cities for three years, he added.
They will be barred from living in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney or the Gold Coast, where infrastructure is overutilised, said immigration minister David Coleman.
Authorities will require proof of residential and work addresses in future applications for permanent residency, he added, as a way of enforcing the requirement.
Business welcomed the bid to alleviate regional skill shortages.
"While Australians in our major cities are frustrated by congestion, those in our regions have told us they need more people, skills, jobs and investment," said Jennifer Westacott, chief executive of the Australian Business Council.
There is no cap on temporary migration, such as students on temporary visas, who form the bulk of migrants to Australia, which issued 378,292 student visas in the year to June 30,2018.
Australia warns all options on table over Erdoğan threat
Sourced from QRes#7404
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Wednesday that all options were on the table in response to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s threats to send any hostile visitors from Australia and New Zealand back home in coffins.
Australian national security agencies are reviewing whether it is safe for Australians to travel to Turkey for annual commemorations of the 1915 World War One battle between defending Ottoman forces and troops of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) alongside British and French soldiers trying to capture the Gallipoli peninsula.
Australian media said Morrison was considering expelling Turkey's ambassador over what he said were Erdoğan’s "highly offensive and highly reckless" comments.
Governments Going Crazy With Unlawful Censorship - Censorship Tightens As Governments Lose Control
Note: Not just governments, as we have seen with Australian ISPs dictating what content we can/cannot see
Sourced from QRes#7424
Governments have lost control of the narrative that they are in control of events. Everyday I wake up to another instance of outrageous censorship from some ‘social media’ company blocking or banning someone for no apparent reason.
The latest outrage is Twitter banning the account of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange’s mother, Christine.
Australian and New Zealand ISPs have gone bonkers IP blocking sites in the wake of the Christchurch massacre. Sites like Zerohedge have been targeted in the past two weeks for publishing narratives orthogonal to what the governments in the West are comfortable with people consuming.
First it was Facebook, blocking and then unblocking Zerohedge with no apparent reasoning behind it. Now its ISP’s over-reacting to an emotional event ensuring that a good crisis never goes to waste.
And these ISPs are going much farther than just avoiding any potential legal liabilities. They are now openly calling for the platforms themselves — Twitter, Facebook, etc. — be regulated by governments to stop ‘dangerous information’ from reaching the eyeballs of consumers.
And another mask is ripped off revealing the ugly totalitarians underneath.
It begins with legitimizing de-platforming people like Alex Jones and social media companies like Gab. Because some speech is too free. These are people supposedly too fringe to be suffered.
So it’s easy to whip up some public support for censorship of them alongside a one-sided media bombardment of justify their silencing to a large swath of people.
Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been…?
It’s especially easy to do this after having whipped everyone up into two camps of highly polarized and radicalized camps across multiple political vectors.
Trump vs. Liberals in the U.S.
Remainers vs. Leavers in the U.K.
Open borders vs. Immigration control across the West
Global warming alarmists vs. skeptics in Europe
Gun Control vs. American Deplorables.
I could go on and on.
All of these false dualities, false divides are meant to drive us into two camps and act as a barrier to communication. As a sh&tlib are you more or less willing to suffer an argument for free speech if it comes from a Deplorable?
We all know the answer to that question.
Brighteon.com forced to delete NZ Shooting vids
Sourced from QRes#7428
ALERT: Brighteon.com video platform under extreme threat from internet infrastructure providers, forced to delete all New Zealand shooting videos, essentially “at gunpoint” by the globalist controllers of the ‘net'
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 by: Mike Adams
This is an emergency alert concerning Brighteon.com, the free speech video platform alternative to YouTube.
I’m writing this at 12:45 am, March 21st. The Brighteon platform is now under extreme threat by upstream infrastructure providers over users posting footage of the New Zealand Christchurch shooting. We are being threatened to remove all the videos or face complete annihilation online, starting with being de-platformed from infrastructure providers, followed by legal action from none other than the nation of Australia (not even New Zealand itself, but Australia and it’s “Office of the eSafety Commissioner.”)
We anticipated this exact scenario many months ago, and we have been feverishly building alternative internal infrastructure to eliminate any dependencies on upstream infrastructure providers, to the extent that such a configuration is possible. However, we are still several months away from completion of that build out phase. Sadly, over the next few hours we are being forced — essential “at gunpoint” (the irony being completely lost of the fascists who now control the ‘net) — to delete all videos containing footage of the New Zealand shooting.
If we refuse to take this action, then ALL the videos on Brighteon will essentially be de-platformed, and none of them will be viewable by the public. The entire website will be annihilated.
Make no mistake: We are facing extreme online fascism, censorship and authoritarian speech police who are exploiting the New Zealand operation to roll out a totalitarian police state across the ‘net. The excuse we are being given is that hosting or sharing the videos is “promoting violence” — an absurd claim on its face. If videos that depict violence are so harmful to the public, then why did the entire mainstream media play the 9/11 twin towers attack videos a million times over, burning the imagery into the minds of the American people? In that attack, over 3,500 Americans died, yet no one claimed that showing the video was promoting violence.
If violent action sequences are “promoting violence,” then why isn’t every Hollywood action movie banned? Why aren’t the million other violent YouTube videos banned? Why is it perfectly acceptable to show video footage of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich torturing and killing Jews in concentration camps? Have we really reached the point where videos that show Jews being mass murdered are perfectly okay, but videos that show followers of Islam being murdered are criminalized? I thought all genocide was evil, and burying it through censorship is not going to make the hatred go away. If we are to recognize the source of these conflicts and acts of violence, we must be willing to see what actually took place. But today, even viewing certain particular videos is now essentially considered a multi-national crime.
Somehow, this New Zealand shooting video — in which rifle brass disappears mid-air, by the way, like magical ammo — is being invoked to justify the ultimate free speech crackdown across the ‘net. Anyone who dares examine the forensic video evidence, ask intelligent questions about the shooting or question the official narrative is now being threatened with internet-wide de-platforming and possible legal action.
We have reached the state of “total censorship” on the ‘net. This is the beginning of the end of humanity, since no voices, views or opinions that contradict “official narratives” are going to be allowed anywhere online.
As InfoWars also covered earlier today, the next escalation of censorship will involve banning URLs from browsers, meaning Chrome, FireFox, etc. will not even allow you type in “Brighteon.com” or “Infowars.com” or any other site the globalist controllers don’t want you to see. They will use another false flag shooting as justification to ban any URL they want, always in the name of “public safety.”
In truth, globalists believe that anyone who thinks for themselves is a threat to public safety. Therefore, all non-conformists, dissenters, independent thinkers or outspoken voices of truth must be systematically silenced by all the tech giants, including: Google, Apple, Twitter, Amazon, YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest and others. Together, they now operate a global cabal — an online mafia — that demands absolute obedience to irrational demands.
Australia's draconian revised gun laws (after PA) - Looks like they being recycled/copied for NZ
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a ban on military style, semi-automatic (MSSA) guns and assault rifles in the wake of the Christchurch mosque shootings.
All semi-automatic weapons used during the terrorist attack on Friday will be banned, she said.
Related parts used to convert the guns into MSSAs would also be banned, along with all high-capacity magazines.
Hey bud, i am just the one who trawls through all the QRes threads each day and posts any content relevant to Australia, so that its here in one place for any interested parties to see.
Sorry if you didnt like the content, thats your right, but dont give me a hard time about it … I dont see anyone else stepping up to do job.
Anon, Please make the effort to post some relevant title/summary rather than just drop the link next time.
Tanya Plibersek dismisses 'confected' claims of university free speech crisis
Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek has rejected concerns about a free speech crisis at Australian universities, arguing the claims are a deliberate attempt to bring on a culture war.
In an address to a key higher education conference in Canberra this week, Ms Plibersek is expected to play down the threats to academic freedoms on campuses and question the necessity of the Morrison government's inquiry into the issue.
Education Minister Dan Tehan, free speech advocates and right-wing think tank the Institute of Public Affairs have expressed fears that left-wing protesters, censorship and political correctness are increasingly stifling robust debate in academia.
At the Universities Australia conference this week, Ms Plibersek, Labor's education spokeswoman, will celebrate the role of universities in a liberal democracy and their tradition of academic freedom.
"And I don’t accept this confected argument that there’s some crisis of freedom at our universities. It’s nothing more than a sad attempt at culture war," she will tell the conference on Thursday.
Australian National Sentenced to Prison Term for Exporting Electronics to Iran
Defendant Admitted Shipping Aircraft Parts to an Iranian Company in Violation of United States Embargo
Offences committed in 2007/2008
An Australian man was sentenced today to 24 months in prison on four counts of violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which criminalizes knowing transactions with Iranian entities without a license from the U.S. Department of Treasury.
David Russell Levick, 57, of Cherrybrook NSW, Australia, pled guilty to the charges on Feb. 1, 2019, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. In addition to the prison term, Levick must pay a forfeiture amount of $199,227, which represents the total value of the goods involved in the illegal transactions. Following completion of his prison term, Levick will be subject to deportation proceedings…
… According to the plea documents, Levick was the general manager of ICM Components, Inc., located in Thornleigh Australia. He solicited purchase orders and business for the goods from a representative of a trading company in Iran. This person in Iran, referenced in court documents as “Iranian A,” also operated and controlled companies in Malaysia that acted as intermediaries for the Iranian trading company.
Levick then placed orders with U.S. companies on behalf of “Iranian A” for the goods, which were aircraft parts and other items that “Iranian A” could not have directly purchased from the United States without the permission of the U.S. government.
The defendant admitted to procuring or attempting to procure the following items for trans-shipment to Iran, each of which required a license from the Treasury Department prior to any export to Iran:
Precision Pressure Transducers
Emergency Floatation System Kits
Shock Mounted Light Assemblies
Full text here:
Mistake sees Christchurch suspect charged with murder of woman who turned out to be alive
Sourced from QRes#7438
The list of victims of the Christchurch massacre has become shorter, after it was found that one of the women on it is alive. The error will have no impact on the court process, police stressed.
The woman, whose identity was not disclosed, is merely described as “connected” to the Friday attack on the mosques.
“We have been to see her today [on Thursday] and apologized. The name was supposed to represent many victims and someone was just trying to do the right thing,” local media quoted Detective Superintendent Chris Page as saying. “We made a mistake and we will own it.”
The unfortunate error, however, won't affect the prosecution process, New Zealand police officials have assured.
“It was an administrative error, it will have no impact whatsoever on the court process, I understand it's been rectified. Let's bring this guy to justice,” Police Minister Stuart Nash told RNZ.
The charge sheet will be amended on April 5, when the suspect is set to face the court again. Aside from that, he will be slapped with a “bundle” of additional charges.
The worst shooting in the country's history occurred on March 15, when the suspect, identified as a 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant, stormed two mosques in the city of Christchurch. The perpetrator live-streamed the carnage on Facebook and released a lengthy manifesto online, explaining his extremist views.
Is it just me .. or does it seem they all talking like this was a lone gunman event now, when at the time there was 4-5 participants arrested?
What the hell is going on?
Do they think peoples focus and memory this short that they forget these sorts of details in a week??
Julian Assange WILL NOT Be Cooperating With Democrats’ Trump Investigation Document Requests
Sourced from QRes#7436
by Cassandra Fairbanks March 21, 2019
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will not be cooperating with a far-reaching document request from Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee, that was sent as part of their effort to investigate President Donald Trump.
The committee requested documents from 81 individuals and entities in their efforts to investigate corruption, obstruction of justice, and ethics violations in the Trump campaign.
One of Assange’s lawyers, Barry Pollack, told Politico that the House Judiciary Committee request violates the First Amendment.
“The First Amendment dictates that any inquiry by Congress should not begin by issuing requests to journalists for documents pertaining to its news gathering,” Pollack said.
Assange has been nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize by 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, despite the US government’s increased effort to persecute him.
WikiLeaks is protected under the Bartnicki First Amendment Test, which holds that a publisher cannot be held liable for a disclosure of stolen information if the disclosure deals with “a matter of public concern” and provided that the speaker was not “involved” in the theft. Given that WikiLeaks does not steal or hack the documents that they publish, this precedent should apply to Assange. There is no doubt that their publications have been newsworthy and of public concern.
Currently, Chelsea Manning is in prison for refusing to testify in a secret grand jury against the publisher.
Assange entered the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on June 19, 2012. He was soon granted political asylum. The UK has long refused to acknowledge the findings of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD), which found that Assange is being arbitrarily and unlawfully detained and must be immediately released without the threat of arrest and compensated.
Nice to see someone posted this graphic as a reminder that Aussies have gone to bat many times for our US frens, especially as some here seem to this all Aussies are traitors cause of the actions of a select few DS scumbags here
Sourced from QRes#7441
Here's a handy dandy Greatest Ally Cheatsheat.
Please note that Aussies are currently getting their internet rights curtailed massively due to a false flag perpetrated on their neighboring island's land.
Prince Andrew’s 'sex slave' claims he was involved in underage orgy with paedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein and eight young girls
NEW court papers filed yesterday claim Virginia Roberts was paid $400 to “service” Prince Andrew while under the age of consent.
Sourced from QRes#7441. Source article from 2015.
Virginia Roberts is in the photo with Prince Andrew ("Randy Andy"), was abducted by Epstein and was forced to join his harem of minors. She claimed to have seen Clinton’s and Epstein’s Virgin Island Compound, a known den of immoral acts.
NEW court papers filed yesterday claim Virginia Roberts was paid $400 to “service” Prince Andrew while under the age of consent.
“I was 17 at time. Epstein was there, along with Maxwell and Andy. Epstein and Maxwell were making lewd jokes about ‘Randy Andy’.
“I had the impression Andy had come there to have sex with me. There was no other apparent purpose for him to be there.
“I was told to go upstairs with Andy and to go to the room I thought of as the dungeon. I had sex with Andy there. I was only paid $400 from Epstein for servicing Andy.
"The third time I had sex with Andy was in an orgy on Epstein’s private island.
“Epstein, Andy, approximately eight other young girls, and I had sex together.”
The mum-of-three, who said she was “recruited” by Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of disgraced tycoon Robert Maxwell, aged 15, said she wanted to bring all the “powerful people” who had abused her to justice.
The latest allegations came as claims were made that flight logs appeared to put Prince Andrew and Miss Roberts together in the locations at the time she claims the three sex sessions took place.
The records, said to match court circulars outlining Andrew’s whereabouts in 2001, are believed to show he was on Epstein’s Caribbean island at the time Miss Roberts claims the underage orgy took place – as well as in London and New York on the two other occasions.
The logs, posted online, recording Miss Roberts’ travels, put more pressure on Prince Andrew over her allegations.
She has claimed she was forced to have sex with him in the London home of Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of disgraced tycoon Robert Maxwell. The pair were pictured together there on that night.
She says she was paid £10,000 in total by Epstein for her time with the Duke.
Flights logs and official documents appear to show Andrew and Roberts were in London on March 2001, in New York in early April, and in the Caribbean on the US Virgin Islands later the same week. Roberts did not turn 18 until August of that year. Lawyers acting for billionaire Epstein had tried to silence Roberts on Tuesday, claiming she has no right to bring a case.
The billionaire’s legal team say she repeatedly refused to bring a complaint before the six-year statute of limitations expired. Andrew would be spared further claims and court revelations if a judge agrees to throw out her suit against US prosecutors for agreeing a plea deal with Epstein, 62.
He had faced up to 20 years in jail after the FBI found more than 40 alleged victims – but instead pleaded guilty to a single charge of soliciting a minor. He got 18 months but served less than 13 months.
Also in the court papers were details of a sick offer by Epstein to give Miss Roberts a mansion and monthly allowance in return for letting him father a child with her.
She also claimed Epstein was sent three 12-year-old French girls to abuse for his birthday.
Miss Roberts also alleges in papers filed yesterday to have had sex with US lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who used to represent convicted Epstein – claims which he strongly denies.
Roberts also revealed how she had spoken to the FBI while living in Australia. She said: “In 2011, two FBI agents, called me in Australia and then came to meet me.
“They met me at the U.S. Consulate in Sydney. They seemed to be very professional and hard working. I thought, ‘Wow, these people will do the right thing against the bad guys and protect me’.
“I was aware that a false statement to these law enforcement officers was a crime and I told the truth – giving them information I could recall about individuals they inquired about.
“Epstein also trafficked me for sexual purposes to many other powerful men, including politicians and powerful business executives. Epstein required me to describe the sexual events that I had with these men presumably so that he could potentially blackmail them.
The Witch Hunt Against Australia’s Cardinal George Pell: Five Facts You Need To Know
Sourced from QRes#7443 - Dont agree with the comments posted here personally, but including as other Anons may still be interested in reviewing.
The Australian government began investigating Cardinal Pell over five years ago even though there had been no crime reported against him.
Pell's publicly known accusers are a hodgepodge of career criminals, admitted drug addicts, and ne'er-do-wells who have lodged bogus complaints before.
Even secular observers have admitted that Pell is not being treated fairly at all.
Accusations against Cardinal Pell were widely circulated in a 2017 book that has been roundly discredited.
Cardinal Pell has vehemently denied all the charges against him.
sauce: http://www.themediareport.com/2018/12/31/cardinal-george-pell-case-facts/
Great video to share around … shows how hypocritical and dodgy some of these mouthpiece jounalists are.
Obviously fame far more important than integrity or ethics.
New Zealand Prime Minister: Gun Confiscation ‘Just The Beginning’ Of Things To Come
Sourced from QRes#7448
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on Thursday that the nation now plans to enact extreme gun laws in the wake of last week's terrorist attack: Banning semiautomatic firearms and forcing citizens to turn in the banned weapons. The Arms (Military Style Semi-automatic Firearms) Order 2019 essentially bans all semi-automatic firerams that are capable of using a detachable magazine that can hold more than five rounds of ammunition.
Ardern immediately began pushing for even more extreme gun control measures following last week's deadly attack, declaring that the nation would change its gun laws. On Thursday, Ardern appeared to take her comments even further, saying at a press conference. Moments later, Ardern added: "But be assured, this is just the beginning of the work we need to do."
>Thanks for the opportunity to point out the Christ Church "shooting" was fake a fuck, no one died and a lot of crisis actors got paid.
Maybe it was/maybe it wasn't, there certainly seems to be a lot of inconsistencies showing up. Certainly interesting to see that at least 1 former crisis actor showing up in the news broadcasts like has occurred previously in other FF events in the US.
>How do you fucks live with yourself?
>Hey dumb ass
But no need to be so disrespectful to fellow Anons on the board. We are all here for the same reason, so no need to be a twat about it.
Just remember that this board here for posting your thoughts/comments/digging AS WELL AS presenting relevant info from all over the net and red pilling normies who are starting to question the narrative we all been fed all our lives.
But this should be done in a way so as to miniminse alienating others/enforcing the MSM rhetoric that those (us) who question these so called events are nothing but a bunch of ignorant, hateful racists.
Remember what Q says about bringing us Patriots together, not dividing us.
APART you are weak.
Various Anon comments on NZ Shooting Seeming to Provide a very convenient narrative
Sourced from QRes#7451
shit going to(o) big not to be a ff
Glowing New York Times editorial says 'America deserves a leader as good as Jacinda Ardern'
>shit going to big not to be a ff
Shades of Port Arthur (Australian FF resulting in national gun grab).
I wonder what was happening at the time that shit (went) down as I was not as awake as I am now.
Is this going to be a trend/ angle of deep state attack?
If only it were possible to trade what we have for Jacinda Ardern.
''' If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck …
Another Shooter Drill getting out of Control? Indiana teachers shot with real pellets during active shooter drill
Sourced from QRes#7450/7451
wtf? This shit is out of control.
ALICE Training
ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) Training instructor led classes provide preparation and a plan for individuals and organizations on how to more proactively handle the threat of an aggressive intruder or active shooter event. Whether it is an attack by an individual person or by an international group of professionals intent on conveying a political message through violence, ALICE Training option based tactics have become the accepted response, versus the traditional “lockdown only” approach.
OMG Whats Next? Larrakinism?
Sarcasm is being banned in Australia because it’s a form of violence. Universities need to be shut down.
Forgot to add this post sourced from QRes#7454
also an insightful response from same bread…
Because they don't understand sarcasm
That's why the left can't meme
They confuse it with ridicule
YouTube’s ‘child safe’ app is crawling with videos advocating suicide, murder, and sexual exploitation
Sourced from QRes#7453
For nearly five minutes, the cartoon is predictable. Colorful characters with child-like voices act out the types of scenarios capable of reversing even the wildest tantrums, turning screaming toddlers into tiny, submissive humans. It’s the optimal time for a man to enter the frame, telling your small child the proper way to slit their wrists.
YouTube Kids is supposed to be the kid-friendly choice for discerning parents. It’s devoid of the conspiracy theories and misinformation that runs rampant on the main site and features cute and cuddly kids programing tailored to the youngest of children. It’s supposed to be inoffensive, a solution for parents needing 10 minutes to shower, or some distraction that allows them to prepare dinner.
Parents though, are increasingly learning that this isn’t always the case.
In this video, spotted by Free Hess, a pediatrician, child safety advocate, and mother, a man known as “Filthy Frank” enters the frame of a kid-friendly clip from the game Splatoon. His appearance is brief, first popping in at around 4:44 and then exiting just 10 seconds later. Before he goes he leaves children with chilling instructions on how to best to slit their own wrists: “Remember kids, sideways for attention, longways for results. End it.”
YouTube, for its part, is scrambling to find a solution as a means of proactively combatting this type of offensive content. Currently, the system relies on concerned viewers to flag offensive content. Flagged content is later viewed by a human moderator who determines whether it violated the rules, and decides whether it can remain on the platform.
It’s an uphill battle, to be sure. But flagging doesn’t appear to be the solution. All of the videos shown below were found in a less than 24 hours. They’ve been shared among Hess’ followers, flagged, and allowed to remain on YouTube Kids. The suicide instruction video was first flagged eight months ago. It was live until last month. Numerous others are currently live on the platform, some of which have been there for months.
Remember guys to talk with your kids about anything they think may be inappropriate - as this proves even Youtube Kids isnt safe, its being targetted by these sike fecks.
>You're a shill.
That's the take home message you got from my response? >>5828921 No hope for u then.
If I am a shill, you must be a bot .. kek
New Zealand Police Interviewed Mosque Shooter Before Granting Gun License
Sourced from QRes#7457
New Zealand police revealed on Friday that they met with accused Christchurch mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant in October 2017 as part of a routine home inspection connected to his purchase of the guns used in the March 15 attacks that left 50 dead.
Australian Brenton Tarrant, a self-avowed white supremacist, applied for the gun licence in September 2017 and a police "firearms vetting team" visited his home in the southern city of Dunedin the following month, a police spokesman said.
"One of the steps to gaining a firearms licence is a home visit to meet the applicant in person and inspect the security of their property," he said in a statement. -Channel NewsAsia
Tarrant was interviewed in October, 2017 while the firearms vetting team carried out a "security inspection" of his home.
Sex abuse-accused WA priest found dead
A Western Australian priest has been found dead after being investigated over child sex abuse allegations.
Catholic priest Father Joseph Tran was found dead on Thursday after WA Police launched an investigation into the allegations.
"This news is heartbreaking for everyone involved. The young girl who with her family found the courage to go to the police must be supported in every way, and the Archdiocese stands ready to help in whatever way we can," Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe said in a statement on Saturday.
How a toxic ‘fight club’ of internet trolls enabled the New Zealand mosque shooting
Sourced by QRes#7477
More MSM hating on 8chan it seems
The New Zealand mosque shooting may have played out live on Facebook, but it was born out of 8chan, one of the self-described “darkest reaches” of the internet where uncensored racism, misogyny and conspiracy theories have encouraged multiple mass killers.
The mosque shooter’s fellow 8chan users didn’t complain when they watched him kill 50 praying Muslims in a live-streamed video. They egged him on with racist jokes and memes, then saved the video so they could share it more widely. And while police ultimately arrested the suspected gunman, they may never be able to take down the trans-national network of trolls that enabled him on sites like 8chan.
Many users on 8chan applauded the massacre as it happened, and celebrated it afterwards with approving messages and Nazi-themed cartoon memes. “Good shooting, Tex,” one anonymous person wrote. Meanwhile, users re-posted the video millions of times on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit and 4chan, a similar site to 8chan. YouTube reportedly saw the video uploaded once per second, while Facebook knocked down nearly 3-million uploads within the first 24 hours after the attack.
Many users on 8chan applauded the massacre as it happened, and celebrated it afterwards with approving messages and Nazi-themed cartoon memes. “Good shooting, Tex,” one anonymous person wrote. Meanwhile, users re-posted the video millions of times on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit and 4chan, a similar site to 8chan. YouTube reportedly saw the video uploaded once per second, while Facebook knocked down nearly 3-million uploads within the first 24 hours after the attack.
Several internet service providers in New Zealand and Australia have already blocked 8chan, 4chan and LiveLeak for hosting the shooting video. However, other countries have yet to follow suit.
Sites like 8chan and 4chan are much more difficult to hold accountable than Facebook, because they are largely anonymous grassroots websites with no major corporate presence.
German says censoring 8chan will only drive its technologically-advanced users to find a new platform for their conspiracy theories.
“Censorship is never very effective,” he said.
Johnson echoed that sentiment, saying that it’s impossible to stamp out these communities, either on the internet or in the real world. “It’s all about conspiratorial brotherhood,” she said. “It’s a bonding mechanism for these guys. That’s why it doesn’t go away.”
Full article:
he was a celebrity handler in more ways than one … if you get what i mean.
i will scratch your back (give you talent exposure) if you scratch mine (well somewhere else, not back).
Pope accepts resignation of Chilean cardinal accused of covering up abuse
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati as archbishop of Santiago, the highest-ranking member of the Catholic Church in Chile, who has been caught up in the country’s sex abuse scandal. The decision to accept Ezzati’s resignation, announced in a Vatican statement on Saturday, comes at a time of sustained criticism of the Church’s response to a decades-long sexual abuse crisis. Victims of sexual abuse by clergymen say a top-level conference at the Vatican last month failed to come up with concrete measures to tackle the issue.
On March 13 an Australian court sentenced former Vatican treasurer Cardinal George Pell to six years in prison for sexually abusing two choir boys in Melbourne - the most senior Catholic to be convicted for child sex offences. Pell is appealing.
Ezzati, 77, faces multiple charges of cover up, including some relating to the case of Oscar Munoz, a former top aide to the Santiago Archbishopric, who is facing trial on charges he abused and raped at least five children. He denies wrongdoing. In October, Ezzati exercised his right to remain silent after being summoned for questioning by a state prosecutor over the allegations. His resignation brought to eight the number of bishops who have stepped down since all of the country’s 34 bishops offered their resignations en masse during an emergency meeting with the pope last May over allegations of a cover-up.
The May meeting was held after Vatican investigators produced a 2,300-page report alleging that senior Church officials in Chile had failed to act on abuse claims and in some cases hid them. Despite his resignation as archbishop of the Chilean capital, Ezzati will keep his title of cardinal. Until he turns 80, he also will be eligible to enter a conclave to elect a new pope after Francis’ death or resignation.
Barry retreating to NZ hideaway ?
Sourced from Various posts, QRes#7479
So we were right, NZ truly is how they are going to try to hide and use NZ law to try and protect them from being shipped back. So the Mosque legitimately was what we all thought.
Sandy Hook Shooter’s Psychiatrist Arrested, after moving to …you guessed it… NZ
Sourced from QRes#7480
On December 17, 2012 Connecticut police reached Dr. Fox to interview him about the Adam Lanza case. The psychiatrist had moved to New Zealand after things had gotten a bit hot for him in the Northeast.
Just six months earlier, the 59 year old psychiatrist had been accused of sexual assault of a female patient while practicing as a psychiatrist in Brookfield, Connecticut. The patient in question was 19 years old, and state records show that Fox prescribed her “three to four” psychiatric drugs and also gave her free samples. The girl’s mother stated her daughter “was turning into a zombie.”
Following this accusation, Dr. Fox voluntarily gave up his license to practice in New York and Connecticut and began working as a psychiatrist in New Zealand, almost 9,000 miles away from his former office.
During the phone call with the Connecticut police, Fox stated that the only records he had brought to New Zealand were billing records and that all of his medical records pertaining to clients he treated in the United States were “currently in storage in the United States.”
Twenty-four hours after that phone call, Dr. Fox contacted the Connecticut police, telling them that any medical records pertaining to Adam Lanza had been destroyed. Based on the investigative records, Fox last saw Lanza in 2007, which means Dr. Fox destroyed Lanza’s psychiatric records two years earlier than the law allows.
Jets, nukes & plasma rifles? New Zealand police flooded with fake gun surrender requests
The harsh gun control measures introduced by New Zealand triggered a protest backlash, with pranksters flooding police with bogus applications to surrender unlikely weapons such plasma rifles, fighter jets and even nuclear bombs.
After New Zealand adopted a ban on military-style semi-automatic and assault rifles following the Christchurch mass shooting, the police set up a special telephone number and an online application form to facilitate the collection of the newly banned weapons. The measure turned out to be quite popular as the officers received 474 calls in less than a day and, on Friday, almost 130 calls in just one hour.
However, the online application form was also targeted by what some local media called a “digital protest” against the tighter restrictions on weapon possession.'''
Some pranksters reportedly even attempted to register old Soviet MiG 15 fighter jets and American B61 nuclear bombs as weapons they would like to hand over. Some with more devious minds also tried to submit non-existent, futuristic plasma rifles, among other things.
Others directly vented their anger at the new rules right in the comment sections below the submission form, by saying that the New Zealand government seeks to “steal people’s property.” The total number of online applications amounted to 1000, according to the police statement. It is unclear though, how many of these fake requests had been filed by actual New Zealanders, before authorities decided to shut down the facility to submit the forms from overseas.
“Unfortunately, some people have decided it is a good use of their time to misuse the form and submit ‘fake’ notifications to hand in weapons,” Police Assistant Commissioner Tusha Penny wrote, in an angry statement. “While these individuals may be short of productive work to do, Police are not.”
The joke state of NZ law (And yes I am well aware Australian law not much better)
"Those found in possession of the prohibited weapons after that date could face a fine up to NZ $4,000 ($2,751) or up to three years in prison."
if you are found in possession of the video of the mosque massacre, you can get TEN years in prison, and even longer if you have it and share it with someone else.
Wealthy Americans have stepped up investment in New Zealand. Parliament votes to ban foreigners from buying bolt-hole homes.
Sourced from QRes#7499
Years of doomsday talk at Silicon Valley dinner parties has turned to action.
In recent months, two 150-ton survival bunkers journeyed by land and sea from a Texas warehouse to the shores of New Zealand, where they’re buried 11 feet underground.
Seven Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have purchased bunkers from Rising S Co. and planted them in New Zealand in the past two years, said Gary Lynch, the manufacturer’s general manager. At the first sign of an apocalypse — nuclear war, a killer germ, a French Revolution-style uprising targeting the 1 percent — the Californians plan to hop on a private jet and hunker down, he said.
“New Zealand is an enemy of no one,” Lynch said in an interview from his office in Murchison, Texas, southeast of Dallas. “It’s not a nuclear target. It’s not a target for war. It’s a place where people seek refuge.”
The remote island nation, clinging to the southern part of the globe 2,500 miles off Australia’s coast, has 4.8 million people and six times as many sheep. It has a reputation for natural beauty, easy networking, low-key politicians who bike to work, and rental prices half those of the San Francisco Bay Area. That makes it an increasingly popular destination not only for those fretting about impending dystopia, but for tech entrepreneurs seeking incubators for nurturing startups.
“It’s become one of the places for people in Silicon Valley, mostly because it’s not like Silicon Valley at all,” said Reggie Luedtke, an American biomedical engineer who’s moving to New Zealand in October for the Sir Edmund Hillary Fellowship, a program created to lure tech innovators.
An Australian developed family-tracking app was leaking real-time location data
Sourced from QRes#7499
A popular family tracking app was leaking the real-time locations of more than 238,000 users for weeks after the developer left a server exposed without a password.
The app, Family Locator, built by Australia-based software house React Apps, allows families to track each other in real-time, such as spouses or parents wanting to know where their children are. It also lets users set up geofenced alerts to send a notification when a family member enters or leaves a certain location, such as school or work.
But the backend MongoDB database was left unprotected and accessible by anyone who knew where to look.
"A total of 17 Americans took advantage of New Zealand’s Investor Plus Visa – which requires a $10 million investment over 36 months – last year."
NZ Debates Free Speech Limits, Long Prison Terms for Downloading Christchurch Manifesto
Sourced from QRes#7503
DUNEDIN, New Zealand (AP) – New Zealanders are debating the limits of free speech after their chief censor banned a 74-page manifesto written by the man accused of slaughtering 50 people at two mosques in the city of Christchurch.
The ban, issued Saturday, means anybody caught with the document on their computer could face up to 10 years in prison, while anyone caught sending it could face 14 years. Some say the ban goes too far and risks lending both the document and the gunman mystique.
At the same time, many local media organizations are debating whether to even name the Australian man charged with murder in the March 15 attacks, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, after New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern vowed she would never mention him by name.
In some ways, Tarrant’s manifesto provides the greatest insight into his character and thinking, with neighbours and those he met in a gym in the sleepy seaside town of Dunedin recalling nothing particularly remarkable about him.
Chief Censor David Shanks said Tarrant’s manifesto contains justifications for acts of tremendous cruelty like killing children and encourages acts of terrorism, even outlining specific places to target and methods to carry out attacks.
He said that in banning the document, he and his staff worried about drawing more attention to it. But in the end, he said, they decided they needed to treat it the same way as propaganda from groups like the Islamic State, which they have also banned.
Shanks had earlier placed a similar ban on the 17-minute livestream video the killer filmed from a camera mounted on his helmet during the shootings. He said researchers and journalists could apply for exemptions from both bans.
But while free speech advocates haven’t questioned banning the graphic video, they said banning the manifesto is a step too far.
“People are more confident of each other and their leaders when there is no room left for conspiracy theories, when nothing is hidden,” said Stephen Franks, a constitutional lawyer and spokesman for the Free Speech Coalition. “The damage and risks are greater from suppressing these things than they are from trusting people to form their own conclusions and to see evil or madness for what it is.”
Franks said he had no interest in reading the manifesto until it was banned. He now is curious because it is “forbidden fruit,” he said, and he worries others may feel the same way. He said the ban makes no sense when New Zealanders remain free to read Adolf Hitler’s autobiography, “Mein Kampf.”
Ardern told Parliament last week that she wouldn’t give the gunman anything he wanted.
“He sought many things from his act of terror, but one was notoriety,” she said. “And that is why you will never hear me mention his name.”
She said people should instead remember the names of the victims.
Some media organizations appear to be taking up her call. News website Stuff on Saturday published an 1,800-word profile on Tarrant without once naming him.
“Our view at the moment is that we’re dialling back on naming him, unless it’s pertinent or important,” said Mark Stevens, the editorial director at Stuff.
The New Zealand Herald also published a profile on Tarrant with an accompanying editorial that mentions Ardern’s stance. The editorial says, “Our piece keeps the mention of his name to a minimum.”
NZ Bans Guns/NZ Bans Free Speech
Downer's a downer
Sourced from QRes#7509
New Zealand isn't just BANNING the shooter's manifesto.
They're SELLING it.
Sourced from QRes#7513
Click on "Exemption info form The Great Replacement"
A document will download.
It says "to proceed with a formal application, please note that this will incur a fee of $102.20. "
NZ Shooter seems to have been popping up here and there in the past - Anons dig/comments
Sourced from QRes#7515
Posting in case there's something to this Anons comments
you guys i was diggin on Mona museum last year and when the "ChurchChrist Shooter" dude showed up i remembered this dude!!! same dude!!! and they say he died via his fiance' stabbing him BTW same name as the owner of MONA Art Museum Old and New in Tasmania AU (Hobart) HUGE DIG!!! Please help me tie this shit together!
Australian media outlets preparing for SPYGATE revelations.
Mueller's Trump report may name Aussies
Sourced from QRes#7517
An eclectic group of characters, including a handful of Australians, are likely to feature in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's much-anticipated report into Donald Trump and Russia's effort to influence the 2016 US presidential election.
There was the mysterious May, 2016, meeting at an upmarket London bar between Australia's then high commissioner to the UK Alexander Downer and Trump's foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos.
The drinks - Downer and Papadopoulos say they only had one gin and tonic each - were credited with sparking the FBI investigation that eventually led to Mueller's appointment.
Downer claims Papadopoulos told him Russia had "damaging" material on Trump's rival Hillary Clinton and might use it in the lead-up to the election.
Papadopoulos, who would later become one of Mueller's first scalps and be sentenced to 14 days in prison for lying to FBI, said he could not recall offering up the information to Downer, although he admits Maltese academic Joseph Mifsud did tell him about the dirt Russia might have had on Clinton.
Julian Assange's WikiLeaks site released sensitive emails and documents from Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta and the Democratic National Committee ahead of the election.
The information was allegedly hacked by Russian intelligence operatives.
British-born former 2UE and Australian Associated Press reporter Rob Goldstone found himself in Mueller's sights when it was revealed he help set up the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting in New York between a group including the president's son Don Trump Jr and Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.
Goldstone wrote in an email to Trump Jr the "Crown Prosecutor of Russia" had "offered to provide the Trump Campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father".
"If it's what you say, I love it," Trump Jr wrote back to Goldstone.
Mueller's findings, which took almost two years to complete, were not immediately released but US Attorney General William Barr said congressional leaders could be briefed on the report as soon as this weekend.
"I am reviewing this report and anticipate that I may be in a position to advise you of the Special Counsel's principal conclusions as soon as this weekend," Barr wrote in a letter on Friday to the House and Senate judiciary committees.
Gunman 'fires shots' after an argument with three men outside of a Melbourne shopping centre - as heavily-armed tactical police hunt for the shooter
Sourced from QRes#
A gunman who reportedly fired shots outside of a Melbourne shopping centre after an argument with three men is on the run.
Officers were called to Livingston Boulevard in Pakenham about 6.10pm after reports that four men, one armed with a firearm, were seen arguing in the street.
A spokesman from Victoria Police told Daily Mail Australia 'the area is being searched, no injuries have been reported and police have closed Heritage Boulevard as a precaution.'
Several members of the public have taken to social media, claiming a man 'with a sawed-off shotgun' is roaming the streets.
Another claims the men 'shot at her husband's work van'.
Witnesses also say there is an enormous police presence around the impacted areas.
'Cops are showing up in droves. The police dogs have just shown up and looks like special forces… it's crazy down there,' a woman wrote on social media.
The area has since been searched by police, who confirm they have spoken with victims.
Social media bosses face jail over terror content after Christchurch
Executives from Facebook, Google, Twitter and other social media companies could face jail time if their platforms fail to remove terrorist content under a legislative crackdown being prepared by the Morrison government in response to the Christchurch terrorist attack.
The push to prevent digital platforms being weaponised by extremists has been unveiled as the government convenes a summit with the companies to address the role of their technologies in the New Zealand attack, in which the alleged shooter used Facebook to livestream his murder of 50 Muslim worshippers.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison is threatening to impose severe penalties on social media companies if they do not voluntarily make drastic changes to restrain the spread of extremist material on their services.
"If social media companies fail to demonstrate a willingness to immediately institute changes to prevent the use of their platforms, like what was filmed and shared by the perpetrators of the terrible offences in Christchurch, we will take action."
The proposal would make it a criminal offence to fail to remove offending footage as quickly as possible after it is brought to the attention of the platform. It would also be an offence to fail to rapidly remove footage that authorities have classified as "abhorrent violent material" and ordered be taken down.
In addition to punishment of the companies, Australian-based executives could be found personally liable and face severe penalties, including imprisonment.
Aus Anons comments to POTUS asking for help
Sourced from QRes#7533
I'd like to personally extend my heartfelt congratulations to Mr Trump on the expected results of the Muller fiasco.
Bravo, Sir. Bravo.
On a different note I would like to bring to your attention that the chans are blocked in my country Australia.
The Australian government has used the New Zealand tragedy to censor it's citizens.
I'm bitterly ashamed of the way my government has treated it's citizens and it's closest allies America.
Both sides of our government is out of control.
They refuse to repatriate or even audit our nations gold which is held by the bank of London.
The people of my beautiful nation need help reclaiming our birthright.
Please help us.
Thank you for your time.
I am sure we all share your sentiments Anon
New Zealand Bans Christchurch Shooter Manifesto, Orders Citizens to Destroy Copies
Sourced from QRes#7535
“Anyone found possessing and distributing the manifesto could face up to 10 years and 14 years in prison respectively,” Business Insider reported, adding that New Zealand’s “censorship office” also “made the possession and sharing of the livestream illegal.”
Jews outraged after mosque leader blames Mossad for Christchurch attack
Sourced from QRes#7547
New Zealand's Jewish community is outraged and revolted after a prominent mosque leader blamed Mossad for being behind the Christchurch terror attack.
On Saturday, a group called Love Aotearoa Hate Racism organised a rally for the victims in Auckland's Aotea Square.
Ahmed Bhamji, chairman of the Mt Roskill Masjid E Umar, gave a speech questioning where the gunman got his funding from. He said he suspected it came from "Mossad" and "Zionist business".
"I really want to say one thing today. Do you think this guy was alone… I want to ask you - where did he get the funding from?" he can be heard saying in video footage.
"I stand here and I say I have a very very strong suspicion that there's some group behind him and I am not afraid to say I feel Mossad is behind this."
Newshub spoke to Love Aotearoa Hate Racism co-founder Joe Carolan, who said Bhamji was one speaker out of 30 and there were many different points of view at the event.
full article:
Just one speaker says maybe Mossad involved and entire Jewish community outraged - Maybe we as Australians should be a little more outraged that we all being smeared by this event, because of the nationality of one of the shooters involved, and by how our pollies all seem happy to accept the official 'changing' storyline the press is pushing, and not question any of the increasing number of inconsistencies in the storyline
EXCLUSIVE: Julian Assange Clashes With Ecuadorian Officials After Embassy Locks US Journalist in a Surveilled Room
Sourced from QRes#7549
It was meant to be a routine visit by a journalist to another journalist. Instead, I found myself locked in a cold, surveilled room for over an hour by Ecuadorian officials, as a furious argument raged between the country’s ambassador and Julian Assange.
The room was inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where 2019 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Julian Assange currently lives under the ostensible protection of political asylum. Yet the WikiLeaks publisher was barred from entering the room, where he was supposed to join me for a pre-approved meeting, because he refused to submit to a full-body search and continuous surveillance.
The crackdown on visitors was felt before I even entered the embassy. It’s the third time I’ve visited in the past year, and each time the atmosphere seems progressively worse.
Just like my previous visit, since new rules for visitors were enacted, I couldn’t take my phone into the meeting without giving the Ecuadorian officials a swathe of data. If you want to take it in with you, they request its brand, model, serial number, IMEI number, and telephone number. I was also advised that Ecuador could not be trusted to hold my phone while I met with Assange, so I left it behind and walked to the embassy phoneless, several minutes early to make sure I was on time.
When I arrived, embassy staff checked my passport and letter of approval and pointed at the time on the letter. I was six minutes early. Instead of allowing me to wait inside, they told me to come back at the appropriate time — despite knowing that I did not have a phone or watch on me.
When I visited for the first time, which I believe was a year ago to the day, the atmosphere was far more welcoming. The staff and ambassador that were there during my first visit have since been replaced.
After being searched, the staff directed me into the conference room, where two large visible cameras were pointed at the table. Those were there last time too. I knew the drill — or so I thought. They reminded me multiple times that my visit was only approved until 5 p.m. and that I would need to leave on the dot. “Just doing my job,” the staff member told me.
A few moments later Assange walked by the door, but could not enter. Embassy staff demanded that he submit to a full-body scan with a metal detector before allowing him in the room. They have not done this with any other visitor in the nearly seven years that he has lived there, including during my previous visits.
“I don’t want to do the body scan. It is undignified and not appropriate,” I heard Assange say. “I am just trying to have a private meeting with a journalist.”
The door was slammed shut by someone from the embassy. I decided to sit and wait.
Not only would they not let Assange in to see me without a body-scan, they also forced his lawyer to be scanned before he could come in to update me on the situation.
After roughly 20 minutes, the lawyer came in and informed me that they were demanding to search Assange. Moreover, we would not be permitted to talk anywhere outside the highly-surveilled room where the Ecuadorians had confined me. Agreeing to these draconian terms would set a bad precedent — so he was unsure if the meeting would go ahead. After appraising me of the situation, he left the room.
A bit later, I decided to leave the room myself for an update from embassy staff. I quickly discovered that the door was locked from the outside. So I went to the second door — that was locked too. That was when I realized that Ecuadorian officials had deliberately imprisoned me in a room.
As this ominous realization dawned on me, I heard a dramatic confrontation unfolding outside.
“What are you frightened of in relation to me meeting with a journalist? What is the embassy afraid of?” Assange asks. I can’t hear the response.
Assange is arguing that as a political refugee the embassy has a duty to protect him — not to treat him as a prisoner.
“Is this a prison?” Assange asks. “It’s not,” they reply. “You know it’s not.”
Assange, clearly agitated, demands to know “why are you surveilling me speaking to a US journalist? Do you think it’s unreasonable for me to expect privacy when I meet with a journalist? Why are you silent?”. The embassy staff member responded that he “can’t say anything.”
“Why can’t you say anything? Don’t you have an excuse? What is the basis? Why are you surveilling an American journalist? What reason should we tell her?” Assange asks. The conversation becomes hard to hear, as I am still locked in the room.
Continues in next post.
Assange’s lawyer is also being searched again outside the room, though I can only hear bits and pieces of that conversation. He comes back in with a glass of water and tells me to hang tight. I feel like a prisoner receiving a visit. Finally, someone from the embassy comes in and tells me that I need to go to the lobby so that the ambassador could meet with Assange in the room. The room with the cameras and the bugs.
I see Assange in passing in the lobby and say hi, but it’s cut short as he is directed to the conference room. Still phoneless, I glance at a clock and notice that it’s 4:19pm. I was locked in the room for over an hour. Sitting in the lobby I hear much of the conversation, so I begin to take notes.
“Is this a prison? This is how you treat a prisoner, not a political refugee!” Assange demands.
Ambassador Jaime Alberto Marchán retorts, saying it’s “for our protection, and to protect you!”
At this point, clearly frustrated, Assange asserts: “I am trying to have a private conversation with a journalist. I am also a journalist — and you’re stopping me from doing my work. How can I safely relay my mistreatment and the illegality going on here to this journalist while under surveillance?”
One of the issues, it seemed, is that Assange wanted to bring a small radio into the conference room to muffle our voices, so the microphones surveilling the room wouldn’t pick up what we were saying as easily. There also appears to be concern that he will share stories with other journalists now that they have him muzzled and gagged.
“You are preventing this journalist from meeting with me in any other room,” Assange says, but only part of the conversation is audible at this point as someone cleaning decided they needed to jingle keys and make a ton of noise for several minutes.
“You have been illegally surveilling me,” Assange sternly insists. “I want you to shut up,” the ambassador says. “I know you want me to shut up — the Ecuadorian president has already gagged me,” Assange fired back. “I am banned from producing journalism.”
The EU Has Just Banned MEMES
I know its EU not Aus, but shows how far authorities willing to go to try and stem our voices from being heard. And I am sure it wont be long before we hear the same stirring here, given how Australia likes to 'harmonise' with both EU and US policy
'Dark day for internet freedom': EU lawmakers approve controversial copyright reform
The European Parliament has voted to adopt the highly controversial Article 13 provision which would govern the production and distribution of content online under the auspices of increasing copyright protections.
Tuesday’s move will update the EU's 20-year-old copyright rules and will govern audiovisual content, much to the dismay of many social media users who have already begun outpouring their grief online.
However the parliament said in a statement that sharing memes and gifs has been protected “even more than it was before” and they will continue to be available and shareable on online platforms.
Yeah, right. We all believe that
Article 13 or ‘The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market’ makes all platforms legally responsible for the content hosted and shared on their platforms.
The process of updating the bloc's copyright laws began in the European Commission two years ago, ostensibly to protect Europe's publishers, broadcasters and artists and guarantee fair compensation from big tech companies.
The onus will now be on tech companies to clamp down on content-sharing on their platforms, which will likely ensure yet more draconian policing of speech and content.
More social media censorship … just what we all need
Coming soon to a prison state near you…
Interesting to read the Downer might have been a former AUS clown (just like our friend earthworm Brennan).
"Mr. Papadopoulos. Mr. Downer, that's right, who, it's my understanding, is probably the top diplomat in Australia, or was before he retired. He was the head of what I think is the equivalent of the CIA in Australia for around 17 years. I think that's what I read about him. "
Police look at possible tie between New Zealand shooting and Austria
Sourced from QRes#7557
March 26 (UPI) – Authorities are looking for a possible connection between this month's shooting attack at two New Zealand mosques and an Austrian man. Fifty people were killed in the March 15 attack at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Police named the gunman as Australian Brendan Tarrant.
The Austrian man, Martin Sellner, said his home has been searched – and noted that his Identitarian Movement received a donation from Tarrant before the attack. Sellner said he was attempting to contact his attorney about the donation when Austrian authorities arrived and took several electronic devices. The Identitarian Movement is considered a far-right and white nationalist movement. Sellner denied any connection with Tarrant or the shooting and said he "had nothing to do with the attack." He added that he would donate the money allegedly donated by Tarrant to charity.
Austrian Interior Ministry Christoph Poelzl acknowledged the country's domestic intelligence agency searched Sellner's property in Vienna at the request of prosecutors. "Any connection between the Christchurch attacker and members of the Identitarians in Austria needs to be comprehensively and ruthlessly investigated," Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz tweeted. "It is important that the independent justice system can use all necessary means and resources to conduct its investigation together with the security services and expose these networks. There needs to be total clarity about all extremist activities," Kurz said.
Austrian Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache, leader of Austria's far-right Freedom Party, called for a detailed inquiry for connections to the Christchurch shooting. "All suspicions of extremism are acted upon, whether they are right, left or religiously motivated," Strache wrote on Twitter. "Fanaticism has no place in our society."
BIG LEAGUE GUN CONTROL FAIL: Nearly Zero Kiwi Gun Owners Give Up Their Guns After Christchurch
Sourced from QRes#7557
Anti-gun Ardern has asked kiwis to turn in their firearms. They aren’t listening.
Following the Christchurch mosque shootings, New Zealand gun owners have only turned in 37 guns as of Tuesday March 19, 2019.
In the aftermath of the massacre which left 50 people dead, a small number of gun owners decided to voluntarily turn their firearms in to the local police.
New Zealand police confirmed these numbers but did not provide specifics on how many people owned those guns, the make and model of the guns, or the districts where they were turned in.
According to the 2017 Small Arms Survey, the island nation has approximately 1.2 million guns registered to civilians. Taking these numbers into consideration, this means that there’s roughly a 1 gun for every 4 people. On the other hand, it’s estimated that there is more than one gun per person in the U.S.
One day after the mosque massacres, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern proclaimed that her government aims to implement gun control, which includes a ban on “military-style” weapons that were allegedly used during the slaughter.
Ardern also called on New Zealand’s gun owners to turn their weapons over to the government:
To make our community safer, the time to act is now,” Ardern said on Monday. “I want to remind people, you can surrender your gun to the police at any time. In fact I have seen reports that people are in fact already doing this. I applaud that effort, and if you are thinking about surrendering your weapon, I would encourage you to do so.
The New Zealand Prime Minister recognized that passing sweeping gun control in a country with strong degrees of gun ownership in rural and farming areas would create “a small degree of uncertainty among some gun owners who possess guns for legitimate reasons.” Ardern reassured gun owners in these areas that the incoming wave of gun control would not be targeting them.
and there's apparently fallout from his expose video…
Facebook Bans Jewish Veteran After Exposé of Jim Jefferies’ Deceptive Editing
Avi Yemini claims that Facebook has banned him from its platform following his publishing of an exposé on Comedy Central comedian Jim Jefferies.
Breitbart News recently reported on Avi Yemini, the Jewish-Australian political commentator who released a video exposé on Australian comedian Jim Jefferies.
Yemini was worried about the interview being edited selectively so he set up his phone to record the whole conversation. Jefferies interviewed Yemini some months ago, but only published the video recently following the shooting at the Christchurch mosque in New Zealand. In fact, The Jim Jefferies Show appears to imply that the interview took place after the shooting. Jefferies discusses many issues with Yemini, but mainly focuses on the topics of Islam and Australian migration laws.
Avi's Expose Video on youtube:
Helps if you explain the significance of the attachment, rather than just posting it, cause for the life of me it looks like u just shitting up the bread, cause I can see no immediate relevance of quadratic sieves and smooth numbers to anything that has already been posted here already in QRes Aust.
Pretty sure his visit to Israel was mentioned in 1-2 of the many articles I grabbed from QRes General breads over the past few weeks.
There we go .. found them.
Can you please re-post second graphic at full size?
The one you attached isnt legible, except for first comment by Sco Mo.
Mandatory Vaccine Push by Big Pharma Tied to (now ex-)Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's Wife
Sourced from QRes#7571
Source Articles from 2017.
Vaccines are a touchy subject in Australia, where government officials aggressively push for total compliance with vaccination mandates by whatever means possible. There is even a “No Jab No Pay” law on the books that essentially bars citizens from receiving government welfare unless they and their children are fully vaccinated.
And at the root of it all, as usual, is government collusion with big industry, including with Australia’s new prime minister — and more specifically, his wife.
Malcolm Turnbull has repeatedly been exposed for his own ties to multinational corporations. He has large investments in many of them, particularly tech companies, that many say is clouding his judgment on various matters more than just a little bit. At issue with the vaccination debate is his wife Lucy’s ties to pharmaceutical companies, and how this influence is steering public policy to force Aussies to be jabbed against their will in order to function normally within society.
As explained by The Mind Unleashed, Lucy Turnbull is chairman of the pharmaceutical company Prima Biomed, which is currently trying to release a vaccine for cancer that it knows will generate billions of dollars in profits. Cancer, of course, is the one thing that bonds the populations of the world in solidarity of fear, so it’s expected that people will flock to the vaccine, should it ever achieve proper standards for safety and effectiveness.
This is a problem because, as Mr. Turnbull admitted to the media, he and his wife “work very much as a team” to accomplish their various agendas. In the case of vaccinations, this means supporting legislation and mandates that require people to be vaccinated, even against their will, which has the effect of padding both pharmaceutical profits and their personal portfolios.
“Australia’s politicians are deeply tied to pharmaceutical corporations, the British Monarchy, and other corporate and institutional powers which threaten the freedom and prosperity of Australian citizens,” explains The Mind Unleashed.
Forcing people to get vaccinated for personal profit is the epitome of evil
Besides Mrs. Turnbull’s overt conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry, Mr. Turnbull is mired in his own financial conflicts via his vast array of financial investments. Mr. Turnbull made millions of dollars in the mid-1990s, for instance, by investing $500,000 in a company called OzEmail, which eventually turned into a hefty dividend of $60 million.
Mr. Turnbull is also deeply tied to the tobacco industry, as well as tech giants Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, and Google. In other words, the success of these industries and corporations means personal success for Mr. Turnbull, which in government-speak is the very definition of corporate fascism run amok. And yet Mr. Turnbull, despite his amassed wealth, has tried to downplay these holdings as being essentially meaningless, though they are anything but.
“Australia’s new prime minister is a wealthy man,” writes Eva Mellors for Australia’s Money Morning. “Last night, much was made of the fact that he doesn’t need to be in public life to have power and financial reward. He’s already amassed quite a fortune. Even before he entered politics. Various sources estimate his net worth at between $180 million and $200 million.”
So what Australians are now dealing with is a classic case of a couple of one-percenters with a whole lot to gain from doing favors for their industry buddies assuming political office and steering public policy towards this end. It’s a win-win for the profit-industrial complex, and a lose-lose for the general public, especially when such policies involve forcing dangerous vaccination jabs on people under duress.
“In Australia it doesn’t matter whether you choose to believe in the Labor Party or Liberal Party, because they both have ties to royal hegemony, industry, and pharma,” adds The Mind Unleashed.
Sources for this article include:
More fuckery afoot in NZ?
Sourced from QRes#7571
Police are investigating whether a man who died this morning after a lengthy standoff with armed police in a Christchurch suburban street had any link to the March 15 mosque attacks.
A search warrant was executed at a St Martins property in the south of the city late yesterday where police discovered several firearms after acting on information from the public.
The 54-year-old man sought in relation to these firearms was located by police in a vehicle pulled over in the Richmond Park area about 12.30am today.
A team of police negotiators spoke to the man for several hours, with the police helicopter and Armed Offenders Squad called in to assist with the matter.
“At about 3.40am, police approached the vehicle and discovered the man critically injured with what appeared to be a stab wound. A knife was located in the vehicle,” Police Commissioner Mike Bush said in statement.
“Immediate first aid was provided however the man was pronounced dead at the scene.”
Further report on man who died in NZ police standoff
Sourced from QRes#7571
More info. Lone gunman story gonna fall apart?
Troy Dubovskiy is a 54-year-old Russian. His father Vlad Dubovskiy denies he had any link to the March 15 Mosque attacks, where an alleged gunman killed 50 worshippers.
"He didn't resist police. He didn't attack police. Why he is dead now, I don't know - we don't have an explanation," Vlad said.
The big question remains: when stopped by police in the middle of the night, why didn't Troy Dubovskiy give himself up?
Agreed, I dont see many neo-nazis here thats for sure, but why lets the facts get in the way of a good smear job, eh?
Also sad to see only 8ch being singled out seeing as Facebook/Twitter were also heavily used by Tarrant in the lead up to this event, no doubt both to connect and joke with patrons there also.
But we know why that is .. they are both heavily controlled social media already, just ask Potus_Schedule which got banned. Hence why they target the chans, cause free speech threatens what they are trying to achieve.
I suspect thats why Q said to save Israel for last, they will have their reckoning also, once the momentum of the Q movement has reached its peak.
Sourced from QRes#7573
I just see a connection here to Soros.
Interesting to note also that Netanyahu I think was calling Israel #2 in the Five Eyes - I recall seeing the post in past couple days in QRes General, but can't lay my hand on the link atm.
Sourced from QRes#7576 - Found an indirect link to it .. below.
>>5917071 (pb)
>>5917007 (pb midnight notables)
Israel is actually the hidden 6th eye of 5eyes.
The Jerusalem spy station serves an entirely different purpose. Its satellite dishes track U.S. satellites around the world and presumably up and download information from them that can be relayed to other facilities where the data can be analyzed. A second Israeli source informs me that this facility is part of Israel’s participation in what has been called ‘Five Eyes,’ but which, if true, should now be called ‘Six Eyes.’ Here is what I wrote about this in an earlier post, in which I reported that Israel had launched a satellite meant to spy on Iran:
My source added that Israel is the 6th – unofficial and undeclared – member of Five Eyes. This means that the original trusted members of the intelligence alliance–the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the UK–decided to open their ranks to Israel, a nation not known particularly to play by the rules when it comes to intelligence matters.
Mission Creep: Microsoft Boss Suggests Joint Big-Tech Center After New Zealand Attacks Go Viral
Sourced from QRes#7579
In the wake of the tragic mass murders in Christchurch, New Zealand, tech companies and lawmakers are wrestling with how to manage mass communication and the travails of the connected digital world.
Just before beginning his rampage on March 15, the shooter began streaming live video of the attacks. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube rushed to take the content down but new versions immediately popped up to fill the void. The incident showcased the full virality of the internet and the limits of big technology companies for policing their own platforms.
“Across the tech sector, we need to do more,” Microsoft President Brad Smith wrote in a blog post Sunday. “Especially for those of us who operate social networks or digital communications tools or platforms that were used to amplify the violence, it’s clear that we need to learn from and take new action based on what happened in Christchurch.”
Smith offers a range of suggestions, including building better tech to combat these issues and generally cultivating a “healthier online environment.” But he also suggests a more immediate, tangible option: establishing a joint response center where big tech companies can come together during major incidents.
Resignations in the news:
Repeat after me .. ISLAM is the religion of peace… ISLAM is the religion of peace .. kek
Tradie is fired for calling Islam 'violent and destructive' in the wake of the Christchurch mosque massacre
Oh u mean this sort of thing .. second person in house shooting while Bryant is chatting on the phone to police (@3mins into video).
Then Bryant asking if anyone hurt at Port Arthur, then They werent killed?
nah better to believe that he capable of military style head shots when shooting from the hip, then have no knowledge if anyone was hurt at Port Arthur after the incident had occurred.
This site also poses some interesting questions that seem to have been ignored/remained unanswered this far.
Australia Cuts Clinton Foundation Donations To $ (Article from Nov 2016)
Sourced from QRes#7597
For months we've been told that the Clinton Foundation, and it's various subsidiaries, were simple, innocent "charitable" organizations, despite the mountain of WikiLeaks evidence suggesting rampant pay-to-play scandals surrounding a uranium deal with Russia and earthquake recovery efforts in Haiti, among others.
Well, if that is, in fact, true perhaps the Clintons could explain why wealthy foreign governments, like Australia and Norway, are suddenly slashing their contributions just as Hillary's schedule has been freed up to focus exclusively on her charity work. Surely, these foreign governments weren't just contributing to the Clinton Foundation in hopes of currying favor with the future President of the United States, were they? Can't be, only an useless, "alt-right," Putin-progranda-pushing, fake news source could possibly draw such a conclusion.
Australian Patriot, Pauline Hanson, questions the Port Arthur massacre
Sourced from QRes#7598 and posting as is - not so sure I see Pauline as a Patriot, but these are OPs words.
Port Arthur was the event that saw Australian gun laws changed and led to the biggest gun-grab in Australia's history - the complete disarming of our country.
Australian fake news media in is running a hit piece on Pauline that was produced by Al Jazeera.
God bless and keep you Pauline.
OMG! Are they THAT fucking scared of guns? KEK!
Australian train station locked down after didgeridoo mistaken for rifle
Sourced from QRes#7598
Not sure if this has been posted here already, but good article on NZ being prepped as bug out location for ultra rich from Silicon Valley.