Anonymous ID: 9f3a2d March 3, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.5486627   🗄️.is 🔗kun














Who they really are?

Anonymous ID: 9f3a2d March 3, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.5486810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6831 >>7070 >>7272

Now On Amazon Pre-Order: The Mueller Report


The release of Robert Mueller’s report is shaping up to be an event on par with the final season of Game of Thrones—but, more like a Beyoncé album, we don’t actually know when it’ll drop. Still, that hasn’t stopped book sellers from taking pre-orders for different versions of the same report.


For the thrifty politico who knows that crime doesn’t pay (so why should they), Amazon is accepting pre-orders for The Mueller Report: The Final Report of the Special Counsel into Donald Trump, Russia, and Collusion (paperback $12.99). The thicc tome, which they’ve somehow determined will be 960 pages, comes with an introduction by lawyer Alan Dershowitz, an outspoken critic of the special counsel’s investigation, and lists the Department of Justice as its author.


The publisher, Skyhorse Books, already has promotional copy ready for its release. “Read the results of the most important political investigation since Watergate,” it says.


“We know that making the Mueller Report instantly available will be both a public service and good business,” Skyhorse president Tony Lyons told Publishers Weekly.


The book already has “reviews” on Skyhorse’s website, including one from President Trump himself: “I think that he’s going to be fair. … There’s been no collusion. But I think he’s going to be fair.”


But for the diehard fans who need the bells and whistles, the Washington Post has teamed up with Scribner, an imprint of Simon and Schuster, for a special edition Mueller Report that includes commentary from the Post’s Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists. Along with this, “the book will also include the Special Counsel’s most pertinent filings (including criminal indictments), a timeline of significant events, and a cast of the investigation’s key figures,” according to a press release.


The Post takes a more minimalistic, coffee table book-approach with their title: just, The Mueller Report. It will be offered in both e-book and paperback editions. And for a premium product, you pay a premium price: $15.00.


In an indication of the sheer uncertainty surrounding the whole matter, even the press release can’t really say what the book is about.


“[T]he Mueller report may focus on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, President Donald Trump and his presidential campaign and could draw on the testimony of dozens of witnesses and the work of some of the country’s most seasoned prosecutors,” it reads, hewing entirely to the conditional tense.


While journalists and politicians lose sleep trying to find out when Mueller will complete the report, both books list March 26 as their publication date. This has excited the umbrage of at least one commentator, writing professor and “#Resistance” member Seth Abramson, who views the release date as further evidence of a “scam.”


Is this a joke? A fraud? It falsely lists the Mueller Report as being available to the public on March 26, and falsely represents that we know now—which we don't—whether any of the report will be public. I'm surprised Amazon is allowing this obvious scam.

Anonymous ID: 9f3a2d March 3, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.5486858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6962 >>7049 >>7070 >>7272

Keep Digging! Clinton Wants Congress To Pursue Russia Collusion, Even If Mueller Comes Up Empty


“There is enough grounds in what has already been made public for the government, for Congress in particular, to be doing more with it,” Clinton said. “And I’m pleased that under Speaker Pelosi, the Democrats are beginning to hold hearings and try to connect some of these dots.”


She doubled down on her dismay at the Democrats' annual Selma Unity Breakfast Sunday morning, telling a rapt audience that, "We are living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy," and that we are living through a time when "racist and white supremacist views are lifted up in the media and the White House."


Other attendees of the breakfast repeated Clinton's claims of having the election "stolen" from her by overzealous FBI agents and Russian hackers.


There's some clear fear here: Clinton's team was pushing the "Russian collusion" narrative within 24 hours after the election, even though it was clear Trump won a commanding victory in the Electoral College, even if she narrowly won the popular vote.


But Special Counsel Robert Mueller's official investigation into the matter appears to be coming to a close — an Amazon placeholder for the report itself says the publication date is "March 26," and DOJ officials have been trumpeting the report's release for a few weeks now — and it does not appear, at least from the subpoenas issued and the charges filed, that Mueller has found much in the way of actual collusion.


Trump associates Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, and Roger Stone, all of whom have been indicted, were charged with crimes that took place well before the campaign, or had nothing to do with any actual communication between the Trump campaign and Russian officials about influencing the election's outcome — and none of the charges involve President Donald Trump, or implicate the President in any wrongdoing.


Clinton seems more than a little disappointed by that development. Her last best hope is to direct Democrats, who now control the House, to keep the narrative afloat well past its point of expiration.


Fortunately, the Democrats are more than happy to comply with Clinton's edict. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), and others have opened multiple investigations into both President Donald Trump and the Trump Administration. At least 20 individuals and corporations have already received Congressional subpoenas, demanding that they appear before Congress to answer questions about Trump's finances, his business dealings, his connections to Russia, his personal habits, and his tax returns.

Anonymous ID: 9f3a2d March 3, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.5486979   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Robert Mueller put 13 of the angriest Democrats in the history of our country on the commission. How do you do that? These are angry, angry people. You take a look at them. One of them was involved with the Hillary Clinton foundation, running it. Another one has perhaps the worst reputation of any human being I’ve ever seen. All killers. In fact it would have been actually better for them if they put half and half, and Mueller can do whatever he wants anyway, which he’ll probably. But we have conflicts. I had a nasty business transaction with Robert Mueller a number of years ago. I said, why wasn’t that mentioned? He wanted the job as FBI director. I did not give it to him. Why isn’t that mentioned? Jim Comey, Lyin’ James Comey, is his best friend. James Comey is his best friend. And those are a few of the conflicts. Other than that it’s wonderful."

Anonymous ID: 9f3a2d March 3, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.5487073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7150

Can some AusAnon open this?