Anonymous ID: 7c981f March 4, 2018, 8:12 p.m. No.553965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4031


Scale is definitely an issue as one mapfag realized pretty quickly. You can see the same premise on Muckety Maps for some famous target like Obama or Clinton or Lynch - there are so many connections it is impossible for the mind to take it in and process it all.

>We need an organization method everyone can agree on and follow.

True. Here that is a bit different. In a normal business or educational environment there would be. The best we can do here is collaborate in the maps thread, and with the separate topic threads. I've tried to get the gist of things into the spreadsheet, which doesn't lend itself well to large answers to individual posts, but it is good for the short and direct answers that can be collected and put there to draw from to make the more small and direct series for a subtopic.


One issue is that the separate topic threads can get chaotic, i.e., Loop Capital - so much info, so many connections in different directions at once. Once a lot of info is gathered and input, it has to be analyzed and 'arranged' somehow (organized) in order to put it in a graphical map format. It's really a matter of organizing that stage, IMO. The mapfags are working on it right now, I believe, in the map thread and if not, can surely benefit from some help on that, because it is a persistent and important issue



This is a thing of utter beauty

Anonymous ID: 7c981f March 4, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.554029   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>only orcs goblins and flat earth don't

Not sure about that, I think I've actually met some.



>set of map tools that could be crowdsourced. Something that could be board-wide without doxing.

You can use any of the free graphics vector programs and just save it in its native format so others can work on it too: >>9200

Easy peasy, no dox

Anonymous ID: 7c981f March 4, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.554080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4202


>whatever we present as "our case" needs to look reasonably professional and have a cohesive, follow-able style.

Agree completely. The smaller infographics can be clean, neat (no arrows all over the place) and still convey loads of info (graphic symbols bypass conscious filters and are understood unconsciously). The followable style flows from that. Graphics anons will do their own thing but as long as it is clean and neat it should work. As with all things here (memes in particular) 100s may be made and only a few get traction, so care has to be taken when making all of them since you never know which one will catch fire.

As far as skills, the free vector graphic programs don't have a huge learning curve (see >>9200), so really anyone with an IQ 100+ can use them, and it's kind of addicting actually to put info in a graphic format (for those whose autism expresses that way) as it works on our own subconscious when we're making them.


>ducks in a row, dotted i's and crossed t's

Yes indeedy. The Patriots worldwide have been working on this for quite a while and it's coming together - as it does the noose just closes tighter and tighter. I think many people can "feel" it even though they have no earthly idea what is going on or why it "feels" like something big is happening/about to happen.

100th monkey will break out soon at a pace that cannot be stemmed = Great Awakening

Anonymous ID: 7c981f March 4, 2018, 9:01 p.m. No.554263   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We need to think differently about 'connections' between people, for example - alumni. Some of these people have the same alma mater, so their association or connection goes back to their college days. How to check this kind of thing? See here >>4852

Little Sis (link in post) tracks connections like this. Free & easy to find out. Other resources there too to find connections (on Boards of Directors together of different companies/orgs, or their WIVES are) etc.