Anonymous ID: 348473 March 6, 2019, 8:08 a.m. No.5537144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7207 >>7349


>>>5536873 (You)

>100% agree. I'm just not sure if they're legit patriots that are lost in a sea of bullshit or paid shills. Probably a mix of both.



They are legit believers. I encounter them in real life and they speak exacly the same way. This is what happens when a president uses his pulpit to constantly reinforce the lies. That is why he keeps having rallys even though he just says the same things every time.

It is important to not let too much time pass where people can start thinking for themselves. It must be constantly reinforced. The braij makes neural connections with these reinforced lies and actually changes their brains. The longer it goes on the more they sink and the harder to reach them it becomes.

Then he commands them to only believe pre-approved news outlets or what he says only.

On top of that the Q story which was began by a dude at brightbart comes along and creates an image of trump as that of a savior of mankind which further reinforces the lies and creates a religious ferver and faith in the person which creates even more dangerous neural connections because there is no more dangerous person who believes they are fighting for god.


I am hoping that Trump will be gone soon and no longer able to tweet and be on tv and hold rallys. Maybe he will be cut off from doing those things. It may stop that cycle of reinforcement and It might give peoples brains enough time to lose or weaken the neural connections that trump, fox news and q have helped them make and they may begin to think for themselves and perhaps break the spell he has on them.

We will see.


Cue the -You wrote so much text- meme

Anonymous ID: 348473 March 6, 2019, 8:19 a.m. No.5537335   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have some news that will serve you well in future.

Everyones health goes down a bit when they get older.

Some more than others especially if they have has a stressfull life like being a first lady, having your husband cheat and being shamed in front of the world she has also been politically active her whole life.

When that person is also celebrity who makes the news for any little thing you will know about anything that happens. She couldnt pick her nose without it being plastered all over fox news.


So if I told the health of a woman 71 yrs old, who has lived in the stress spotlight her entire life who cant sneeze without people saying she is dying of somethigns health would go down and anytime within the next five years it happens i can then claim i predicted it.

Anonymous ID: 348473 March 6, 2019, 8:24 a.m. No.5537470   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These things they are told and believe it. They do not think about if what they are being told is logical. The US has been invading other countries for decades in the name of "freedom" and nobody asks how is this or that country a danger to american "freedom". They are not liberating they are invading. But people dont think critically or logically anymore.

Anonymous ID: 348473 March 6, 2019, 8:38 a.m. No.5537757   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I fear you will be disappointed. In reality trump is only controlled by his own love of money. If you watch what he and his kids do. Not what they say, and also learn where the businesses are it becomes apparent he is making foreign policy decisions based on what is good for his businesses.

Thats all hes even known. He was a multi millionaire as soon as he could walk and never woreked "for" anyone. He always ran his businesses and private life like a dictator.

Also the religion he grew up in teaches that as long as you think positive even when something gooes wrong you do not address it, just keep thinking of it as posotive. I think it gave him the ability to live in a fantasy and hes practiced it his whole life.

He is also not mentally with it much anymore. Deteriorating. Read up on chronic narcissistic personality disorder.