Anonymous ID: 472eca March 6, 2019, 8:36 a.m. No.5537722   🗄️.is 🔗kun


For a president who ran on “the need for transparency”

He sure doesn’t seem to want to be transparent. What’s the use of us? The constituents who called, wrote, twated to #declas


A lot of good that did when potus wants to play the pussy game and basically blackmail the dems into participating….what a bitch move! Potentially never releasing the crimes that were committed.if the people don’t know what happened then were destined to repeat this cycle in the future! Not to mention the fact that you’re reinforcing the two tier system of law…I guess us peasants don’t mean shit…really it says a lot about the chicken shit way he is trying to play this!!!! Crimes of public officials should be public no matter what! Scared it will become yesterday’s news is an easy out! Dominate the news cycle then! Really you don’t have much power if you think you can’t dominate the news cycle!


God damn….enough of this wait and see who flinches first chicken shit “popularity contest” your in the same position you were two years ago, waiting and obviously NOT listening to voters


Yeah we can read between the lines! I don’t lik what I see!