Anonymous ID: 7074d6 March 6, 2019, 8:20 a.m. No.5537369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5528829 (PB)

Nope, him not "acting his age" is giving us victories. Hillary acted her age ... and lost.

>>5528905 (PB)

Please ... the Segway is the proper name of a faddish transportation tool -- and the term serves no other purpose. The word you were probably looking for is "segue" which means to transition into what follows without pausing. "The soft organ intro of Innagaddadavida segues directly into the forte of the guitars and drums which then segue into a legendary drum solo."

>>5528290 (PB)

I don't generally approve of tattoos. I see them as permanent evidence of temporary insanity ... but, if she's going to get a tattoo, that's a good choice. (Boomer has spoken.) As for the nay-sayers here, maybe they should actually watch the movie "V For Vendetta" in which a tortured citizen survives a fire meant to burn all the evidence of MKultra-type medical experiments -- including burning the remaining human victims alive. The general theme is a violent response to tyranny. In the US, we look to the Second Amendment for the same results. Or have you abdicated your responsibility to oppose tyranny by whatever means are at your command?

>>5528293 (PB)

EXCELLENT CHOICE! This woman doesn't get manicures, she has her nails sharpened! Go Jessie!!!!!!!!!

>>5528508 (PB)

Like pacing back and forth in a cell?

>>5528460 (PB)

Thanks for the "heads up". Certainly worth looking into further.

>>5528543 (PB)

How the money is divided is a private transaction between the authors, the printers, and the distributors and is absolutely NONE of your business.

Let's get this much straight: as far as I am concerned, how much money is in my pocket, like whether or not my sex life is any good, is none of your business. Ditto for the pockets of the authors and the marketers of this book -- none of your business. EVER.

The USPS entered into a bad contract because Amazon out-negotiated it. The blame for that does not lie with Bezos ... it is his job to make certain that every contract benefits Amazon in as many ways and to the greatest degree possible. EXACTLY as Trump is supposed to negotiate on OUR behalf. The USPS management fucked up ... not Bezos. Take your anger to the source of the problem.

I am not here to defend Amazon. Firstly because it can easily defend itself and secondly because there are a LOT of things wrong with how it treats the human beings who work for it. Bezos is a cutthroat SOB in my book, but, except for his inhumane treatment of his employees, I have no problem with how he runs that business. He's running it as he is supposed to and that is why his company is so damned big and all but invincible.