what is, "shoooting a trillionaire gaylord with a tank for a gorillion dollars,Alex?"
check out the huge cock on odyssyeus
bigger hoax then them even calling themselves "jews"
what if the bankers aren;t really jewish and your daniel fagot is just faggot
maybe not
i'm a more near a buddhist
so go wave your lunchmeat somewhere else
it;s not much of a mcgowan nor a scarcrow
tranny drama from scientology coffers
maybe your daniel is faggot too
but love around sardonicism is depraved generally
so go play with your road kill outside
go rub those turds together and tell them it;s your birthday or something
interracil drama diorama
well the L Ron shillary hubbard clinton tranny makes it interracial fraud
book of ass ferrets converting pedos to mcnuggets for the illuminatti be ebot 5.517e6
>>5543223 american dream confirmed
>>5508839 deep and dumb
>>5460552 join Illuminati now
>>5521544 twinkie dues
>>5520855 some strange rooster
>>5479200 potatoe with buthole lips twat
>>5479185 cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon
>>5479165 cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon
>>5479140 potatoe with buthole lips mens black shirt
>>5479139 the epistle Karl MArx
>>5479128 bacon
>>5479123 sickle
>>5479003 but was it gay
your daniel is definetly faggot
well if your daniel is faggot maybe that's why those assholes keep comeiing out of the closet
should of payed that nigger huh
that sure is a bunch of old homo devil tails huh daniel faggot
microwaved bacon