Anonymous ID: e9faf2 March 7, 2019, 3:34 p.m. No.5564392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4417 >>4435 >>4597

>>5564118 (pb)



there's some fuckwad on here who keeps trying to flip the narrative into "Enil good, Enki bad"!


What is amazing is how fucking close we have come to being entirely wiped out and the remainder of the population being easily controlled robots, slaves to (((THEIR))) world view.


Brilliantly built and executed plan…and evil…oh…so fucking evil. The level of evil that they are is so fucking mind bending…think about it..what level of evil was it to conceive of and pull off 9/11? All in an effort to kill even more people by proxy using American blood.


FUCK YOU servants of the dark lord Jehovah…fuck you and your vile agenda. WE live and that's why you fear us…against us you have no power. WE are a battered, scattered and persecuted people…one of us sits in the highest office in the world….we almost had you.

Anonymous ID: e9faf2 March 7, 2019, 3:42 p.m. No.5564513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4532 >>4570 >>4795


You do realize that the wall is a red herring don't you?


Why hasn't Trump gone after the EMPLOYERS? You realize there is already existing federal laws? It is against the law to employ illegal aliens. It is against the law to harbor them. It is ALREADY against the law.


What fucking good is the wall when millions of illegals are already sucking our health and education system dry and displacing citizens? He's playing a bad game of whack a mole…watch this hand so you don't notice what the other hand IS NOT FUCKING DOING.


ENFORCING existing law.

Anonymous ID: e9faf2 March 7, 2019, 3:53 p.m. No.5564678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4788


My evidence is the "mystery booms". I can't go into that…but I felt the energy shift or rather the pendulum swing back…about two months ago. To be honest it was even further back. It's very subtle…the decision to slow way is apparent in the Qontrol…recall FISA declass? recall the things that should have happened and would have assured their destruction? The things that never happened…reasoning seemed sound to him at first, but…it wasn't..I spoke strongly against the slow walking when I recognized it…but it's too late.


I don't see any way to fix it now. Not without flame throwing. If you think this through, there's literally no way Hillary would feel comfortable feeling out a run for president if there had not been a significant shift back. They've got him set up perfectly now. She WILL win if she runs again. There's no way he can survive standing on stage with her while she smirks and says "I thought you were going to lock me up?"


POSSIBLY if he jettisons the slow-walker advisors which are double agents of the nth degree…possibly…and goes nuclear…I get his reasoning…too many "innocent people' will be harmed if he does that, he has a heart unlike them…he bought it…but "the tree of liberty MUST be watered by the blood of patriots from time to time"…all his slow-walking has done is make certain the "innocents lost" will be our team….I literally cannot stand this pressure anymore. It's just …a killing kind of energy.

Anonymous ID: e9faf2 March 7, 2019, 4:08 p.m. No.5564888   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>o… it has to be the white hats removing underground infrastructure of the black hats.

LOL this is not true….it's just not true. I know this to be 100% fact. Sorry…I know exactly what makes the mystery booms…in fact, back in 2012 such booms made the timeline shift possible.


Your ears ringing and vision blurring is due to the magnetosphere weakening. Serial brain is 100% nutter. Sorry.


God wins…please think, you're programmed…in the bible, HOW does god win? What IS god? God wins in the bible by literally killing everyone…Jehovah is not god. Saying this truth almost always generates rage…the programming is good.


Creator is not Jehovah….whoever has to follow a "god" self described as angry, jealous, wrathful, vengeful and quick to anger…think….


LOGOS is a being in perfect balance with itself…both dark and light…but neutral. Creator has no need to be loved and adored and worshiped, neither is it possible for it to be lonely..jealous, angry, wrathful, vengeful….


think. You've bought into the programming…spiritual warfare…there is no need to war against that which is in balance with itself.

Anonymous ID: e9faf2 March 7, 2019, 4:10 p.m. No.5564929   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Think….what is the CAUSE of illegal immigration? Available jobs, free education and medical care…sanctuary…ability to vote, to take control…if you really want to stop illegal immigration, logic dictates you attack the CAUSE then seal the leaks.