Here's my take on Q drops about JPB.
JPB is for internet freedom and very much against the govt using it to spy on Americans.
Snowden, having proven himself a fellow soldier after the Wikileaks release, is assigned by C_A to "friend" JPB.
JPB welcomes Snowden thinking they have a common goal to expose govt spying on Americans. They also have JA in common.
JPB's Freedom of Press Foundation acquires SecureDrop.
Snowden invited to join FOP in 2014.
(Unsure if SecureDrop was already being used by Clowns to harvest whistleblower data or if Snowden arranged for them to obtain access after joining FOP)
At some point, JPB realizes what Snowden did.
Tweets about Russia giving up Snowden as present for Trump.
C_A decides JBP is close to exposing their crimes.
JBP [187]