What do you think about the concept of a "Citizen's Veto" which would give we, the people, the power to directly block the government from enacting laws which infringe on our rights?
The problem with a democracy is a slight majority can impose tyranny against the minority. The problem with a republic is a small group of representatives can easily be corrupted and act against the interests of the people.
As we have seen, when this happens it is not enough to simply have the right to protest. Nor has it been enough to vote our representatives out of office after they have enacted tyrannical laws and rigged the system to make sure that the candidates who replace them are just as corrupt.
We, the people, should insist on having the ability to directly stop our government when it strays too far off course.
That is why I would like to propose the idea of a "Citizen's Veto" whereby citizens would have the authority to veto any law or governmental action via a referendum process.
Since new laws wouldn't be created through this veto process, we would avoid risking a tyranny of the majority. And by providing a method for citizens to directly revoke unjust laws made by our representatives, we create an important check against government power being used against us in a republic.
Maybe, by creating a "Citizen's Veto", we can finally have the power to be the true stewards of our republic.